3. Drinking & Having Fun

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It was night and Damon was drinking bourbon with Enzo.

"Guys, I have made a decision." Damon said as he and Enzo walked into the living room where the rest was. "I know you are all saying no to doctor blondie going out and have some fun but what about we drink and have some fun in here?"

"I like that idea!" Cami quickly said.

"Alright, but it will be just tonight." Rebekah said.

Quickly they started to get the drinks and to get some music. As everyone started to drink and dance like there was no tomorrow, Sarah noticed Stefan barely had a drink.

"Is everything okay?" Sarah asked.

"Yes. I just am not one to party all that much..." Stefan said. "Especially because when I have too much fun someone ends up dying."

"For what Caroline told me, you've been doing great on that department. You deserve to have some fun even if it's without drinking."

"So I guess I should just grab some beautiful girl and go to the dance floor..."

"Yeah, why not?" Sarah said.

"Okay." Stefan said and grabbed Sarah's hand, taking her to the middle of the living room where everyone was dancing. "You also deserve to have some fun."


Camille was on the kitchen with Damon drinking tequila and biting lime.

"I gotta admit you seem like the only fun one from your little group of friends." Camille said.

"They are okay... they just can be a little uptight." Damon said. "And if it weren't for them I would still be a total dick... now I'm just kinda of a dick."

"I'm just so tired of people trying to fix me." Camille said.

"They aren't trying to fix you. They are just trying to help you. Now enough with talk. Let's drink!" Damon said and Cami smiled as they got back to drinking.


"Hey!" Rebekah said when saw Enzo seating in the couch and drinking alone. "Did your drink buddy ditch you?"

"I guess so." Enzo said. "Would you like to be my new drinking buddy?"

"That's all a girl wants." Rebekah said and they laughed as Enzo gave her a cup of bourbon. "So... what made you come here too? I mean, you don't know me nor my family..."

"I don't. But I could use a break from Mystic Falls."

"Oh! I thought it was because your girlfriend was here and you wanted to be near her."

"Wow! Smooth." Enzo said, making Rebekah blush. "I don't have a girlfriend."

"How did you know everyone? I mean, I didn't heard of you when I was living in Mystic Falls." Rebekah said.

"Yes, about that... In the 1900s this Whitmore wanker decided to torture me and do experimentations on me because of me being a vampire. In 1953, Damon was also imprisoned by Augustine and that's how we met. We decided to make an escape plan but it went wrong... Damon left without me and thought I had died in a fire we started but I survived and until last year I was in that dump." Enzo said.

"Wow! I'm so sorry for that. I can't imagine what's like going through all that."

"For what I heard, you also didn't had a nice life with your brother and the whole dagger thing." Enzo said.

"Yeah, but we already made truces." Rebekah said.


Stefan noticed that Sarah was getting a bit too drunk, so he decided to take her to bed.

"You know what I never understood?" Sarah asked as they got into her bedroom. "Why would Sally sell seashells down by the seashore? I mean, that's a terrible location for a seashell stand."

"You have a point."

"I mean, if she wanted to make money she should sell seashells by the subway or something like that." Sarah said, making Stefan smile at how adorable Sarah was when she was tipsy.

"Do you think you can put your pjs on by yourself?"

"Of course, I don't need the help of your twin brother. Why didn't you told me you had a twin brother?"

"Alright, maybe I should help you." Stefan said as he grabbed her pjs.

"Fine. But don't look. I just met you." Sarah said.

"Fair enough." Stefan said and closed his eyes while took off her dress and tried to help her put on her t-shirt.

"What are you doing?"

"Trying to put your arm on the sleeve?"

"Thats not my arm." Sarah said, making Stefan quickly let go of what he was grabbing.

"My apologies." Stefan said and after being able to help her put on her pjs, he finally opened his eyes and lay her down in the bed.

"You know... for a vampire who's known as the ripper you are very sweet." Sarah said.

"I think it's better for you to sleep." Stefan said and started to walk towards the door.

"Stefan..." Sarah called him out, making him turn around to face her. "Thank you for being here and trying to help my cousin. I'm human, I don't know what to do or how she is feeling... And... Thank you."

"I'm happy to help." Stefan said and left the room, letting Sarah sleep.


Rebekah quickly reunited everyone in the living room, realizing that maybe it would be best ending the party before Cami decided to sneak out again.

"Okay. We only have a few guest rooms. Caroline, you can stay in Klaus's bedroom because you're probably one of the few Klaus is okay with having them sleep there, Bonnie, you can be in Kol's bedroom, Elena, I'm sure Elijah would be more than okay to let you sleep in his bedroom... Stefan, Damon and Enzo you can stay in the only 3 guest rooms we have." Rebekah said.

Everyone left to their rooms, except Caroline, making Rebekah looked at her with a confused face.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yeah... I just think you might need some help with cleaning things. Besides I love cleaning."

"She has OCD." Damon said from his room, making Caroline roll her eyes.

"Thank you for being here." Rebekah said.

"Of course."

"I gotta admit, I wasn't sure if you were gonna accept because Cami and Klaus have a past and you and Klaus have also a past and..."

"Klaus and I don't have a past..." Caroline said and Rebekah gave her a look. "We never dated so I can't really be upset for him dating other people."

"They are no longer an item." Rebekah said.

"Look, I know how it sucks to be a newbie vampire and have all these feelings and emotions overwhelming you... I had Stefan to help me out, and now I want to be the one to help someone out." Caroline said.


The next morning, Enzo and Caroline decided to make breakfast for everyone when someone knock on the door.

"I'll get it." Rebekah said as she opened the front door and saw her brothers.

"Hello, sister!" Elijah said.

"What are all of you doing here?" Rebekah asked with a smile.

"We finally got rid of the phyco, the wannabe and the wonder twin." Kol said.

"That's great!" Rebekah said. "I probably should tell you about something."

"You can tell us everything later. First let us get in." Klaus said and they all walked in.

"Waffles are ready!" Caroline yelled.

"And so are the eggs and bacon." Enzo yelled.

These voices made the Mikaelsons go to the dinning room and see Caroline and Enzo setting the table.

"Caroline?" Klaus said in shock.

"Klaus..." Caroline said.

"So you are the wolf I heard about." Enzo said.

"I'm not just a wolf, I'm a hybrid." Klaus growled.

"Oh! This is not awkward at all. Barbie with her old British guy and her new British guy." Damon said with a smirk, making Caroline give him a death glare.

"Why is Damon and this guy here?" Klaus asked Rebekah.

"My name is Enzo."

"Nobody cares, Eric." Klaus said.

"Actually they aren't the only ones..." Rebekah said and quickly appeared, Cami with Sarah, Stefan, Elena and Bonnie.

AN: Hey guys! How are you? Were you expecting another update so soon? I honestly don't know if I'll have a schedule or not when updating so yeah... Anyway, the Mikaelsons finally are here! The Scooby gang and the Originals reunited once again. What did you think of this chapter? I thought that a night with them getting a little drunk would be a way for some of them to get to know each other. Anyway, I hope you guys are liking the story. Thank you so much for the support you keep giving me. Love you guys!

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