14. Breakfast and the Anouncement

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Once everyone left their bedroom they all went to have a breakfast.

"Hello, darling! How about some pancakes?" Kol asked when Bonnie appeared in the kitchen.

"You're the one making pancakes?" Bonnie asked in surprise.

"Yes. Grab a plate." Kol said and so Bonnie grabbed a plate and started to walk over to Kol.

"No. Stay right there." Kol said and threw the pancake to the air, making the pancake fly to the entrance of the kitchen and said with a smirk. "Getting closer."

"Don't worry. We also have cereals, muffins, waffles and jams, jellies and marmalades... which I'm fairly certain are the same thing." Rebekah said.

"Please eat because Kol opened everything." Elijah said with an exhausted look because he spend the morning trying to stop Kol from opening everything, while Kol just smirked.

"Alright. Bekah, stick out your plate." Kol said and threw the pancake over his shoulder, so Rebekah grabbed it and put it on her plate, then Kol looked at Rebekah and smiled, thinking he was getting really good at throwing pancakes over his shoulder.


After breakfast they all went to the living room so they could talk.

"Alright. Before anything, I would like to thank everyone that helped Cami. I thought I would deal everything on my own but the truth is that Cami needed to have people around." Rebekah said them looked at Camille. "Cami, last night we told you that we were just going out to have some fun and it wouldn't be a big deal but we lied."

"Yeah, that's why I kinda avoided you. I'm terrible at lying." Caroline said to Cami.

"The truth was that we were making sure you could handle being in a place so public and be able to control yourself and if you would drank for someone you could control yourself." Rebekah explained. "The idea came from Damon. We weren't sure if you were ready because we never went to a big public place with you since we got to this safe house. But... I can't believe I'm actually going to admit it... Damon was right. You were ready. Now, we are wondering if you want to go back to New Orleans."

"Really? Is this a prank? If it is, it's not funny!" Cami said in disbelief.

"It's not a prank. You have been great." Elena said.

"Yeah, you've been able to drink now from animals." Stefan said.

"You've been living with me, and you never felt the bloodlust taking over you... even when I bleed from my nose when I practice some tricky spells." Bonnie said.

"You even adopted Jamie, the bunny." Caroline said.

"You are ready, Cami." Damon said.

"Thank you. I guess, it's time to pack the bags." Cami said with a big smile.

"Aww! Group hug!" Caroline said and everyone hugged Camille.


Klaus went to his room and saw Caroline taking her clothes from the closet.

"Hello, Love!" Klaus said, making Caroline look up to see him.

"Hey!" She said with a smile.

"Someone sure seems to be in a hurry to go back to Mystic Falls." Klaus said, not wanting to see Caroline leave.

It was very difficult for him to leave after their afternoon in the woods back in Mystic Falls, but he left because he promised Caroline he would. He wasn't the brother who made and kept promises but with Caroline it was different.

"Actually, I talked with Cami and we agreed that we all should go to New Orleans. Sure, we saw her being in control last night but that's one night. We want to be sure she can be in control all the time. And let's not forget Cami and I adopted Jamie." Caroline said, making Klaus smirk.


Camille was in her room, opening the travel bags when she heard a knock on the door.

"Can I come in?" Caroline asked.

"Of course." Camille said. "By the way, I should give your dress back."

"Oh, no! You stay with that one. It looks way better on you."

"Alright, but if you ever need something new to wear, you better feel free to search in my closet." Cami said and they both laughed.

"Thanks." Caroline said. "I was wondering... With you and the Mikaelsons going back to New Orleans... Would you like us to come alone or...?"

"I want you to come along. I thought that was part of the agreement."

"Yeah, but we weren't sure if it was just for a couple of weeks or more."

"You told me once that you spend almost all your life in a small city, think of this as you enjoying living in a big city. It's a great place to live in. There's always music playing. I know how much you love music. We can't be in a car ride with the radio music on without you starting to sing along." Cami said and they laughed. "Besides, you and I adopted our sweet Jamie. Can you say goodbye to his little face?"

"Damn it! I can't. I guess you'll have to see me around for a lot longer, just like Elena, Bonnie, Enzo and the Salvatores." Caroline said, making Camille smile.

*End Of Flashback*

"You know, if you need a place to stay... You're more than welcome to stay at my place." Klaus said with a smirk.

"That's really nice and I'm sure it's with no second intentions."

"Not at all." Klaus said and they both laughed.

"I think I'll find another way. But thank you." Caroline said with a smile.

AN: Hey guys! I hope you are liking this story so far. I would like to dedicate this and the next chapter (that I will upload soon) to @defan-salvatore tvd125689 @2020scarlettsmurfy taylorxgaines and @VioletBlack140208 Because they helped me figuring out how the living arrangement would be once they get to NO.
Thank you all for the incredible support you've been showing me time and time again. Love you guys!

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