23. Waiting for tomorrow

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Davina and Bonnie have been trying to locate Camille and Sarah but with no success because they felt that there was something blocking them to access their location. They tried to break the cloaking spell that was on them but it was a very powerful spell and it made them bleed. Davina eventually stopped to get some water but Bonnie kept trying as she bleed from her nose.

"Stop, Bonnie!" Kol said, grabbing her wrists to make her stop doing the spells.

"I have to keep going. They are probably in danger." Bonnie said.

"I know but you are hurting. I can't let you keep doing this."

"Excuse you?! You can't let me?! Who do you think you are? I'm my own person capable of making my own choices I don't need anyone to let me do something." Bonnie said upset. "Anyway, why do you even care?"

"Because I do." Kol said. "Let's just try to find another way."

"Fine. I probably need to take a little break so..." Bonnie said.

In the meantime, Caroline was in Camille's bedroom petting the bunny and talking to him.

"I promise we will get Cami and Sarah safe and sound. Your mommy will be fine. I know you miss them... We are doing our best to make sure we find them. Until then, you'll be living with me." Caroline said.

"Hey, Care!" Elena said as she walked over to the bedroom. "How are you?"

"I'm okay. I'm going to take Jamie to our place. He needs someone to take care of him."

"That's a great idea. I just talked with Bonnie and she and Davina got really tired. Apparently getting their location it will be a bit more tricky than we expected. Tomorrow they will try again with Bonnie's cousins because they are also witches and they will gather their power." Elena explained.

"Okay... And how are you?" Caroline asked.

"I'm alright. Elijah told me they would do everything to get Camille and Sarah back. Apparently he is also very close to Cami..."

"Are you seriously jealous? Everyone can see that he has only eyes for you."

"I don't know what you are talking about. Elijah and I are just friends." Elena said and Caroline gave her a look.

"Jamie agrees with me." Caroline said with a smile.

After her conversation with Elena, Caroline got out of the bedroom and saw Stefan looking at a frame that had Sarah's photo in it.

"Hey!" Caroline said with a small smile. "We will find them and they will be safe and sound."

"How can we know for sure? Sarah can be hurt badly..." Stefan started saying but Caroline cut him off.

"She will be alright. Tomorrow we will have the help of Bonnie's cousins. We will find them and get them back." Caroline said and Stefan hugged her.


After a lot of talk, Kol was finally able to convince Bonnie to go home and he went with her to make sure she would actually go home to rest.

"You know you didn't had to bring me home, right? I'm a Bennett witch, I can defend myself very well." Bonnie said.

"I know, darling. But I wanted to assure myself that you would go home and rest." Kol said.

"I might be a little tired but I can't sleep." Bonnie said.

"It's okay. I'll make you a tea." Kol said and went to the kitchen, starting to boil the water.

"You don't have to do all of this. I'll be fine. I just want to find Cami and Sarah." Bonnie said.

"You'll find them tomorrow. Now, you need to rest." Kol said and took Bonnie and her tea to her bedroom.

"I gotta admit I never thought that this would happen... Kol being in my bedroom and making me tea." Bonnie said with a small smile.

"I like to think that I warm on a person after they get to know me." Kol said.

"Or wear them down..." Bonnie said with a smile, making Kol smirk.

"Either way, I am not that bad." Kol said.

"I guess you're right. But if anyone every asks me, I never said that." Bonnie said.


It was morning, Camille and Sarah woke up and their kidnapper was not in the abandoned warehouse.

"Where did he go?" Sarah asked.

"I don't know..." Camille said, trying to get through the pain of the vervain.

"I think I can find a way to get us out of here..." Sarah said and before Cami could say anything she heard Sarah yell in pain.

"What the hell did you just do?" Camille asked.

"I have to dislocate my hand so I can get my hands free." Sarah explained and once she freed her hands she went to a table where their kidnapper usually was, trying to find a key or something to help Camille get out.

"Sarah, Stop! You need to go!"

"I can't just leave you." Sarah said.

"Go and find help. I'll be alright." Camille said and Sarah nodded after some hesitation.

Sarah ran out of the warehouse and found a car, she used her shirt to protect her elbow and broke the glass of the car so she could get in, once she got in the car she tried to connect wires so she could steal the car.

"Get out of the car!" The kidnapper said and she did as he pulled a gun on her.

AN: Hey guys! How have you been doing? Hope you're staying safe. I started this story trying to always have more than 1000 words in each chapter but lately I get kinda close but I decided to stop pushing myself from writing a certain amount of words and try to think about the story. I hope you guys are liking the story so far and the way I'm writing the characters. What did you think about this ending?

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