38. Brosh Meeting the Next Day

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Joshua decided to go to the record store to see how things were between him and Brandon because after their kiss they just left and didn't got a chance to talk about what it meant.

Once he got near the record store he saw that Brandon was alone in the store organizing some CDs.

"Hi!" Josh said with a small smile, trying to control himself because he was also worried that Brandon didn't like it or something like that.

"Hey!" Brandon said as he stopped organizing the cds and just looked at Joshua and smiled.

"So... someone looks busy?" Joshua said.

"Yeah! I've been up since five so I decided to just come here early and start reorganizing everything. I couldn't really sleep. I've been thinking about... stuff, you know? Last night..."

"Regrets?" Joshua said, trying not to sound hurtful even though that hypothesis was the biggest fear he was having now.

"What? No!" Brandon quickly said. "Why would I have regrets?"

"I don't know... I mean, you told me about how Caleb has been trying to get you a girlfriend and I thought maybe..."

"No, no, no!" Brandon quickly said. "No regrets. I feel good. I feel a weight has been sort of lifted off my shoulders. I mean, it's very new and it's been a lot to process but... I feel really good."

"That's good!" Josh said, not able to contain his smile.

"Brother, isn't the world wonderful?" They heard Caleb saying as he got inside the record store.

"In deed it is." Brandon said, looking at Joshua, making Josh smile.

"Last night when I took Davina back to her place she quoted Yoda. And she is even able to say in which movie he said what. She is the perfect woman!"

"I have to go."

"You don't need to..."

"No. I really have to. I have to go meet Davina."

"You're so lucky." Caleb said.


Camille finally made a decision about what to do to the guy who kidnapped her and Sarah. Thanks to Klaus's help she was now alone with the kidnapper in the Mikaelson's basement.

"Today is your lucky day." Camille said and the guy only rolled his eyes at annoyance. "Today you can leave. I'm letting you go. But just know that if you ever come back and try to do something I will end you in the most painful way possible."

"The most painful thing you could do, you did already. You killed my brother, you bitch!" He said and Camille slapped him.

"You really need to learn some good manners." Camille said. "Just make sure to stay the hell away from me, my cousin and my friends. If you don't you will regret it. It's a promise. Now go before I change my mind."

As Camille let him go, she felt that she was in a fight with herself and questioning if she did the right thing. She knew having a prisoner wasn't the right thing but it was her only way to assure her cousin and friends were safe and sound. This was a big dilema for her, especially because she was afraid that if she made the wrong decisions, her dark side would take over, she didn't want to be again that manipulative person she became after turning and trying to show she was better than everyone, she was now getting back in touch with her most humane side and she couldn't let that go.


Caleb and Brandon were alone in the record store and Brandon decided to tell everything to Caleb. He was afraid what would be his brother's reaction to it but he knew he couldn't just hide it any longer, especially after the kiss he had with Joshua.

"I have to tell you something."

"Sounds serious. But you know you can tell me anything. I mean I was there for you in high school when you missed the winning goal. And I'm here for you now. What's up?" Caleb asked.

"I am gay." Brandon said and Caleb smiled.

"Thank you for finally telling me."

"Wait. You knew?"

"Of course I knew. You are my brother. We shared a room our whole lives. And everyone can see the way you look at Josh."

"Wait. But if you knew then why were you always talking about me getting on tinder and on finding me a girl."

"I was just trying to see what would it take for you to finally be able to talk with me about it." Caleb said.

"So... you are cool with it?"

"Of course I am. All I want is for you to be happy. You're my brother and I love you." Caleb said and they hugged. "So... you are really into Joshua huh?"

"Yeah. I mean just his name... is the most beautiful name. I never realized... Joshua! Josh-U-A! Joshua!" Brandon said as Caleb smiled, loving to see his brother so happy.

AN: Hey guys! How have you been? I hope you're liking this story. I have been having writer's block but I'm working on it. Although, you probably shouldn't expect the 100 chapters I have been writing in the last stories I've written. I don't know how long this story will be, but probably not too long. And this story being long or short, I hope you know I am truly thankful for all the support you give me by voting, commenting and even simply keep reading my story.

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