34. "It was about time!"

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It was night and everything was now ready for the karaoke night at the record store, it started with Brandon thanking everyone for coming and giving a special thank you to Joshua and the rest of his friends that help him, then he decided to sing Hey Jude by the Beatles since it was his favorite song from his favorite band.

Bonnie and Caleb were bartending to help out Brandon.

"Alright, now it's Stefan's turn."

"Hey guys! Whoever knows it, you're more than welcome to sing along." Stefan said and started to sing Bon Jovi but ended up being him singing to Sarah because he couldn't even take his eyes off of her.

We've got a hold on to what we've got
It doesn't make a difference if we make it or not
We've got each other and that's a lot for love
We'll give it a shot

After Stefan singing, it was Klaus's turn.

"Hello, everyone! This song is for a woman that caught my eye back in 2011 and I still fancy to this day. That's her, Caroline Forbes." Klaus said pointing to Caroline, making her blush. "It's impossible not to notice her."

Klaus started to sing something by the Beatles because he felt that song described how he felt about her.

Somewhere in her smile she knows
That I don't need no other lover
Something in her style that shows me
I don't want to leave her now
You know I believe and how
Something in the way she knows
And all I have to do is think of her

Once he finished singing many applauded, while Caroline tried to stop blushing.

"Lame!" Kol yelled, having then Bonnie schooled him.

"Shut off before I tear out your leaver." Klaus said as he got off the mic.

"So touchy..." Kol said.

Caroline decided to run to the stage before Brandon could say who was next to sing.

"Hey guys! As you could see there's this guy... and he told me to tell him how I feel about him..." Caroline said, capturing Klaus's attention. "Like it's so easy... you know, just 'cause I talk a lot doesn't mean I actually know what I'm talking about... like now when I'm feeling loopy and I don't really know how to express myself."

"Do we have a signal if something goes wrong?" Rebekah asked Sarah.

"So I guess I'm going to try to do it with a song... even if that sounds totally lame." Caroline said and started to sing Eternal Flame.

"She's good!" Camille said to Elena.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Let's hope those two finally get together." Stefan said, making the girls look at him. "What? I ship Klaroline and I'm not ashamed of it."

Once Caroline finished singing, Klaus walked over to the stage and kissed her passionately.

"I'm going to make you so happy. I won't let you down."

"You better." Caroline said and kissed him.

"It was about time!"

After that, Caleb convinced Davina to sing with him War, which ended up with them laughing in the middle of it.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Start at 0:45)

After them, the girls went to the stage to dance and sing wannabe by Spice Girls, making Klaus give death glares to any guy who seemed to look too much at Caroline.

After awhile, Kol convinced his siblings to sing with him Everybody by Backstreet Boys.

Kol started to sing
Oh my God we're back again
Brothers, sisters, everybody sing
Then they all sang
We're gonna bring the flavor show you how
I've gotta question for ya
Better answer now
Am I original? (Yeah)

Klaus then sang with a smirk:
Am I the only one? (yeah)

And Kol sang winking at Bonnie, while Rebekah made a disgusted face, Klaus an annoyed face and Elijah was just to worried about getting the words right:
Am I sexual? (yeah)


It was now the end of the event and Caleb took Davina to the place she was living in.

"Oh! I didn't told you. The other day I decided to watch Star Wars. I couldn't stop just at one movie they were so good."

"Really?" Caleb asked and almost looked like a kid who had his mother permission to get whatever wanted at the candy store.

"Yeah! I wish I had seen the movies sooner. I'll be honest, I wasn't sure about watching them because there's so much hype about them that made me question if it was really that good or just overrated but it was incredible. Thank you for recommending me to watch it." Davina said.

"You know, you are the most incredible woman I ever met. Of course I was trying to prepare myself for you to hate it but..."

"Hey! Do or do not. There is no try."

"Oh dear lord! Did you just quote Yoda?"

"I believe I quote Yoda from the empire strikes back."

"Are you an hallucination? I mean I can't believe I know a beautiful, smart woman who quotes Yoda! That's the dream! You're every guy's dream girl."

"Goodnight, Caleb!"

"Goodnight, Davina!" He said and gave a peck on her cheek before leaving.


Brandon decided to take Joshua home because he wanted to talk with him in private and thank him again for the help.

"As a thank you, I got you something..." Brandon said, once they reach to Joshua's door, and gave him a mix cd where it was all kinds of songs from Beatles, which was his favorite, and Queen, which was Joshua's favorite band, to Rolling Stones and Guns N Roses. "It's nothing really..."

"This is not nothing. This is incredible. No one has ever got me such an amazing gift." Joshua said.

"I just hope you like it." Brandon said with a smile, making Joshua smile.

They got quiet for a moment and then Joshua reunited all his courage and kissed Brandon.

"Thank you." Brandon said when they broke the kiss. "I never had done that with a guy before... I would feel really crappy if I would leave without doing that."

"No problem... at all. It was a pleasure." Joshua said and they both laughed softly at it. "Goodnight, Brandon!"

"Goodnight, Joshua!" Brandon said with a smile and after Josh got inside the building, Brandon went to his place with a smile on his face.

Once Josh got home, he called Davina and told her everything that happened.

"Finally! It was about time!" Davina said.

AN: Hey guys! I hope you're liking the story so far and that all of you Klaroline and Brosh fans like the way this chapter went down.

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