2. Cami and the Scooby Gang

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Camille never had the easiest life, especially after her brother's murder-suicide, which had a big impact on her and it was the reason why she started to want to be phycologist. And she believed that everything that happened in her life made her braver and stronger.

Her life quickly changed after the Originals moved to New Orleans because not long after that she found out about the supernatural and she realized how much danger there was, but she also learned that not all vampires are bad, although that never gave her the desire to turn into a vampire.

Against her desires, she turned into a vampire as a revenge of Klaus's ex girlfriend Aurora. Klaus tried to help Camille being the same old Cami he has known for the last three years but when she turned, something in her changed too. She became more impulsive, she started to be a little more manipulative, using compulsion whenever she felt like it and she started to be unable to control her emotions as well as she did when she was human.

For how much Klaus tried to help, Cami simply distancies herself from him because she felt that he was acting like she was a broken toy. She knew she was acting different but she wanted to know this new her instead of trying to be the human she once was. She and Klaus had many discussions and they eventually realized they were better as friends.

As Klaus tried to get rid off Aurora, her brother and Lucien, Rebekah took Camille to a safe house the Mikaelsons had in the middle of nowhere. Rebekah realized that maybe Cami would make more progresses if she had someone she had a close bond, so she called Sarah O'Connell, Cami's cousin who was one of the few family members she had left.

After Sarah moved out from Chicago to spend time with Cami and help her, and that helped Cami to feel more supported but didn't stop her from sneaking out to drink blood from the vein. Rebekah didn't know what else to do so she decided to call the vampire she knew who was almost perfect in controlling urges and in being a good vampire, no one other than Caroline Forbes.

Once Caroline received the call, she decided to go to help, no just because she had become friends with Rebekah but also because it was an excuse to leave Mystic Falls which was a town with reminders of all the heartbreak she had gone through and a way to start over since her mother's death.

After Caroline turn back on, she promised her mother that she would do the right thing and that she would help people. She wanted to make her mother proud.


Rebekah, Cami and Sarah were in the living room when someone knock on the door.

"That must be Caroline." Rebekah said.

"I'm tired of people trying to fix me. I'm not something that can be fix." Cami said in an annoyed tone.

"We are just trying to help you. Maybe another vampire might help you with this new type of life." Sarah said.

"Hi!" Caroline said with a big smile when Rebekah opened the door. "Apparently I wasn't the only one who wanted to leave Mystic Falls for awhile."

"Hello!" Stefan, Damon, Bonnie, Elena and Enzo said appearing from where they were hiding.

"I believe we still haven't been introduced. My name is Lorenzo, but my friends call me Enzo." Enzo said, stepping forward.

"I'm Rebekah." Rebekah said with a smile.

"Oh! Caroline must have forgotten to tell me how incredibly beautiful you are." Enzo said.

"Cool off, man!" Damon said.

"Can we come in?" Caroline asked.

"Do you all promise that you will help her?"

"Of course." Caroline said.

"Even Damon?" Rebekah asked.

"I'll keep an eye on him. Do not worry about it." Stefan said and Rebekah nodded.

"Fine. Come in." Rebekah said and let them all get in.

"So who's the newbie in the awesome life of being immortal?"

"That would be me." Camille said, crossing her arms, not enjoying hearing people talking about her like if she wasn't there.

"Great! So when do we start to party?" Damon asked making all his friends give him a look. "Oh, come on! She's now a vampire. She needs to see all the perks."

"But she needs to also learn how to control her emotions." Rebekah said.

"Rebekah is right. I was a complete mess when I turned. My emotions were all over the place." Elena said.

"Are you the savior Caroline?" Camille asked.


"Yeah, the miss perfect is the blonde one." Damon said, making Caroline roll her eyes.

"Sorry to not present myself earlier. I'm Caroline. This annoying guy is Damon. His brother is Stefan. The British guy is Enzo. Then there's Elena and Bonnie." Caroline said presenting herself and her friends to Camille.

"And you guys are suppose to help me?"

"Give them a chance before saying no." Sarah said.

"Thank you..." Stefan said.

"I'm Sarah. Cami's cousin." Sarah said. "In here I guess I'm the resident human."

"That's better than being the resident ripper." Stefan said, making Sarah look at him in shock.

"No need to worry, he has been in a stupid diet of bunnies." Damon said.

"I don't drink from the vein anymore." Stefan said.

"And in case you didn't hear us present ourselves. I'm Damon, the resident hot guy. My brother Stefan, already made sure to make aware he used to be the ripper, Elena is our princess warrior, then there's Bon Bon our resident witch, Caroline is the judgy one and Enzo is my buddy but also known as the British guy." Damon said.

"Let me see if I get this straight, who you choose to help me out is a judgmental perfectionist, a witch, a ripper, a princess and this party guy?" Cami asked.

"Most of them went through what you are going through. Besides, this way you might feel less prisoner of this house." Rebekah said.

"That would happen if I could go out without a babysitter." Camille said.

"She kinda has a point." Damon said.

"Just give us some time. We can tell you more about us and we can see how things go." Caroline suggested.

"Meaning you and your little friends trying to fix me." Cami said.

"No one is here to fix you. You are who you are. We find a lot about ourself when we turn. But we also take time until we can control our emotions. I mean, when I turned I bite my boyfriend at the time because of the blood temptation, Stefan had to figure out how to stop drinking from the vein, Elena cried and at the same time started laughing... we all needed time to figure things out." Caroline said.

"Fine. Let's see how it goes." Camille said.

"Yes! Thank you!" Caroline said with a big smile.

AN: Hey guys! So this is the official first chapter. What do you think? I know not much happened, but it is just the first real chapter. What would you like to see happening in this story? What do you wanna see next? I really enjoy to hear what you are thinking and your suggestions.

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