♥ A Pen Inked Hand ♥

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*Play video for cafe shop sounds*
Charlie P.O.V.
"Charlie! You haven't written a song in months! I have to cut you off if you don't write a song soon. If you don't, I'm firing you."

          Charlie frowned and looked at his boss straight in the eyes. "I just have nothing to write about." He responded sadly.

          "Well you better go find something to write about, and make it famous!" His boss said firmly before pointing Charlie to the door.

Charlie decided he needed some tea after his chat with his boss. The feeling of worry in his gut arose as he walked out the door. He thought about what song could hit the top charts. What could possibly be famous? He stuffed his hands in his pockets as he walked out into the cold weather. The worry of losing his job began to eat him alive as he walked down the slippery street. He wished he had somebody to talk to when he got home. He would just come home to emptiness. Yep, he was a loner. Charlie had no love life. He only had heartbreaks. His feet skidded to a stop in front of his favorite cafe. It wasn't big or, famous, but he found it cute and relaxing. They also sold cookies in addition to tea. He gripped the small doorknob, and opened the door. The small shop immediately hit him with the smell of home. It smelled of the times you baked cookies with your mother for the holidays. The shop was small but amazing. He went to the counter and ordered his tea and cookies. The nice counter lady gave him a paper, and he sat down. He jotted down some lyrics, and started to morph the lyrics into a song. He wrote even though the curse of writing left-handed settled in. But, he continued writing even though ink was getting on his hands. While he was finishing writing his idea for a song a waitress came over to his table.

          "Curse of the left hand?" The waitress asked giggling. The waitress set his tea and cookies down as he studied her. He didn't realize when he looked up that he would find his eyes looking at such a beautiful woman. Her curly brown hair tucked into her white beanie. She had a cozy white long-sleeved shirt with black stripes. Her jeans didn't have a single tear or rip, and her Vans sneakers were tied like a Christmas bow. Her eyes were a dark brown that were beautiful. The woman's name tag read Maria. It was a lovely name he thought. He stared at the girl who looked like heaven to him. His eyes suddenly blinked him into reality.

          "Yes, I'm left-handed, sadly. Are you left-handed?" Charlie asked with a small smile.

          "Yes, I am left handed sadly too. I have ink smudges on my hand from writing orders down."  Maria giggled. He adored her laugh. It was adorable. The two both looked down at Charlie's song.

          "May I read what you've wrote? It looks like a song. I would love to read it." Maria asked hoping for a yes. Charlie handed her the paper hoping for her approval. He also wanted her phone number. It's never too early to get a phone number!

          "It's very good, but may I make a suggestion?" Her eyes connected with Charlie's gaze upon her as she set the paper down.

          "Of course you can! The suggestion could possibly make it better!" Charlie responded joyfully.

          "I just always hear songs about love ending. I wish there was a song about a love that started, and made it to the finish line." She connected her dark brown eyes to his again. He questioned what she said. He then gripped the two sides of the paper, and ripped it in half.

          "It was a suggestion! It was a great song! Why did you rip it in half?" Maria gasped in confusion.

          "I did it because, you are right. Instead of a song that talks about love ending forever, I should write a song about love never dying. I do hope that a love between us starts, and never ends because, you've stolen my heart within 15 minutes." Charlie said as he smiled looking at Maria. He grabbed a napkin, and wrote his number down. Charlie handed the napkin to Maria as a blush crept to her cheeks. She then looked down at the napkin with a bit of shock. The smell of home-baked cookies left Charlie's nose as he stepped into the icy cold. He stuffed his hands in his pockets, and had no more worries. He knew what he was going to write about. His new song was going to be about a love that he hoped would never end. That whole song would be based on the beautiful girl with the pen inked hand.

The End

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