June / Rondel: The Reader's Manifesto

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A Poet's Journey
(How Far Can You Go?)
By Fox-Trot-9

June / Rondel: The Reader's Manifesto

Within these many books, my mind is free
   To roam these endless worlds of written pages
   And glimpse the lives of weird fantastic ages,
Where living eyes have scarcely dared to see.

Ah, what grand adventure shall await me?
   What tale of courage, love or vengeance rages
Within these many books? My mind is free
   To roam these endless worlds of written pages!

But life is just a cruel reality
   That has me shackled to the gilded cages
   Of a typical job and hourly wages;
But in the leisure of my silent glee,
Within these many books, my mind is free!

(To be continued...)

A/N: A rondel is a French fixed poetic form consisting of 13 lines, with two repeated lines of refrain throughout the poem, usually with a consistent syllable count, but syllable count can vary depending on the poet's tastes.

Meter: Iambic pentameter (with masculine and feminine endings)
Rhyme: ABba abAB abbaA (with masculine and feminine rhymes)

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