37. Elijah learns Slang

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Elijah went to see Elena at her place, because he wanted to ask her for help in understanding Kol better and for that he needed learning some youth slang, which Elena gladly decided to help him with.

"Okay. Let's start with Fam. Do you have a clue of what this means?" Elena asked.

"Well, I believe fam is something you use to talk about how popular somebody is without actually going to the word fame... like an abbreviation."

"Well, you aren't completely wrong. It is an abbreviation... but it means family, and could also be about a group of supporters, like how influencers say thanks for the support fam."

"Okay. I think I should write this down."

"I'll get you a notebook and a pen." Elena said and quickly grabbed a pen and a notebook so he could write stuff down.

"Thank you, Elena."

"No problem. Now, lets go to the word lit." Elena said. "Lit means something is really cool. For example, this party will be lit."

"Or my cigar is lit." Elijah said and Elena couldn't help but smile and finding adorable seeing Elijah trying to learn slang just so he could communicate better with his younger brother.

"Now, lets go to bae. It's a term of endearment to talk about people they love."

"Bae doesn't sound all that endearing."

"Bae stands for before anyone else."

"So one could say I drove that car Bae."

"No, because it always refer to a person." Elena said. "Let's try. How about extra? What it means extra for you?"

"It's about the headline on the newspaper."

"Yeah, understandable but now extra means being extra. We say someone is being extra when they are being overdramatic." Elena explained then asked. "What does it mean TBH?"

"Oh, that I know. It's to be heard." Elijah said.

"Actually, tbh stands for to be honest."


Caroline was talking with Klaus because they were enjoying to get to know each other even more and be able to spend time without being for any other reason than because they just like to be together.

"I'm loving that I can be totally neurotic around you." Caroline said because even though they just started to date, he made her feel alright with herself, even the neurotic and controlling side of her. "Tell me the truth, don't you like it better now that everything in your desk is perpendicular?"

"If it's not a right angle, it's a wrong angle."

"Very good." Caroline said with a smile because no other guy she ever dated had even patience to listen to her being a control freak while Klaus, not only had patience but also enjoyed it. "You know what? Maybe tomorrow I'll do your clocks."

"What are You going to do to my clocks?" Klaus asked.

"I'm gonna set them to my time." Caroline said, making Klaus confused.

"I'm confused. I thought we shared time."

"No, no. In my bedroom I set my clock 6 minutes fast. You wanna know why?"

"Because... it's in a slightly different time zone than the kitchen?"

"No, forget it." Caroline said, wondering if she was starting to be too crazy around Klaus.

"Come on, come on, tell me." Klaus said, honestly wanting to hear her side.

"No! 'Cause you don't understand..."

"Come on!"

"No. You don't have any of these cute little obsessive things."

"No, that's not true."

"Oh, Yeah? Then tell me one of yours."

"Okay... one of my things is, I always separate my sweat socks from my dress socks."

"What if they get mixed up?"

"I would just... I would freak out."

"You would not... you're just trying to make me feel better. I can't believe this! I can't believe my boyfriend doesn't have a thing." Caroline said a little upset.

"If someone would overheard that, I wouldn't come off well." Klaus said. "I have another thing."

"Seriously? Or is just something that you are gonna come up to make me feel better about me being all control-freak?" Caroline asked.

"It's real. I have to sleep on this side of the bed." Klaus said.

"Big deal, you have a side of the bed. Everyone has a side of the bed." Caroline said.

"You haven't heard my reason yet."


"I have to sleep on the west side because I've lived a long time in California and otherwise the ocean would be on the wrong side."

"Oh my God! You're a freak!" Caroline said very happy.

"How about that?" Klaus asked with a smirk, enjoying seeing how happy made her knowing about this weird quirk of his.

"I've never liked you more." Caroline said and kissed him passionately.

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