7. Conversations & Trainning

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Camille was going to see her new bunny when she saw Klaus in the hallway.

"Hey, Klaus! Can we talk?"

"Of course." Klaus said and Camille took him to her bedroom. "What did you wanted to talk about?"

"I just want to make sure you will keep living your life without worrying about me."

"Camille, we might have broken up but I still consider you my friend."

"I do too. That's not what I meant. What I mean is... we realized we were not great as a couple and I hope that if you like someone you won't stop on my account."

"Why this conversation now?" Klaus asked confused.

"Klaus, I see the way you look at Caroline. She was the blonde beauty from Mystic Falls you told me about in our sessions, isn't she?" Camille asked with a smile and before Klaus could say anything, she said. "She's a great person. I can see why you like her. And I don't want to be the reason to why you are not happy."

"Thank you, Camille. And I want the same for you." Klaus said and left.


Elena and Elijah were in the living room reading a book, when Enzo and Rebekah appeared.

"What are you two doing? Vampire book club?" Enzo asked.

"Don't bother. These two can be like an old married couple. Emphasis on old." Rebekah said and the two of them laughed and left the room as Elena and Elijah just shared a look between them.

"Elena, should I be concerned with this Lorenzo spending so much time with my sister?"

"No. He is a good guy. He is actually Caroline's best friend. He was there for her when I couldn't and she even called him one of the most stable people in her life. Enzo might make some jokes, but he is a good person. Although, I'm not the person who has the most information on him. That would be Damon and Caroline."

"But you do not believe I should be worried?"

"No. He is a good guy." Elena said. "Besides, your sister is a grown woman, I'm sure she can take care of herself."

"I'm not saying she can't. She just went through so much heartbreak. I don't want that to happen again." Elijah said.

"She's an adult. She has to make her own decisions and if she ends up hurt... that's what family and friends are for..." Elena said and hold Elijah's hand. "Stop worrying so much."


Klaus was downstairs and when Caroline saw him, she quickly called him and asked to talk to him in the library.

"May I know what is so important that Caroline Forbes wants me all to herself?" Klaus asked with a smirk, making Caroline roll her eyes.

"I see your ego is still huge. Some things really don't change, do they?" Caroline said.

"I believe not. Your beauty still has no bounds." Klaus said.

"Stop with the flirting. That's not why I called you here. I want to tell you that this afternoon Damon is going to teach Camille some fighting skills. They will probably go to the woods or something." Caroline said.


"Yes. I know he is not the guy you think of when you need someone to help you but he offered and I think it would be nice for Camille to get to know everyone and to be out for a little while. What do you think?"

"I'm surprised but I have no problem with it. Why did you wanted me to know?"

"I don't know. I mean, Bekah told me you two dated and... I didn't know if you wanted to do the training or if you had something against her being alone with a guy. I mean, I know you two are not together now but..." Caroline started to ramble.

"Love, Cami and I are simply friends. Nothing more, nothing less." Klaus said.

"O-Okay... Anyway, I just thought you should know." Caroline said.


Camille and Damon were now in the woods and Damon just finished explaining the basics.

"Alright... Let's do it." Damon said and Camille started by trying to punch him but he quickly grabbed her wrist and pulled her to him. "Then I would rip your heart out and you'd be dead in a second."

Camille tried again and as she tried to punch him, he again grabbed it, so she kicked him in the stomach, making him let go of her fist and when he got closer she jumped on him, making him fall with her on top of him as her hand was in his chest.

"Now, you are the one dead in a matter of seconds."

"Nicely done, newbie." Damon said with a smirk. "But even with you jumping on me, I could easily rolled us over to be on top." Damon said as he rolled her over and got on top of her, grabbing her hands so she wouldn't be able to move. "And then you would die."

"Not really, because for that to happen you would have to let go one of my hands, which I would use in my advantage." Cami said, rolled them over again, making her be on top again with her hand on his neck. "So? You aren't going to do anything now?"

"Why? I gotta say I do enjoy the position we are in." Damon said as he moved his hands to her waist.

"Pff! Let's get one thing clear. I'm not like the girl you are used to. I won't fall for that eye thing that you do. So... Stop it!" Camille said and Damon faked to be confused.

"What eye thing?"

"You know very well. I just want to make sure you know that I won't fall over your feet just for you giving me a second of your attention."

"That's why I like to spend time with you." Damon said with a smirk.

"If you think that's enough to make me fall over your feet, then you are very mistaken. I'm not the easy kind." Camille said as she got up.

"Well, I do enjoy a challenge." Damon said, getting up and smirking at Camille.

"Come on! Let's go home." Camille said.

"Worried that if you spend more time here with me, you won't be able to resist the temptation?" Damon asked.

"Pffft! More like I'm hungry and I don't feel like drinking animal blood."

"Oh right! The bunny diet... So Stefan... How is that going?"

"It sucks. I mean, it doesn't make me throw up nor anything like that but... It's nothing compared to the real deal."

"I know... That's why Caroline and Elena are more of blood bags." Damon said as they walked over to the house.

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