1. A New World!?.

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You were sitting in your cell, watching TV while eating a sandwich that tasted like it came out of a dumpster...it's not much but it's the best food you'll get in Belle Reve Penitentiary.

"L/n." one of the guards banged his fist against the side of your cell. "Get up, you're needed for something-"

"Piss off." You glared at the guard while you took another bite of your sandwich. "I'm trying to eat my dinner!-"

That's when the door opened and several guards rushed into your cell, guns aimed at your head and chest.

"The hell is this?." You looked at all the guards before a woman stood before you. "Who the hell are you?."

"That doesn't matter, L/n." She spoke with an icy cold voice. "What matters is you are going to do a job for me."

"Look lady, I'm a mercenary, if you want me to kill someone then it's cash up front-" You glared at her before you were zapped with a tazer by one of the guards. "AHHHHHHHH!-"

The woman glared at you as the guards held you in place.

"Take him away." She ordered as the guards dragged you across the floor she then looked at one of the guards. "You, take me to the next cell."

She then showed him his phone and his eyes widened.

"Y-you're insane!." He shouted. "Nobody in their right mind would ever let these scum out!."

"Obviously." She started walking down the hall. "It's impossible to change the world without embracing insanity."


You woke up in handcuffs, still feeling the effects of the tazer as you groaned.

"Yo." Someone next to you spoke up. "Rise and shine, pal."

You looked up and saw a black man with black hair and a short beard staring at you.

"Who the fuck are you?-" You asked, raising an eyebrow before hearing someone groan beside you.

"Ugh!." A woman groaned. "I wanted Tweety's voice to be the first thing I wake up to in the morning!."

She then looked down with a pouting face.

"Why do I gotta see your nasty faces!?."

"Oh, great." You rolled your eyes. "A psycho chick."

"Hey." Someone across from you spoke up. "Watch your mouth."

"That's no way to treat a woman who you've just met." He smirked. "A real gentleman always carries himself with elegance."

"Aw shucks!." The woman smiled. "Now that's more like it, I'm liking you already!."

"Gentleman?." The man sitting beside you looked at him up and down. "Where the hell's your bowtie, then?."

"I can't deny we're wearing the same outfit." He smiled. "But I'm just built different, don't you notice anything special about my face?."

You all looked at each other confused before looking back at him.

"I see two eyes, two ears, a nose and a mouth." The other guy said, with you nodding in agreement.

"Yep." The woman nodded. "You're a real looker-not my type though."

"Do you three just not watch movies or what?." The "gentleman" sitting across from you groaned.

"No way!." You shook your head. "You're a movie star!?."

"What about TV?." The woman squealed. "I've watched every season of "Game of Thrones"!."

"Just forget it." He groveled. "Isn't this one of those "shock and awe" scenes?."

You all looked confused as he started talking to himself.

"No, maybe they're going with foreshadowing." He nodded. "Like it's more exciting if they notice who I am later on."

You noticed a guy who was strapped down with a bag tied over his head, concealing his face.

"So, what's the deal with Jason over there?." You pointed at him. "Have an accident while shaving or what?."

"I never make mistakes." He spoke with a deep voice. "I'm wearing this because people seeing my face could interfere with my mission.

"Misson?." You all looked confused.

"That's right." He nodded. "It's a noble cause."

"Hold the damn phone." The man next to you spoke. "Do you know the reason they hauled us out here?."

"Yes, we're on a mission for peace." He nodded. "Because I don't put in work for anything else."

"Peace?." He scoffed. "Us?."

He then looked at you with a smile.

"This is just perfect!." He laughed. "Now we've got a crazy mofo, too."

"It's about time you woke up, dirtbags!." Someone entered from the cockpit area, smiling. "Glad to see you're all getting along!."

"Why of course." The movie star nodded. "Tell me, will we be arriving soon and if it's going to be a long wait, would you mind untying me?."

"Don't worry." He smirked. "We arrived some time ago."

He then walked to the side where a tv screen came down.

"You dirtbags have a mission to carry out." He put his hands on his hips. "A noble one."

The TV screen started turning on.

"Now listen to the word of our Lord."

"The six of you will work together with my agent there, Adam, to conduct a mission." The woman spoke through the tv. "The reward for success is a reduced sentence."

You all looked surprised at that, given how long you've been stuck in Belle Reve, a reduced sentence might be your ticket out of that hellhole.

"To put it simply, your mission is to establish and protect a series of bridgeheads that will serve as the framework for conducting research and resource acquisition in a certain region."

"Jeez." You roll your eyes. "You really call that "simple"?."

"It doesn't count unless you use words that even dumb schoolkids can understand." The guy next to you nodded in agreement. "Besides, why the hell should we work for you?."

"Because you all had bombs implanted in your necks." The woman smirked as the screen showed where the bombs were located. "And I can trigger them to explode at anytime that I wish."

All of you looked shocked, apart from the guy wearing the sack over his head.

