15. Moving to New Orleans

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Camille went to look for Sarah and found her on her room, packing her bags.

"Hey!" Camille said.

"Hi! So...? How does it feel knowing you'll be back to your home?" Sarah asked.

"It's incredible." Cami said. "And I'm so happy you want to go to New Orleans too. I wasn't sure if you would go to New Orleans or go back to Chicago..."

"Are you kidding? Of course I'm going to New Orleans. We just start to hang out again. I can't just leave now. I love having you around. You aren't just my cousin, you're my best friend." Sarah said, making Camille smile.

"I'm really glad you said that because I was wondering... What would you say of coming to live with me. I have a spare room."

"Really? Wouldn't you get tired of having me around?"

"Of course not. You're the only smoky I have left. I want you around."

"Then I guess I'm your new roommate." Sarah said and they hugged.


Elijah and Elena were packing their bags and talking about going to New Orleans.

"So... do you have a place to go? You know that if you want, we have many spare rooms."

"Thank you, Elijah. That's very sweet of you but I don't think I'm going to need that." Elena said.

"Oh, so... are you going to stay with the Salvatore brothers?" Elijah asked, feeling jealous.

"Oh, God no! My two ex boyfriends and I living together? That would be too weird." Elena said, making Elijah smile a little to himself. "Bonnie, Care and I are looking for places. We saw this amazing place and we will try to get it."

"If you ever need anything..."

"I know. Thank you, Elijah." Elena said and gave a peck on his cheek.


Enzo was walking down the hallway when he heard Rebekah.

"Damn it! Bloody hell! Why don't you close?" Rebekah said frustrated as Enzo walked in, facing Rebekah seating on her suitcase, trying to close without any success.

"Is everything alright, beautiful?" Enzo asked.

"Besides of me not being able to get all my clothes in my bags and making me loose my mind. I'm dandy!" Rebekah said. "I don't get it. I was able to bring all the clothes... why can't I put hem back in the bag now?" She asked and then looked at Enzo and smirked. "I need your help. I need you to sit on my bag."

"I can't really say no to you." Enzo said with a smirk and sat next to Rebekah, on top of the suitcase.

After they were able to close the suitcase, Rebekah smiled and hugged Enzo tightly.

"Thank you!" She said with a big smile. "Anyway, where are you going to live."

"Damon told me that he and Stefan have a house in New Orleans and they have some rooms that they won't use it so I'm going to live with them."

"With the Salvatores and the girls?" Rebekah asked.

"No, just the Salvatores. The girls are going to live in another place. Probably because Elena living with the members of her former love triangle would be too awkward." Enzo said and Rebekah couldn't help but laugh.


Once they got to New Orleans, the girls went to look for a place and eventually they found the perfect place which was right in front of The French Quarter, where the Mikaelsons live.

Even tho Caroline doesn't love to compel people, she knew that putting the furniture and everything in the house like they wanted would cost a lot and would take a long time, so she made an exception of her no using compulsion rule and compelled a designer to decorate the house for free with the help of her workers.

The living room and kitchen were connected and the girls decided to have a soft grey white colors going on in it. Caroline's room was with soft colors, kinda went with cream and light brown. Bonnie Because has such a connection with nature she thought it would be fun having a wall with trees and going for a white green theme in her room, while Elena preferred a blue white theme.

This was the apartment of their dreams.

"We got the jackpot with this one!" Bonnie said with a smile.

"Something tells me that we are going to have a lot of fun here." Caroline said with a smirk.

"Like giving Klaus a private tour of your room?" Elena asked and Bonnie laughed.

"Shut up!" Caroline said with a blush. "It's been a long time since those days. He just likes the chase." Caroline said.

"Oh, come on! Everyone can see he still likes you. Even Kol told me that he is all goofy smiles when he talks about you."

"Speaking of... You and Kol seem very close." Caroline said.

"Well, Elena is getting really close to Elijah too." Bonnie said to change the subject, making Elena blush.

"Well, he is the nicest Mikaelson brother... It's kinda difficult to not enjoy spending time with him." Elena said with a shy smile.


Because the Salvatores hadn't been in their New Orleans house for a very long time, before they arrived to New Orleans, Damon called someone and made them clean and redecorate their house. The living room and a white black scheme, Enzos bedroom was white themes with some dark colors, Stefan's room was also with dark colors but didn't had as many black or dark brown as Damon and Enzo's rooms, while Damon had the darkest room which he liked to say that it would match his personality.

AN: Hey guys! They are all in NO. What did you think of the girls apartment and the Salvatore house. What room was your favorite? What would you like to see happening next?

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