36. Venting to Damon

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Damon went to the gym New Orleans had for vampires and found Camille punching a boxing bag and with an upset look.

"Hey! What a nice surprise to see you here?"

"Why is a surprise? Do you think I need someone so I can train. I am a independent woman!" She said and punched the bag again with so much strength that the bag flew to the other side of the room.

"What's wrong?" Damon asked, seeing something was off with Cami.

"I tell you what's wrong. I try to be the good person everyone wants me to be but being a good person also should mean make sure jackasses won't come back to hurt my family."

"So... this is about that guy."

"Not just that. No one thinks they are the bad guy... Maybe I am the bad guy and just think I'm right." Cami said.

"You are good. I know you. You have a big heart. I mean, you major in phycology so you could try to help people. So much happened in your life, you could just be filled with hatred but no. You are a caring and incredible woman." Damon said.

"I killed his brother. How can I be the good guy?"

"We all did bad things. We all have made mistakes. And truth be told I'm someone who's done terribly awful mistakes. You can ask whoever you want. But I'll tell you something Stefan once told me: being a good person doesn't mean you do everything right and have all figured out, being a good person is just you trying to be better than you were the day before." Damon said.

"If I tell you something, will you not judge me?"

"You come to the right guy. I have no right to judge... And that's more of a Caroline thing."

"She's not that bad." Camille defended her friend. "Anyway... the guy who kidnapped me and Sarah... He is in a place at the French quarter as a prisoner. I don't know what to do. I mean, part of me just wants to torture him really badly for hurting my cousin, I mean she was in coma because of that jerk. But then I start to think about how this all started with me going all dark side and drain his brother. Which just shows I'm the bad guy."

"You made a mistake. You were not the first and won't be the last. You are not alone. We all made mistakes, we all have our hands Bloody. Even saint Caroline made mistakes after turning. But we can't keep blaming ourselves. We need to try to move on and keep trying being better." Damon said.

"What should I do?"

"I think that's something you should figure for yourself. But no matter what you choose, I'm here for you." Damon said and Camille kissed him, appreciating how supportive he was being.


Enzo and Rebekah just finished watching the first movie of back to the future and they had so much to talk about that movie that they decided to leave the second and third movie for another time. As they talked about the movie, Enzo made her company walking home because he was enjoying her company.

"I'm pretty sure that girl wanted to have sex with her son."

"Yeah! It was pretty weird... but I don't understand something... Do you get why is called back to the future if he goes to the past?"

"Well, he went to the past but he needs to find a way to go to back to the future which is his present."

"Wow! You are so smart." Enzo said in amazement because in his eyes Rebekah had te whole package and he couldn't understand why she was single nor how Stefan could possibly be over her.

"You know what I find weird?"

"That he hangs out a lot with this weird old man?"

"That too but that was not what I was referring too. Don't you think it's weird the parents not seeing that their son looks exactly like their friend from college? I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if the father thought the mother had cheated on him with their friend from high school." Rebekah said.

"Maybe they just forgot him with age..." Enzo shrugged and then realized they were right in front of her home. "I guess here we are."

"Yeah... Thank you for making me company. You didn't had to."

"I know but I wanted to. I enjoy our conversations." Enzo said.

"I do too. Thank you for waiting for me to catch up with movies."

"It's my pleasure. Truly." Enzo said, making her smile and before he left, he gave her a peck on the cheek.

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