4. Hunting

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After breakfast, Caroline and Stefan told Rebekah they were going to take Cami outside so they could teach her how to hunt animals and how to get used to the taste of their blood because it was very different from human blood.

As Camille, Caroline and Stefan left the house, Cami realized that maybe she had been judging them too soon.

"Thank you for convincing Bekah to let me leave the house... even if it's just for an hour." Camille eventually said, making them smile at her.

"You staying inside the house 24/7 won't make you be able to control your urges any better." Stefan said.

"Does that mean we are going to a bar and drink?" Camille asked.

"Not exactly." Caroline said. "We are going to the woods."

"Where horror movies start. Great choice!" Cami joked.

"I know it sounds odd but we need to make one step at a time and it was in the woods how Stefan started to help me becoming a good control vampire."

"No offense but how does a ripper help a newbie vampire in controlling themselves?" Cami asked and Stefan laughed.

"Yes, it is weird. But Care and I are friends. I helped her handling to be a vampire and she is now my sober sponsor." Stefan said.

"That's really cool." Cami said.

"Here we are! And it looks we have a visit." Caroline said as they spot a bunny.

"Before we start, I think we should warn you that animal blood is not as good as human. But it's a way to survive and drink without hurting no one." Stefan said.

"Okay. Let's do it." Cami said and after looking at the bunny, she gave them a look. "I mean... he is so cute! Just look at his little face. He looks like a Jamie... Jamie, the bunny."

"Awww! He does look like a Jamie. Such a cute boy!" Caroline said and started to pet him.

"Girls, I know bunnies are found very cute but we need to start by somewhere." Stefan tried to reason with them.

"Ugh! He did the same with me. Even after I complained that killing cute defensive animals is the first step to being a serial killer." Caroline said.

"And like I told you, you skip that part when you became a vampire." Stefan said.

"Can I eat another animal? He is just so cute! Can we keep him?" Cami asked.

"Wait. Can we?" Caroline asked.

"Eat an animal first and then we will see." Stefan said, so Cami gave Caroline the bunny and looked for another animal, but nothing, until a deer appeared out of nowhere.

Cami hunt the deer and drank from it, but once she was done, she walked back to Stefan and Caroline with a very unsatisfied look.

"That's not great." Cami said.

"You grow to like it..." Stefan said.

"But we don't just drink from animals, we usually drink from blood bags that we steal from the hospital every once in awhile." Caroline said. "I know it's not a right thing to do but sometimes you really need a break from animal blood. That and because animal blood doesn't let us as strong and fast as human blood."

"So... you are not gonna make me just drink from animals?" Cami asked.

"We can't make you do anything. You are your own person and you make your own decisions. We just took you here because it's a way to be a vampire. And also so we can see if you are more like Stefan or like me."

"Basically, Caroline is saying, in nicer words, that we wanted to see if you had a Ripper side or not. And you seem to be able to kinda control it. It's not perfect."

"But no new vampire is perfect when it comes to control the urges." Caroline cut Stefan off and gave Camille a napkin that Caroline had brought so Cami could clean herself.

"Thank you. You guys have been really cool with me. Even tho I was a little bitchy when we first met." Camille said.

"We had worst first impressions." Stefan said, making Camille smile.

"Now, can I take the bunny home?" Camille asked.

"I don't see why not." Stefan said.

"Yes!" Caroline and Camille celebrated.


While Caroline, Stefan and Camille were out, Rebekah explained everything to her siblings and eventually convinced them to be okay with the Scooby gang helping Camille.

"Why are you smiling?" Klaus asked.

"It's just gonna be fun seeing you living in a house with the two blonde crushes you had. Which one will you end up with? We just know her name will start with Ca and end with an e. I mean even the names are similar. Worst then you, it's Elijah with his doppelgänger crushes." Kol said with a smirk.

"Shut off!" Klaus said.

"Brothers, this is no time for arguing. We are here to help Miss O'Connell and we should be thankful for having so many people wanting to help her." Elijah said.

"Yes. And now that's settled we need to find a way to solve one more thing." Rebekah said.

"What is it now?" Klaus asked.

"The bedroom situations. This house doesn't have enough rooms for everyone. Someone will have to share." Rebekah said.

"Guess who's back!" They heard from the front door, making everyone gather in the front door.

"You brought a bunny?" Damon asked. "You know they are probably planning on killing you, Stefan."

"Very funny, Damon. They liked the bunny and wanted to take him home."

"His name is Jamie... Jamie, the bunny." Camille said.

"I'm gonna buy all the stuff that it needs to be comfortable in his new home." Caroline said.

"Actually, I'm gonna use this time that we are all together to tell you that my siblings are coming to live here so we need to see how it will be the bedroom situation."

"I'm more than happy to share my bed with the fierce witch." Kol smirked at Bonnie.

"We will put names of the people who are not occupying my brothers rooms and also his names so it will be fair and see who gets what."

"Or we can let them stay in our bedrooms and we stay in the living room."

"Let's just share the rooms." Bonnie said annoyed with the time this was taking.

"Someone really wants to share a bed with me, huh?" Kol said with a smirk.

"I just want to be done with it." Bonnie said.

"I don't know if Miss Gilbert feels comfortable in sharing a bed with me."

"Elijah, call me Elena. We've known each other long enough to be on first name basis." Elena said with a smile. "And there's no problem, but if it makes you uncomfortable..."

"No, I am alright with it." Elijah said.

"I guess that leaves us, love." Klaus smirked at Caroline as she rolled her eyes."Whatever. I'm gonna buy stuff for Jamie." Caroline said.

"I'm gonna see if we have any carrots." Camille said.

As everyone went on their way, Stefan noticed Sarah smiling.

"May I know what's the reason for that smile?"

"I know this bunny thing might not seem like a big deal but... it is the Cami I used to know. It's the caring, loving, protective person I've known all my life. She's no longer just wanting to drink blood and wanting to kill the person who turned her." Sarah said.

"You'll see things will get better. With time, she will be more herself. The beginning is just a little difficult." Stefan said.

AN: Hey guys! I know in the beginning Camille was being all "I don't want to be fix" to everyone who appeared to help her. I just want to clarify, that was not in a way for her to play the victim card, it's just her being frustrated because after she turned Klaus acted like if she was a broken toy that he had to fix and because these are all new people who know the Mikaelsons she was a bit defensive... but as you can see, she will start to realize they aren't there to fix her but just help her in this transition. I know that many stories that have Klaroline in it, have Cami being the one who tries to steal Klaus from Caroline and I am guilty of that, but it's nothing against Camille, it's just a way to create drama. But in here it will be different. And I really wanted to write a chapter with Caroline and Camille starting to hang out. And I am aware there haven't been much interaction with some couples but give me time. There are a lot of couples XD. Also, I was wondering what would you prefer: A) The story to happen always with them living in the safe house or B) them eventually going back to NO. Anyway, I hope you are liking the story so far.

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