9. Sarah & Cami's Talk

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Enzo woke up and went to the kitchen to get some blood bags but when he entered the kitchen he saw Rebekah.

"Good morning, love!"

"Good morning, Enzo!" Rebekah said with a smile. "Did I awake you?"

"Not at all. Although this is a great view for someone to wake up to." Enzo said with a smirk.

"Caroline did warn me that you were a big flirt."

"Only with beautiful woman such as yourself." Enzo said, making Rebekah smile.

"You are aware that I'm an Original vampire who has lived for over a thousand years, right? Just a few compliments won't do much."

"Well, for you, I don't think there is such a thing as a limit of compliments." Enzo said. "What do you say about you helping me make some breakfast?"

"Isn't that something you usually do with Caroline?" Rebekah asked.

"Is that jealousy that I'm detecting, love?" Enzo asked.

"No. It's simply curiosity." Rebekah quickly answered.

"Well, either way I think you should know that if I had to choose between cooking with you or Caroline, I would choose you."

"I don't know about that. I'm not the best cook."

"But you are most definitely the best company." Enzo said, making Rebekah smile and then they started to prepare breakfast.


After Elena and Elijah woke up and saw Enzo and Rebekah having fun cooking together, they decided to go to the library and Elena asked Elijah to teach her how to play chess, which she was learning surprisingly fast.

"So... if I move my horsey here... isn't that checkmate and I win?" Elena asked as Elijah looked at the chess board perplexed.

"Hmm!" Elijah said, feeling speechless.

"Well, is it or isn't it?" Elena asked.

"You know... I think this is a good stopping point. It's your first real game. I throw a lot of information at you."

"No! Your king is trapped. I mean, you can't go here because of my... lighthouse. And he can't go there because of my pointy-head guy."

"Yes, you won. I apologize for my reaction... It's just... I knew you were smart and a remarkable woman but... it's incredible how well you play chess knowing that you never played before. The only thing that makes me see you are a true beginner is because of the incorrect names you give the pieces."

"Are you telling me that I won that incredible smart Original also known as Elijah Mikaelson?" Elena teased him and they both chuckled.


Bonnie woke up with a sleeping Kol by her side, with his arm wrapped around her and she felt oddly good feeling his touch and his warm embrace.

She turned to face him sleeping, which made her smile then she rest her head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around her tightly.

"Good morning, darling! Wanna stay a little longer in bed?"

"Good morning. Yes, but if you say anything about this I'll deny it and give you an aneurysm." Bonnie said, making Kol smirk.

"That's the fierce Bennett witch I enjoy so much." Kol said, making Bonnie smile slightly to herself.


Once Camille got out of her room, she saw her cousin in the hallway, so she asked to talk in private with her, taking Sarah to her room.

"What's going on?" Sarah asked.

"I think we need to talk." Cami said.

"It sounds serious. What happened?" Sarah asked now concerned.

"I have noticed you barely go to the hospital and only go do your turns when we need more blood bags or something like that..."

"So...?" Sarah asked.

"So... I can't let you keep doing this. I know how much being a doctor means to you. You always wanted to help people. It's who you are. And you've been wanting to be a doctor since I can remember. I am done seeing you putting that part of your life on hold." Camille said.

"It's not on hold. It's just a break... like vacations." Sarah said and Camille gave her cousin a look.

"I love you, Sarah. You're the only family I have left. I am very aware that you put your whole life on hold because of me. But I think I'm getting better. I was able to control myself and my urges in the grocery store... I have now the Mikaelsons and so many more people who are helping me out. You don't have to keep putting your life on hold for me."

"I just... I want to be here for you. We only have each other. I know I used to live in Chicago even after I heard about your brother and it was awful... but now I'm here and I'm not going to leave you."

"I'm not asking you to leave me. I am simply asking you to stop putting your life on hold. Maybe start with having some shifts at the hospital." Camille suggested.

"Alright, I'll think about that." Sarah said and then they hugged.

AN: Hey guys! How have you been? I hope you're liking the story so far. And I hope you're liking all characters, there are characters that I'm not as used to write as others so I'm trying my best to not be too out of character for them. I also hope you are liking my OC. I'm not very used to write OCs and I am doing my best to make her likable but not a Mary Sue. Oh, and if you have suggestions feel free to comment or to dm me if you prefer, and even if you just wanna talk 😉 Love you guys!

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