17. Getting High & Drunk

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Kol's mission for this party wasn't just spending time with Bonnie but also witness his older brother Elijah getting high from the special brownies he made. Because Elijah really didn't thought the brownies had pot in them, it wasn't difficult to get Elijah to eat them to the point of getting really high.

"I love salt!" Kol said.

"I like the word hip. It kinda pops, you know? Hip. Hip. Hip! I can see my own mouth!" Elijah said.

"You know what I love? Fruit cake! All the different colored little fruits living together in one cake." Bonnie said.

"I also like sweet but there's something about salt." Kol said.

"Hip! It starts to lose its meaning after awhile, you know? Hip. It's not even a word."

"Hey, Elijah. I think you should get some water."

"Alright." Elijah said as Elena took him to the kitchen to get some water. "You're So kind... like an angel. Perfect... like a goddess. And beautiful... like a cartoon... You could be a cartoon if you wanted to. Did you ever thought of that?"

"Wow! You're really out of it." Elena laughed.

"That's not possible. I barely drank..." Elijah said.

"You know how in a party there's always the guy who ends up getting drunk because forgets to eat something?" Elena asked and Elijah nodded. "You're the guy who's too naive to realize that the brownies have pot in it."

"Wow! A man who's too naive to realize he is eating something that has marijuana in it... That must be awful for him." Elijah said.

"It's worse than I thought." Elena said to herself.


Bonnie and Kol were also getting very high.

"I want candy! Candy would be so good right now!" Bonnie suddenly said.

"Bonnie, come here. Do you have any idea how beautiful you are? I'm serious. You're like a flower. Oh no! More like a snug bug or like... a snugger doodle or something like that. We should just go for it. You know? Life!"

"Oh my God! You totally right. I mean the earth is moving and so should we." Bonnie said then quickly said. "Hang on! It's moving too fast. Kol, please slow it down!"

Kol made a look to the feeling as if he tried to stop something by telekinesis.

"How is that?" Kol asked.

"Better. Thanks." Bonnie said then she get up.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm simply going to explain to everyone that love is everywhere and that they have to surrender to the flow of the universe."


Caroline was getting a bit tipsy, so Klaus decided to take her to her room so she would stop drinking.

"Is this your way to trying to get on my pants. You're so naughty, Klaus." Caroline said.

"I would never take advantage of you, especially when you are in this state." Klaus said.

"Seriously? That's so sweet. Especially you thinking I'm that drunk." Caroline said. "Although I'll admit something. Your eyes are really pretty. It's like looking at the ocean."

Caroline was now with her arms wrapped around his neck while he had his arms wrapped around her waist.

"Love, you are making very difficult for me to control myself."

"What? Is the wolf getting in the mood?" Caroline asked with a smirk. "If this was all it took then how were you able to control yourself when I slept in your bedroom?"

"To be honest, with the help of many cold showers." Klaus said, making Caroline laugh.

"You're funny." Caroline said. "And to be honest... I enjoyed sleeping in the same bed as you... with your arm around me... feeling your warm embrace..."

"Caroline..." Klaus whispered as he felt himself leaning in to kiss her, but stop himself in time and stayed with his forehead resting on hers.

"You really are not gonna kiss me, are you?"

"I don't want the next time I kiss you to be one where you regret the next day.
Like I told you before... I am willing to wait for you... however long it takes."


Sarah has been drinking a little too much and was now drinking a margarita with a straw even though the cup was already empty.

"I think those might be empty." Stefan said.

"No! Because the ice melts and then it's like second drink!" She said.

"Second drink?" Stefan asked and the two laughed then Sarah started to nod, making him ask. "What?"



"What?" She asked as she started to laugh again.

"I don't know. What?" Sarah said and suddenly fell off the chair.

"Oh my God! You are so drunk!" Stefan said as Sarah laughed as she lay down on the floor.


Cami and Damon were now seeing what more they could drink, they were very drunk and Damon even drank a shot from Cami's belly.

"So... What are we drinking now?" Damon asked.

"Something I brought... Peppermint schnapps." She said.

"Why would you bring peppermint schnapps?" Damon asked.

"Because I like peppermint and it's fun to say schnapps." She said and they both laughed. "Hey, Damon!"


"Schnapps." She said and laughed.

"Schnapps..." he said. "You're right. That is fun."


Stefan and Sarah went to the roof and lay down to watch the stars.

"The stars are pretty, aren't they?" Stefan asked.

"Up above the world so high... like little diamond in the sky." Sarah quoted a nursery rhyme.

"That's beautiful! You should write that down before anyone steals it." Stefan said.

"You know, if I could speak the language of rabbits... they would be amazed and I'd be their queen." Sarah said.

"What noise do rabbits do?" Stefan asked.

"I would be kind to my rabbit subjects..."

"The song should be what does the rabbit say, not what does the fox say." Stefan said.

"One day I hold a great ball for the President of France but the rabbits don't come so I'm embarrassed and eat all the lettuce in the world... and make them watch." Sarah said.

AN: Hey guys! I know this chapter didn't had a big development but I love to write a chapter with the gang, especially when they are drunk/high. And in case you are wondering, I am taking in consideration to your suggestions it just takes time because I write a couple of chapters ahead. If you ever wanna talk, you can always message me, it's the least I can do with you guys being so supportive of me and my stories. Love you guys!

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