28. Welcome Back Surprise Party

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Camille texted everyone saying to get ready because now Sarah was just signing some papers so she could go back home.

"Can't wait to go home. The only good thing they have here is their jello." Sarah said.

"Don't worry. When we get home, you'll eat whatever you want." Camille said.

"Thank you, for spending all your time in here."

"You are my cousin. You're my family. You're all I've got." Cami said and they hugged.


As they got inside the home, Cami turned on the lights and everyone yelled surprise.

"What is all this?" Sarah asked.

"Did you really thought we wouldn't celebrate you being back home?" Cami asked.

"I didn't want you to go to all this trouble."

"Are you kidding? This was amazing! I missed throwing parties." Caroline said.

"More like bossing people around." Damon said.

"I even brought my secret stash." Kol said.

"Which is the bourbon he steals from me." Klaus said.

"Also, I baked some brownies." Kol said and gave her a wink.

"The last time I ate your brownies, Stefan and I ended up in the roof with no phones." Sarah said.


Caroline was now dancing with Klaus, Elena was talking with Elijah and drinking wine with him, Sarah was talking with Stefan, Cami and Damon were dancing and drinking blood with bourbon, the Bennett brothers were drinking and talking and the rest was eating brownies.

"You have been working on your store for so long. You should have some fun. Find a girl. And that would be easy. There are so many girls in the sea." Caleb said completely drunk.

"Fish in the sea." Brandon corrected him.

"Fish? Why you talking about fish? I'm talking about girls. I love girls! I love them! Especially ones with brown hair, blue eyes, 5 foot 3..." Caleb starting to describe.

"Like Davina?" Brandon asked because he knew very well how his brother was falling for Davina.

"Yeah! Exactly! Hey, how did you know I was talking about... about... What was I talking about?" Caleb asked and started to laugh.

"Look, why don't you just try to go find someone... You haven't dated anyone since high school... And she was a great girl. You didn't even told me why you guys ended..."

"It just... wasn't working." Brandon said.


"I'm hungry, Rebekah." Enzo said. "I don't understand. I've been eating so many brownies and I'm still hungry."

"That's because the brownies have pot in them."

"Oh! What's more to eat? I'm so hungry. Hey, Bekah... I'm a hungry hungry hippo." He said laughing and Rebekah couldn't help but smile at how adorable he was being, at least in her eyes.

"I think it's best for me to take you home..."

"Yeah!" He quickly said.

"And make sure you fall asleep." Rebekah completed.

"What? Boo! I don't like that idea." Enzo said. "I want to spend time with you."

"That's really sweet. Maybe tomorrow... Who knew pot would make you so chatty."

"You are so beautiful, Rebekah? How can you be so beautiful. Your skin is just so soft and beautiful."

"Although if you prefer to keep talking I'm fine with it."

"Can I tell you a secret?" Enzo asked.

"I guess."

"You guess what?"

"I guess you can tell me the secret."

"What secret?" Enzo asked.

"You're really high."

"What are you saying? I'm just a little taller than you." Enzo said.


Davina walked over to Caleb and asked.

"Hey! Why is it Spider-Man? You know, like Goldman Silverman."

"Because it's not his last name." Caleb said, finding very adorable Davina's question.

"It isn't?"

"It's not like Phil Spiderman. He is a Spider... Man. Like Goldman is a last name but there is no Gold Man."

"Oh... Okay. There should be a Gold Man." Davina said.

"Yeah it should! We might just have discovered a new superhero." Caleb said making Davina smile, finding adorable how excited Caleb was with the discover of a new fictitious superhero.


The group that was still eating brownies was now having a discussion about God.

"God is dead, man! It said so on Times Magazine." Kol said.

"No, man! I sat next to God once on a bus. He told me the meaning of life and then gave me a pretzel." Enzo said.

"So... what's the meaning of life?" Kol asked.

"Uhhh... yeah, I guess I should have written it down. But it was a good pretzel, mate." Enzo said.

"Maybe this life doesn't even matter, you know? Maybe we're not even here. Or no! Maybe I'm here but you're not! Hello?" Elijah said starting to freak out.

"You know what's the best thing God ever did? Boobs!" Kol said with a big smile.

"Or... what if you are all just fragments of my imagination and in fact I'm all alone?" Elijah asked now completely freaking out.

"It's okay, Elijah. I'm here."

"Are you real? Are you a person or are you my guardian angel...? My beautiful guardian angel..." Elijah said.

"I think it's time for you to go get some sleep. Come on! I'll take you home." Elena said.

"Bonnie? Are you from Tennessee? You must be because you're the only 10 I see!" Kol said.

"Is that all you got? For the womanizer Mikaelson I expected more from you." Bonnie said.

"Who cares about Google? You are everything that I have been looking for."

"Oh really?" Bonnie said with a smile.

"Yeah! Let me just tell you life without you is like a broken pencil... pointless."

"Oh wow! You're on a roll, huh?"

"What can I say? My love for you is like diarrhea... I just chat hold it in."

"Awww! That's so sweet and disgusting at the same time."

AN: Hey guys! How have you been? I hope you're staying safe. I know this wasn't a chapter that move the story very forward but I love writing these type of chapters where the characters are just hanging out. Out of curiosity: Which ship of this story is your favorite? What's your favorite friendship of this story? Do you have any plot ideas you would like me to use?

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