"Furthermore, they also work on a countdown." She added. "Unless it receives a radio signal sent from our end the bomb is set to explode every 72 hours, in other words, any attempts to escape or ignore the orders that I give to you will result in death."

"So we're just supposed to wag our tails and be good doggies now that we know our lives are in your hands?." The guy beside you asked.

"I hear you have a daughter." The woman spoke with a cruel smirk.

The guy beside you got to his feet however his chains kept him restrained.

"Sit down!." Adam pointed his pistol at him.

"Amanda Waller!." He shouted. "You bitch!."

He tried to break free from his chains.

"Mark my words." He growled. "Lay a single finger on my daughter, and you're dead friggin' meat!."

"There are no other objections I assume?." Amanda looked at the rest of you, the actor frowned, you gave her the bird and the girl stuck her tongue out. "Then follow the instructions Adam gives you."

With that, the screen shut off as Adam sat the man back down.

"All of your gear is stored in the wooden crates in back." Adam started to uncuff your shackles. "Don't forget about the bombs in your necks."

"What happens if I cling onto you?." The woman smiled. "Still willing to blow me up then?."

"Why you little..." He growled.

"I'm just kidding." She rolled her eyes. "You aren't even my type."

"By the way, she said there were six of us just now." The actor looked at Adam. "Where's the last performer?."

"What are you talking about?." Adam looked at him. "The sixth one is-"

That's when the alarm started blaring and the plane began going down.

"Dammit!." Adam shouted towards the cockpit. "What happened!?."

He opened the door and saw the pilots were dead, the windshield was completely destroyed. 

"Hey, let us loose!." You shouted. "Get us out of these restraints!-"

Suddenly, the helicopter started spinning out of control and you all began screaming before it crashed into a tree.

The woman, who was free from her shackles walked into the cockpit and saw a damn sword lodged into the wall, and Adam...well...

"What the hell?." She looked at the sword then used it to get the cuffs off her before walking to the side exit and stepping out, however, she didn't see the nonexistent ground below her and began falling.

"Gotcha!." You grabbed onto her arm, saving her from falling to her death, you both heard screaming as someone was thrown off the bridge to their death, their sword following them as well. "What the hell?."

You pulled her back into the helicopter and she hugged you.

"Thank you!." She whispered into your ear. "Thank you so much!."

"Good grief." The actor walked over to the other side door and tried to open it, however, it wouldn't budge. "Ugh!."

Suddenly he stood back and his arm transformed into a large brown fist and he punched the door so hard that it flew off.

"We can get out from this side." He looked back at the rest of you as he hopped out of the crashed helicopter.

"He's a metahuman!?." The woman's eyes widened, looking at you with a shocked expression.

"That explains this weird restraining device." You picked up the actor's restraining device and tossed it aside before exiting the helicopter, offering your hand to help her. "Come on."

She smiled at you and hopped out on her own, giving you a cheeky wink.

You sighed as the man who was sitting next to you and the guy with the sack over his head exited the crashed helicopter, all of you looked around the area...that's when a goddamn dragon flew past you all.

"Did you have a part in The Lord of the Rings?." The woman looked at the actor, baffled by the sight of the dragon, all of you looked at your surroundings.

There is a large battle happening in the distance with giant orc monsters battling humans with armor and swords, and the humans are getting thrown straight off the bridge and sent straight to their deaths.

"Now that's a hardcore film set." The actor smiled. "Which studio is doing this one?."

"Film set?." The girl raised an eyebrow. "Seriously?."

"Hey, where are we?." You looked at the man with the sack on his head. "Is this part of the peace mission or whatever?."

"That's right." He crossed his arms. "Our noble cause."

"Then explain it!." You demanded, however, he just shrugged. "I'm betting you don't know jackshit, do you?."

That's when you all heard a scream and saw a human fall in front of you, standing over his corpse were monsters that looked like pigs.

"Whoa, wait a second!." The girl backed up as they all pointed bloody spears and axes at you as they started poking the rear of the helicopter.

"My apologies." The actor ran a hand over his hair. "We're outsiders, you see, where is your producer?-"

Suddenly, one of the pigmen attempted to spear him but he avoided it, the blood from the spear landed on the girl's cheek.

"Okay, don't even try to tell me this a movie set or a dream." You looked around. "Because under the nasty BO of these pig freaks, I can smell something real fucking familiar...this is all real."

That's when the girl started laughing.

"Wonderful..." She smiled. "I love when things are super easy to figure out!."

She then wiped the blood of her cheek.

"I have no idea where this is or who you freaks are..." She then gestured to the back of the helicopter. "But you're not on my side, right!?."

Suddenly, a giant shark monster burst out of the back of the helicopter, roaring with hunger.

He then starts tearing through several of the orcs, sinking his teeth into their fish and ripping them to shreds.

The girl grabbed a spear and started taking out the monsters left right and center, doing all sorts of flipps and tricks with the spear.

