20. Seeing Cami

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Enzo and Rebekah ended up spending the entire night watching 80s movies and listening to songs from the 80s, until they eventually fall asleep. Once Rebekah woke up with the sound of a car, she decided to leave because she wasn't ready to be anything more than friends to a guy she didn't know for that long.


It was the middle of the day and Damon was in the bar seeing Camille preparing drinks and taking order to the clients, when a young woman appeared.

"Damon, I need to talk to you."

"What? Why?" Damon asked her and she just gave him a look.

"Let's go outside. So we can talk."

"Alright, bossy pants." He said and she rolled her eyes.

Once they got to an alley near the bar, they stopped.

"I am Davina Claire. Cami is one of my closest friends. I want you to know that if you ever do anything to hurt her I will make your life a living hell. She went through a lot. She doesn't need some guy to just have fun with her and then break her heart." Davina said.

"Woah! I don't want to hurt her. I've been the one helping her to fight back and trying to make her be more comfortable with the fact she's now a vampire." Damon said. "Besides, why should I be scared of you?"

"Because I'm a very powerful witch." She said and as she moved her wrist, Damon started to feel a huge headache while he felt his bones breaking. "This was just a little show of what I can do. Although if you do hurt her it will be a thousand times worse." She said and Damon smirk, making her confused. "Why are you smiling?"

"I'm just glad Camille has someone who cares so deeply about her."

"She's a good person. It's impossible to not care about her." Davina said. "But, for real, you need to give her space. She broke up with Klaus awhile ago and she was still trying to deal with being a vampire. The last thing she needs right now is some boy drama."


Caroline went to the bar to see how Camille was doing by being back at work where so many humans hang out.

"Hello! How's your first day back to work?" Caroline asked with a smile.

"Hey, Care! I missed this. And to not let my bloodlust get too intense, I have with me a bottle with blood in it."

"Look at you. Beautiful and smart! I can see why Klaus likes you." Caroline said with a smile.

"Liked. He doesn't see me like that anymore." Camille said.

"And how do you feel? I just know that you two broke up because after you turned things got a bit out of hand and..."

"I care about him but... I don't know... Things changed when I turned. He became obsessed with making me be my human self when I was learning how I was as a human." Camille said and Caroline nodded, seeing what happened between Cami and Klaus was similar to what happened between Stefan and Elena. "And now I think I need a break from guys. I just want to learn to be my new self, you know?"

"That's smart decision. Besides, you are a strong and independent woman. You don't need a man to be happy." Caroline said.

"That's right. Oh, hang on... I have something for you." Camille said and got something from her pocket, then gave Caroline a key.

"What's this?"

"The key to my apartment. It's a spare key I made and I want you to be the one who has it. Besides, this way you can visit our bunny Jamie whenever you want. He misses his other mom."

"Awww! That's so sweet!" Caroline said.


Caroline decided to go visit Rebekah to see how it went the date she had with Enzo.

Once Caroline got in she called out for Rebekah and nothing but she kept walking around calling Rebekah, until she heard a noise from someone appearing behind her, making her turn around and face Klaus.


"Hello, Love!"

"Do you know where's Rebekah?" Caroline asked.

"She went to the mall. Something about needing to go shopping to clear her mind."

"Oh! I've been there. I hope it helps. I guess, I'll go now. Thank you." Caroline said and started to walk away but Klaus grabbed her arm.

"Why don't you stay here awhile. Maybe tell me more about that Emmett."

"His name is Enzo and you know it. But since I don't have anything else better to do I guess that's okay. What do you want to know about him?"

"I would like to know if you truly believe he likes my sister or if this whole thing with my sister it's in fact a way to try to make you jealous." Klaus said and Caroline rolled her eyes.

"Seriously?! Enzo is one of my best friends. He is a good guy. He doesn't do things like that. He is honest about his feelings and he truly likes Bekah." Caroline said.

"So... I shouldn't be concerned with my competition?"

"You should. Damon seems to be very close to Cami." Caroline said.

"Cami and I are no longer... as now they say... a thing." Klaus said with a smirk. "You have no need to be jealous."

"Pff! I don't get jealous. Especially of you. Cami is a great girl and I hope you two be happy together." Caroline said.

"Why do you keep denying yourself to what you truly want?" Klaus asked as he grabbed her by her waist.

"You really need to improve on your flirting. But don't feel to bad. Old people tend to get worst with flirting as they age and since you have a bazillion years old..."

"I'm a thousand years old."

"Whatever, grampa." Caroline said.

"Love, just know that my offer still stands. I would love to show you the world."

"Since I'm not doing anything today, how about you show me New Orleans?" Caroline asked, making Klaus smirk.

"I would love to."

AN: Hey guys! I'm sorry for not being able to update until now, I was preparing things for my bday which is happening at home just with my parents but it's kinda difficult to find places that have cakes since everything is closed. Anyway, today it's my birthday and I wanted to take a moment to thank you for another year I had with you guys being so supportive and nice to me. You guys are all so amazing, please don't ever forget that. Love you guys!

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