Accidentally Kissed

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"Let's see.... where to put you." Ash murmured as she looked around the weapons shed for a place to put away some of the spears she had finished making. Not many of the gang knew how to use spears, just her, Snotlout and Ruffnut, so there was no barrel or rack for her to place them in.

"Ash! Ash!" She heard the twins yell as they rushed into the shed.

"Ash you really need to see this!" Tuffnut said as he and his sister stopped to catch their breath.

"What is it now?" Ash asked, dropping the spears to the floor.

"It's Elin...she's dragged a Berserker boat all the way over here and won't let it go!" Ruffnut answered. "And we think there are some people on it!"

The three bolted out and ran down to the stables where the dragons were eating or resting. Storm was curled up next to Meatlug, a habit he refused to give up since he had gotten much bigger than her.

"Storm! Get up, we need to get to Elin!" Ash yelled, grabbing her saddle off the wall and tossing it onto the napping Skrill. At the mention of his older sister, Storm's golden eyes snapped open and he leapt off Meatlug with all his spikes standing up on edge. As soon as the saddle was tightened on and Ash barely sat down, Storm took off into the skies with Barf and Belch behind him.

The two dragons landed by the large cave that was located by the far side of the island where Elin made her nest to find the large blue dragon beside an overturned Berserker ship. She growled to acknowledge her mother's presence and turned to greet her, only to see an enraged look on Ash's face.

"Elin, what do you think you are doing with that ship?" Ash asked, using the same tone her mother used when scolding her younger children.

The blue dragon snorted and nudged the ship with her snout and there was a high pitched screech from it. Ash's eyes widened and rushed towards the ship with the twins behind her. Storm and Barf and Belch followed followed, curious but alert.

"I knew someone was probably on it!" Ruffnut hissed as they got close to the ship. "Who do you think is on it and why would your dragon steal this?"

"Maybe it has gold. Remember when she was little Elin was stealing anything shiny and storing it in a hiding place that Ash always found?" Tuffnut pointed out and lowered his voice. "What if it was the gold and jewels Dagur was using to buy a new armada? Or a dowry to marry Ash?"

"That creep is not even good enough for Ash. And besides he's not at her status!" Ruffnut snorted.

"Elin, lift that ship up this instant." Ash commanded. Elin gave an unamused snort but did as she was told.

Something small and brightly colored darted out from under the ship and slammed right into Ash's legs, causing her to tip backwards and fall down on her rear. She felt something warm and a bit heavy jump onto her and heard the dragons give an alarmed shriek. Ash sat up to see something purple with golden eyes staring right into her eyes and she blinked a few times before she realized it was a baby dragon.

"What the seven hells is this?" Ash asked, sitting up and studying the tiny newcomer.

"A baby dragon, duh." The twins responded and the baby turned it's attention to them.

It gave a little squeak and clambered off of Ash, only to be stopped by Storm who growled threateningly at it until Elin snarled at him and scooted the baby close to her with her wing.

"A Berserker must have found it, poor baby." Ash said as the baby dragon curled close to the larger dragon. "Why would one of Dagur's men take it?"

"Maybe because he's trying to get a super dangerous dragon we won't know how to tame." Ruff suggested and her twin nodded in agreement.

"Plus he probably thinks taming one will impress you." Tuffnut added.

"Doesn't really look impressive." Ash shrugged and motioned for Elin to bend her neck down. "We're about to pay him a little visit."

"Uh...on Elin?" Tuff asked. "No offense cuz she's pretty badass but he has the weapons that can probably penetrate her scales. Your mom mentioned there was a weapon that injured one of her dragons when she battled the Lannisters."

"That weapon ceases to exist now that it was destroyed. Besides, Dagur would know better than to hurt whatever dragon I happen to be riding." Ash said as she climbed onto her dragon. The baby dragon squealed in protest as Elin shifted away from it and she bent down to gently nudge it towards Storm and the twins. "Take it to Hiccup and make sure to keep it safe. And don't let Snotlout anger it, I don't want to be pulling dragon teeth out of his ass again."

"You got it khaleesi!" The twins shouted in unison and saluted.

"I'm not a khaleesi! I'm a khalakki!" Ash yelled as Elin took off into the skies. "My mum's a khal!"


"Big dragon approaching!" A Berserker yelled as Dagur was busy doing his pull up exercises.

"How big?" He asked, releasing the bars of the cage he had been hanging off of.

"Super big, and it's blue." the man responded and gulped nervously. "Never seen anything like it."

Dagur snatched the small telescope from his and peered into it to see a large blue dragon, nothing he had ever seen before, flying towards them with someone on it's back.

"Well shoot it down!" The chief said, shoving the spyglass into his solider's chest and pointed at the incoming dragon. "Shoot it down! Probably one of Hiccups' annoying little dragon rider pals!"

"Oh's the girl!" he solider from earlier said looking into the spyglass again. "The blonde!"

"There are three blonde girls!" Dagur yelled as the dragon sprayed a plume of fire at the water and barrel-rolled over his ship. "Be more specific!"

"I think he meant me." A familiar voice as sweet as a valkyrie responded.

