26. Comforting Everyone

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As everyone left, Klaus ended up leaving for a little while too because he had in the trunk of his car, the kidnapper who was unconscious. After going back to the French Quarter, he took him to the basement where there was a prison of people who would wring Klaus and desiccate in there. After he chained the kidnapper, he took a shower and got some new clothes.


Camille was again in the hospital room where her cousin was sleeping because Camille was now fearing that something horrible would happen in the second she would leave the room, even if it was just to go to the bathroom.

"Knock, knock" Damon said when noticed Camille was almost asleep in the chair next to her cousin. "Hey... I brought you a blood bag. You are still not up to your full strength. You need more blood."

"I'm not hungry."

"Sarah needs you to be okay. Drinking blood will help you get better." Damon said.

"Fine..." Camille said and took the blood bag.

As Damon kept giving company to Camille, Enzo, Elena and Caroline got back to the hospital because they couldn't sleep.

"Hey, Stefan! I brought you some blood bags that are your favorite type, just so you don't have to worry about finding yourself."

"Thank you but I don't really feel hungry."

"Make an effort. I'm sure Sarah doesn't want to wake up and seeing you in a weak state." Caroline tried to convinced her friend.

Elena walked over to Elijah with a thermos in her hand.

"I decided to bring you some tea. I know how it calms you and with everything going on, I felt that you needed it." Elena said.

"That's very kind of you. I truly appreciate it. Thank you. I didn't want you to go to all this trouble. I'm sure you would prefer to be sleeping at this moment." Elijah said.

"It was nothing. Besides, I can't sleep. Every other minute I was looking at my phone to see if there were any news about Sarah." Elena said.

"She will be alright. If she's anything like Camille, she will be able to get through this and much more." Elijah said, making Elena tense a little bit.

Enzo walked over to Rebekah and gave her a box that was filled with cookies, candies and chocolates.

"Because things have been bad I decided to get you this. Every time Caroline went through a rough time she would always eat all these things and watch Nicholas Sparks movies."

"Hey! Those are good movies... And stop eat shame me. When I get stressed I clean and when everything's clean then I eat so I can calm down." Caroline defended herself, making Rebekah smile.

"This is very sweet. Thank you, Enzo." Rebekah said and gave a peck on his cheek.


Stefan went to visit Sarah and when he saw her still unconscious with all those machines around him, he couldn't take it anymore.

"Maybe by not giving her blood, we are only hurting her. She needs blood. I can't stay here without doing a thing to help her." Stefan said and bite his wrist but before he could make Sarah drink his blood, Damon pushed his brother against the wall.

"Cami said she didn't want her cousin to be turned without consent so we won't turn her." Damon said.

"What if he is right? I am hating being here without knowing what will happen. I just wish she would wake up and..." Camille was saying when they suddenly heard a gasp, making them look at the bed and see Sarah waking up, making them quickly call the doctors.

"You all need to leave. We need room." The doctor said as doctors and nurses started to appear and handling the machines.

"We are right outside." Camille said because she wanted to give her room.

"I'm sorry for what I was about to do... I just... Seeing her like that..." Stefan was saying with his eyes watery.

"It's alright. I understand. I would be lying if I would say that I haven't thought about giving her my blood too." Camille said.

"I'm gonna tell the others that Sarah woke up. Will you two be okay?" Damon said.

After he went to the waiting room where the rest was, he told them about Sarah waking up, which made everyone smile and sigh of relief.

"I'm gonna call Bonnie. She was very worried and she only stayed home because Kol was able to convince her." Elena said.

"I'm gonna call Klaus. I'm sure he will want to know this." Caroline said and called him.

"Hello, love! Everything alright?" Klaus asked concerned with her wellbeing.

"Everything is more than alright. Sarah just woke up."

"Really? That's such a relief. I'm on my way."

"Okay. Oh... and Klaus..."

"Yes, love?"

"I just hope you know none of this is your fault. I don't want you to blame yourself for something that it couldn't be in your control. Just focus on Sarah being now awake." Caroline said.

"Thank you, Caroline." Klaus said and hung up.

"So, Kol was the one who picked te phone. Bonnie is finally sleeping so we decided to let her rest." Elena said.

"That was a good idea. Miss Bennett has been incredibly helpful and we need to take in consideration that she is human and needs to rest, especially after using so much of her power." Elijah said.

"Yeah, Bonnie is an amazing person with the biggest heart. If we don't take care of herself she tends to burn herself out helping others." Elena said.


Klaus got to the hospital and the first thing he did was hugging Caroline.

"It's okay, Klaus. Sarah is alright."

"Thank you, Caroline. For everything..." he said and gave her a peck on her forehead.

AN: Hey guys! What are you thinking of the story so far? I know some of you were suggesting Sarah to turn but I was afraid it could make things repetitive. The story is not over so a lot can happen but for now I felt like letting her stay human. But if you have more suggestions feel free to share them. I hope you're liking the story so far. Thank you so much for your constant support.

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