30. Girl Talk + Kol High

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Camille was now in the Rosseaus bar and she texted that she needed some girl talk to a group text she had on WhatsApp which was formed by her, Sarah, Davina, Rebekah, Caroline, Elena and Bonnie.

Camille was trying to focus on work but her kiss with Damon was all she could think about and she was wondering what that would mean.

Once the girls got to the bar, they quickly sat so Cami could be cleaning the cups to show work when she would be actually talking with them.

"Are you okay?" Sarah asked.

"What happened?" Davina asked.

"Just spill the beans." Rebekah said.

"You said it's girl talk so do you have gossip, do you need help in what you have to wear, do you need us to kick some guy's ass or do you have steamy news about a guy?" Caroline asked.

"Care..." Cami said shyly.

"Who's the guy?" Bonnie asked with a smirk.

"It's Damon, isn't it?" Elena asked with a smile.

"Yeah... this morning... we kissed."

"No!" Davina said in disbelief but also happy for her friend.

"Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!" Sarah said excited.

"It was unbelievable." Camille said as she relived the kiss in her mind.

"Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!" Sarah said again excited.

"Okay. We wanna hear everything. Cami, does this end well or do we need to get tissues?" Caroline asked.

"Oh! It ended very well!" Camille said with a big smile.

"Let's hear about the kiss. Was it like a soft brush against your lips or was it like... you know... I gotta have you kind of thing?" Sarah asked.

"Well, at first it was very intense, you know? And then we just sank into it." Cami said.

"Oh! So was he holding you or was his hands on your back?" Caroline asked.

"Actually, first they started on my waist... and then they slip up and were then in my hair." Cami said.

"Wow!" Davina said.

"Finally! Everyone could see you two had chemistry since day one." Elena said, making Camille blush.

"I just... I don't know... I mean after Klaus and I broke up I was planning on just focusing on myself and on all the vampire stuff..."

"Love is always unpredictable. You can't just plan out." Elena said. "For example, when I fell in love with Stefan, he was this new guy who completely changed my life and made me want to live again."

"Yeah! You can't just decide when you are ready to fall in love. It just happens..." Bonnie said.

"Trust me, I love planning and knowing when things will happen but unfortunately falling in love is never something you can schedule." Caroline said.

"And just because you are starting to like Damon doesn't necessarily mean you have to stop focusing on yourself." Bonnie said.

"Yeah! Just because you have a thing with Damon or whatever you call it, doesn't mean you can't also work on being a good vampire." Davina said.

"You have us in your life who will make sure you will keep following the right steps in being a good vampire." Elena said.

"You girls are the best. I'm so grateful that I have you in my life." Camille said.

"Aww! Group hug!" Caroline said and they all hugged.

"Okay. It's enough about me. What about you girls. I mean, Elena you left the party with Elijah."

"Before you all start to think that something happen, calm down. I just took him home because he was too high and I was afraid that if he tried to go home alone he would end up in the roof of some building or something." Elena said.

"Is that why you stayed the night in the French Quarter?" Caroline asked with a smirk.

"How do you know?"

"Let's not change the subject. Now, tell us what happened."

"It was nothing much..." Elena said. "He might have ramble about how compassionate I was and how he wished he could see auras because he bet that it would be the most beautiful color ever. He is pretty cute when he is out of it."

"I get you. Kol can be like that too..." Bonnie said, making the girls look at her with a smirk. "He spent the night using pick up lines to try to see if I would fall for him. And when that didn't work he started to talk about he would protect me... But then he forgot what he was saying and said he had a big secret..."

"Which was?" Sarah asked.

"That he was Batman..." Bonnie said making everyone laugh.


Kol was now watching tv while eating some brownies that he kept in the house because he knew better than take every brownie to the party.

"Hello, brother!" Elijah said as he got to the living room and saw Kol alone watching tv.

"Wow! Where did you come from?" Kol asked.

"Upstairs." Elijah said then asked. "What are you watching?"

"The informative documentary on UFOs and extraterrestrials."

"Oh! But you don't actually believe that we have been visiting by aliens do you?" Elijah asked, making Kol stop watching the documentary and look at Elijah with a very serious face.

"Yes, I do. And they are not just visiting..." Kol said then whispered like if it was a big secret. "They're here."


"Haven't you been in a conversation with somebody and the whole time you're thinking... wow, this person is from another planet?" Kol asked.

"Like right now?" Elijah thought.

"Yes." Elijah said.

"There you go. Seeing is believing, Elijah. Same thing with Big Foot." Kol said, making Elijah turn off the tv.

"Wait. Hold on! Now you're telling me you believe in Big Foot?" Elijah asked.

"I didn't used to. Until I saw him run away with a can of Pringles and bag of weed." Kol said.

"Are you saying Big Foot stole marijuana from you?" Elijah asked.

"That's messed up, right?"

"Completely revolting." Elijah said.

"What is camping without weed? I tell you what it is... it's just sleeping outside... like a homeless person."

"That's actually very true." Elijah agreed.

"So yes, I believe in Big Foot and yes, I think he is a wanker."

AN: Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter. Fair warning I might not be able to write chapters that will move the story much forward because to be completely honest with you guys, I haven't been in a very inspiring writing mood, lately I've been more in a making puzzles kinda mood and trying to figure out where it will be summer vacations and see if I can go with my grandparents. Btw it would make 5 of us (my parents, me and them, I only have 2 grandparents alive so don't worry it would be safe). So... if you guys have any suggestions they would be more than welcomed 😉
I hope you enjoyed the reference to friends (as some of you might know it's my all time favorite tv show).

The other reference I made was from Mike & Moly, if you want to see the original scene here it is

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