Dagur spun around to find Ash standing behind him with one hand on her hip and the other on a sword that was attached to the opposite hip.

"Well well, couldn't stay away from me beautiful?" Dagur teased as he sauntered closer to her. "Did you miss all...this?" He added, gesturing to himself and flexed his arms.

"You wish." Ash snorted and shook her head. "I'm here to know why you did that."

"Did what?" Dagur asked.

"My dragon took one of your ships which had a small purple dragon, too young to be away from it's mother." Ash responded and poked him in the chest with one finger. "And I hate it when fools like you dare to do things like that. Don't you know that female dragons are more aggressive than the males, especially when it comes to their brood?"

"Well I think I should know how to calm pretty girls who are mad over something I never did." Dagur responded and Ash heard Elin gag. Out of the corner of her eye, her dragon was clinging to the side of a sea stack and making gagging faces.

'You totally read my mind Elin.' Ash thought and smiled a bit.

"Judging by your smile you know what I am talking about then?" Dagur asked, taking a few steps closer to Ash and causing her to back away towards the ship's mast. "How about we take this conversation to my cabin and discuss the peace terms we were talking about the last time we were alone?"

"How about I ask my dragon to roast you?" Ash suggested as she ducked away to keep herself from being pinned to the mast. "It'll save Hiccup the headache to be bothered by you."

"Or you give me the location of your little hideout and then I'll let you and your dragon go free?" Dagur asked as his men trained their weapons at Elin. She gave an unamused snort at the sight of the weapons being pointed at her and looked to her mother for any commands to get them away from the Berserkers.

"Or how about I kick you between the legs so hard you won't be able to have kids?" Ash challenged and heard some soliders mutter 'oooo!' "If you want to marry me, you have to prove it to my family. Sadly they aren't here and wouldn't even say yes, so let's allow my dragon to test you of being worthy?"

"Or I can take you as mine right here and now, in front of my men." Dagur sneered, grabbing her wrist and yanking her towards him. Ash yelped as she was yanked forward and Elin roared in alarm.

She hopped off the sea stack and flew right towards the boat where her mother was and tried landing right on top of it. Ash gave a yell as she and Dagur fell towards Elin, Ash's back slamming hard into her dragon's leg and Dagur slamming right onto her. His head hit hers and the next thing Ash knew their lips were touching. Elin gave and strangled roar and leapt off the boat, causing the two and several other Berserkers to tip backwards wildly. Ash landed right on top of Dagur and sent her dragon a murderous look.

"Can you...get off me?" Dagur asked sheepishly. "Normally I would have liked this sort of thing but I'm feeling quite awkward right now."

"How do you think I feel?" Ash hissed as she quickly scrambled to get off of Dagur and scooted away.

Dagur could see her cheeks were red with embarrassment and he could only guess that his were just as red. He'd never felt that flustered before when it came to her, but close contact like that with her made him feel awkward. And not to mention the whole crew was watching them.

"I-I better go and get back to the baby, Elin is getting anxious." Ash said, gesturing to her dragon who was back near the sea stack and shooting Dagur a nasty look.

So that was the baby dragon that ran into the arena three years ago. He actually thought it was some sort of deformed Monstrous Nightmare or Nadder but now he could see it was neither. It was bigger than any of his ships and bigger than any of the other dragons he had seen. If it took three years for that little dragon to grow that large, he could only imagine the sheer size it would have been if he waited to be released from prison.

"Uh...bye?" Dagur said awkwardly as Ash walked off and let the dragon swoop down to grab her. It released a plume of fire and aimed it at the ocean, causing a huge cloud of steam to come up.

"And here I thought that thing was going to eat us." Savage said, adjusting his messed up helmet. "And to think that Snow brat was the one to tame it!"

"Please refrain from talking so rudely about my future wife." Dagur snapped, the embarrassment and awkwardness he was feeling before wash away. "Otherwise the next time that dragon comes around I will so gladly feed you to it! Because that does not look like a dragon that lives solely on fish!"

Despite his anger towards Savage at the moment, Dagur couldn't help but feel a bit happy for himself. He finally kissed Ash Snow on the lips, something he never did before in his life. She probably wasn't feeling too happy about the kiss (even if it was purely accidental).


"Are you done screaming into that pillow?" Ruffnut asked as her friend removed the pillow from her face.

"I can't believe I kissed him...I can't believe I kissed my sworn enemy!" Ash groaned as she flung the pillow onto her face again but didn't scream. "My first kiss was given to me by Dagur!"

"How did it feel?" Ruffnut asked, sitting forward with an eager look on her face. "Did you like it?"

"I don't even want to say anything about it!" Ash yelled from under the pillow. "Oh gods I cannot believe that happened! Of all the things to happen between it had to be that!"

"Better a kiss than the you-know-what." Ruffnut shrugged. "Come on, he wasn't that bad was he?"

"It only lasted like three seconds."

"Then that wasn't a real kiss. You gotta do that all over again."

"I am not kissing Dagur on the lips again, ever!" Ash snapped and flung her pillow at Ruffnut and she managed to keep it from hitting her.

"Trust me, that's definitely gonna happen again and pretty soon." Ruff laughed.

"I hate my life!"

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