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Third Person POV

Jack was minding his own business one night, being the Guardian of Fun and all, when he was told by Manny to head to the North Pole and more would be explained. Jack, always listening to the moon, headed to the North Pole, and saw the rest of the Guardians there as well. "So, he called you as well?" Jack asked the Guardians, being serious instead of his misheivious self. "Yes. We don't know what he was talking about, though." North said.

Just then, Manny spoke to them. He told them that there was someone who was a potential new Guardian in trouble. He said that they had to find the Guardian soon before they disappeared. "What do you think it means?" Tooth asked. "I don' know. But we may as well an find out." Bunny said (A/N: Sorry for the weird way of typing that. Been a while since I watched the movie). "What are we waiting for, then?" North said, and everyone went to his sleigh.

They started to fly, North, Tooth, Bunny and Sandy on the sleigh and Jack flying next to them. They came across a town in Illinois, but ignored the town name. They landed in a forest near the town. Since there were people there that believed in the Guardians, except Jack, sadly, they told Jack to go and find this new Guardian. An image flashed in Jacks mind of a girl with black hair and eyes, wearing black and white. 'I should probably find this girl, and soon.' Jack thought to himself, not knowing why a feeling of dread settled in his gut.

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