5. Catching up & Sleep

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Once Caroline came back to the safe house, she quickly went to Cami's bedroom, where Cami was with Sarah and Jamie.

"I got a few things." Caroline said.

"Thank you. I wish I could go but Bekah still wants me to take it easy with leaving the house." Camille said with a sad smile.

"That's because you've been sneaking out and drinking from other people." Sarah said.

"But you'll see that soon enough we will all go out." Caroline said as she took from her shopping bags, a cage that was quite spacious so the bunny would have some room and had hay so it would be confortable, a litter tray, two bowls, one for food and another for water and two toys she found cute.

"Thank you, Caroline." Camille said then look at the bunny. "Now, let's see how much Jamie likes it."

Once Camille let the bunny in the cage, she could see Jamie enjoying it's new home.

"He is so cute!" Camille said.

"Okay, I'll go now. After looking for things for Jamie, I think I deserve a nice blood bag."

"Yeah, you do!" Camille said with a smile.

"You two seem to be getting along." Sarah said once Caroline left.

"Yeah... At first I wasn't all that happy with Rebekah calling her because I thought it would be more people saying that I need to be the person I was, that I have to be fixed but Caroline and Stefan made me see I was wrong about them."

"Are you saying that I was right and you judge them too soon?"

"Yes. You were right..." Cami said rolling her eyes and then they laughed.


Caroline went to the porch, drinking blood B positive, when Klaus appeared.

"Hello, love!" Klaus said with a smirk.


"I didn't know my sister had asked you to help Camille. I just want to thank you... for being here and helping her." Klaus said.

"It's alright. I needed a break from Mystic Falls, anyway."

"Yes... Rebekah told me about your mother. I'm truly sorry." Klaus said.

"Thank you." Caroline said with a small smile. "I also heard about your ex, Aurora... I'm sorry that she turned out to be a phyco."

"Yeah..." Klaus laughed.

"But for real, I'm sorry things between you and Cami aren't on best terms." Caroline said.

"We are in good terms. We simply realized we are better as friends." Klaus said and after a pause Klaus said. "I have to say, I noticed you found yourself a new British guy. Were you missing me that much?"

"Says the guy who had a thing with the only other blonde vampire who is not your sister." Caroline said and after a look they started to laugh.

"I'm really glad you are here, love. Even if you came with so many other people."

"You know what they say: the more the merrier." Caroline smiled.

"And what's been going on with you since we last spoke?"

"Well, we defeated Silas... Bonnie and Damon were dead for awhile but then they came back from the dead. I turn it off after my mom died but then my friends made me turn back on. It was hard for a while but now it's better and... now I'm here helping Cami to enjoy life the best she can without hurting anyone." Caroline said. "What about you?"

"Well, I had to fight to get my throne back. I made truces with an old friend. I was able to make the factions be at peace and I had to handle my phyco ex and her friend and her brother." Klaus said and Caroline just laughed. "What's so funny?"

"I'm sorry but... If someone had told me when we first met that you were going to bring peace between factions, I would not believe it." Caroline said.

"I wasn't that bad..." Klaus tried to say.

"Oh, come on! You were all I'm the Original Hybrid! I'm a thousand years! I cannot be killed! I will kill you and everyone you ever met!" Caroline said with a bad British accent.

"I don't sound like that."

"When you are angry you do."

"Maybe, but that accent was completely incorrect."

"Pff! It was great." Caroline said as they both laughed.


It was night and everyone was now going to bed. Bonnie was in her pjs and started to get under the covers.

"Just a warning. If you make a move I'll break every bone of your body." Bonnie said before she lay down facing the wall.

"Pillow talk... Fantastic! And I gotta say, I do enjoy a fierce woman with sharp tongues." Kol said and turn off the light. "Good night, Bonnie! Have sexy dreams with me."

"Ew!" Bonnie said.


Elena was getting ready to go to sleep when Elijah appeared in just some training pants, making her look at him in shock but also realizing that he was more attractive than she had remembered.

"Is everything alright, Elena?" Elijah asked, interrupting Elena's thoughts.

"It's nothing." Elena said with a smile.

"It's something amusing. I assure you that you can trust me." Elijah said.

"It's not a big deal. I just... I never thought I would see you wearing something that was not a suit." Elena said.

"Yes, my brother Kol loves to make fun of my suits."

"I'm not making fun of them. I just never pictured you wearing something besides a suit. But it's good. I mean, not like damn you look good, but good." Elena said, mentally cursing herself for starting to ramble.


Caroline and Klaus were under the covers for awhile now, trying to fall asleep.

Caroline was facing the wall and Klaus was facing her. He slowly rest his fingers on top of hers, making her smile to herself and let their fingers interlock. Klaus started to move closer to her and Caroline pulled his arm closer to her, moving their hands from her leg to her waist.

"Sweet dreams, love." Klaus whispered and gave a peck on her shoulder then rest his head in his pillow, enjoying falling asleep with Caroline in his arms.

AN: Hey guys! How have you been? First of all, happy holidays! I hope you will all have a nice holiday, even tho we are not in the best time to gather with family and friends, but at least we are in a time where we can use technology to see our loved ones unlike years ago. Secondly, I wanted to thank you all for the constant support you give me, there are no words that can express how thankful and happy you make me. Thirdly, I would like to know what are you thinking so far and if you have any suggestions. In this chapter I put a little of Cami and Sarah because I feel that I shouldn't focus only on the couples. What do you think? Finally, I hope you know you can always pm me if you want to. Love you guys!

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