The man with the sack on his head started punching monsters before one of them threw a tomahawk at him, which he caught, and started slicing the monsters up before throwing the tomahawk at one of them, lodging it into its skull and making blood gush out of it's head before it fell over dead.

"Anyone who gets in my way or disturbs the peace is dead!." He shouted as he spin-kicked one of them and punched another one. "I'll slaughter every last one of you, bloodbath-style!."

The actor started running from the monsters who began giving chase.

"Disgusting beasts!." he shouted before transforming into a clay-shape monster, destroying the beasts that chased him.

You and the guy who was next to you on the helicopter managed to grab your guns from the helicopter and started unloading every shot you had on the orcs, one of them tried to spear you however you avoided it and shot him in the face before you slit another's throat with a combat knife.

"This is getting us nowhere!." You shouted as you shot another one. "Where's the boss at?."

"You mean, like, a King Piggy?." Harley shouted as she kicked another orc in the face. "Probably hiding in their pigsty!."

"It's that one!." Peacemaker pointed at one of the pigs sitting on a chair. "Everyone knows that true villains have hideous faces!."

The guy next to you focused his arm with his gauntlet, however, one of them got in the way and he climbed to the top of the helicopter and jumped off the broken propeller into the air, lining up another shot before firing.

The bullet connected, lodged in the leader's skull as he fell over dead.

The other pigs and orcs began scrambling to get away as you fired off more shots.

"And stay out!." You fire more bullets into the air. "Fucking filthy animals!."

"Ugh!." Harley sighed. "What the hell was that all about?."

"Who knows?." Deadshot shrugged. "But ignoring all the pig freaks, I'm guessing that one's on our side?."

He gestured to King Shark who was swallowing an entire corpse.

"She said six people," Clayface smirked. "Not sure if we can count that as a "person" though."

"Look who's talking." You looked at Clayface before you all heard people approaching as knights rode in on horses with wide eyes, seeing a ton of bodies, a destroyed helicopter and you lot...with King Shark eating another corpse.

One of the knights pulled out an enchanted-looking sword but you quickly shot it out of his hands.

"Hold on!." You put a hand up. "Do you speak our language, you guys have been fighting those pig things too, right?."

You then look back at King Shark.

"That guy is on our side...probably..."

The knights looked at each other confused before the one whose sword was shot out of his hand spoke up, saying something none of you could understand before his sword reappeared in his hand.

"Was that a trick?." Harley asked. "Or some kinda magic?."

"Oh, I get it!." Clayface smiled. "So that's what's going on!."

He walked up to the knights, smiling.

"Our apologies for frightening you." He smiled. "We come in peace."

When the guards put their swords down, he fist-pumped.

"Excellent!." He cheered. "The stories in my life were boring me to death, but God really knows how to entertain, what a fantastic scenario he's blessed me with!."

"Wait, what?." Harley looked confused. "What's gotten into you?."

"Don't you get it?." He looked back at her. "Look around you, there's dragons and orcs, an old-fashioned war fought with swords and arrows, plus magic-this is Alice's adventures in Wonderland!."

"The Lewis Carroll book?." You looked confused.

"I believe the more common term in pop culture is..." he put a hand on his chin and thought for a minute. "an Isekai!."

"Isekai?." You and Harley looked at each other confused.

"Oh, goddammit." Deadshot groaned. "Give me a break, "noble cause", my ass-this is friggin' ridiculous!."

"Ridiculous?." Peacemaker glared at him. "Did you just call my mission ridiculous!?."

"Have you looked around?." He glared back. "If this ain't ridiculous, then what is?."

"No matter how sticky the situation gets, I always see my mission through to the end." Peacemaker got in his face. "Don't get in my way!."

"Christ, man." Deadshot groaned. "Are you blind, can you even see with that sack over your head?."

The two of them were about to lock horns but you quickly got in between them, breaking it up.

"Well, you're looking at the chosen warrior who were summoned from another world!." Clayface smiled at the guards. "Now bring us to your king and we'll put an end to this war!."


All of you were thrown into a jail cell, the gate slammed shut.

"Anyone who disturbs the peace is dead?." Deadshot looked at Peacemaker. "What the hell was that, you a peace-mongering nutjob or what?."

"Hey!." Peacemaker growled. "I already told you once, don't say that kinda crap in front of me!."

"You guys are still fighting?." Harley looked up at them, then at you. "Aren't you gonna break it up."

"Peace-mongering nutjob!." Deadshot shouted at Peacemaker.

"YOU SONUVA!..." Peacemaker shouted before tackling him and the two started fighting.

"Aren't you gonna break this up?." Harley looked at you.

"Nah, it's better to let them fight it out." You sighed, not even looking at her.

"Hey...I uh just want to thank you for saving me back there." She twittled her thumbs and put a hand out to you. "Harley Quinn!."

You looked at her hand before looking at her and slowly shaking it.

"HeadHunter, masterclass assassin." You looked at Harley who smiled at you before the two of watched The Assassin and the Patriot roll around on the ground, fighting each other. "You think we could get people to place bets on this?."


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