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"A few drinks with who?" James asked as he slid behind the bar, to stand close to Tori.

"A friend of mine and Mr.Johnsons." Tori lied with a smile.

James narrowed his eyes at his boss while Tori turned her back to check and see if they had refilled up on alcohol.

"Is there more scotch coming in?" Tori quickly turned around to face Carter.

"Yeah, it'll be here before seven." The CEO explains.

Tori looked at the clock, it's five twenty-eight, now. She walked from behind the bar, and to Carter's dismay she was wearing tight black skinny jeans. He mentally cursed himself. Of course she would look just as good in skinny jeans as she would in a skirt. The tight jeans hugged her ass perfectly, a small amount of skin from her stomach was over her waist line of the jeans, which made her look even sexier.

Carter's eyes traveled to the perv, who was watching Tori as she began to clean off the tables for the hundredth time since she got here.

She wants everything to be completely spotless, before the customers show up.


Time has flown by and it's now nine o'clock. The small shipment of alcohol including the scotch has come in, and the bar is filled with people who are already drunk off their asses.

"One scotch on the rocks please." A deep voice called to Tori as she was making someone else's drink.

Tori expected to see Carter sitting behind the bar, with his tie loosened and bags under his eyes. Instead, when she turned around a young handsome man that fairly resembled Carter was sitting on the bar stool.

"Y..yeah just give me on sec." She tears her eyes away from the beautiful stranger and hands some girl the drink she just made.

"You're even prettier in the front." The mans eyes scanned her body up and down.

"Thanks." She gave him a small smile.

"I really hope you aren't trying to pick up my fiancée." Carter's voice broke Tori's concentration.

"Your Fiancée huh?" The small version of Carter smirked.

Tori stared hard at the two of them. They looked almost identical, Carter is taller but not by much. The shorter mans hair isn't as dark as Carter's and has blue eyes instead of chestnut brown. Their whole presence is different. While Carter's hair is neatly slicked back, the other man's hair is messy and looks tossed around.

"Victoria, this is my younger brother David." Carter smiled fondly at the younger version of himself. "David, this is Victoria. She's my fiancé."

David took Tori's small hand in his, and gave her knuckles a gentle kiss.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." He winked.

Tori was astonished by how blue David's eyes are. They're a dark blue, almost navy blue it seems. When the light hits them, it reminds Tori of the dark night sky. When her eyes met Carter's, her breath was taken away. His dark chestnut eyes shined brightly in the light, his eyes looked like orbs of pure gold.

Carter gave the small woman a smirk, causing her face to turn a bright shade of red. Tori pulled her hand away politely, and gave David a warm smile.

"It was great meeting you." She replies.

"David let's go talk in my office, Victoria has a lot of work to do."

As the two walk away, James slides next to Tori.

"It was bad enough with one, now there's two." James laughs, mainly to himself.

"What's wrong with Mr. Johnson?" Tori snapped at the blonde. "He's easy going, and kind."

James snorted and looked away.

"That's because you're engaged to him." James hissed under his breath.

Tori's eyes went wide with shock.

"Yeah, he told me." He looked back at the small woman who's eyes glossed over with sadness.

"James, It's not what you think it is."

"It doesn't matter, eventually I'll get what I want." He says before walking away.

Tori watched James sulk off to a table to take their order.

"He's bad news." A voice brought Tori's attention back.

She looked at the tall blonde woman that had just spoken.

"What do you mean?" Tori asked worriedly.

The blonde smiled a sad smile and shook her head.

"Hi I'm Erica, I'm James's ex." She stuck out her hand for Tori to shake.

Tori wrapped her small hand around the blondes larger one.

"Hi I'm Tori."

"It's nice to meet you." Erica laughed sweetly. "How about on your break, we go outside and smoke and I'll tell you all about him."


"She's a cute girl." David smirked as he took a seat behind Carter's desk. "Is She the one that's been targeted by the perv?" His voice suddenly serious.

"Yeah. Mike has been keeping an eye on him."

David crossed one leg over the other and leaned back in the chair.

"Why not just kill him?" He ask his older brother. "Perverts like him always have a bidder agenda."

Carter narrowed his eyes in disgust.

"I can't just kill him, Tori would be upset and suspicious," he explained. "Even if I did kill him with out thinking about Tori's feelings, this contract could go to shit."

David mimicked his brothers actions, and narrowed his eyes as well.

"If you don't kill him, he's going to fuck something up. He'll either fuck up your contract, or he'll fuck up your beloved fiancé."

Carter shook his head.

"It's not the right time to kill the man yet. I'll wait until Tori and I are actually married."

David slammed his fist on his older brothers desk.

"Damnit Carter, this man is a fucking threat to a woman." He yells. "He could seriously do some fucked up shit to her."

"Sit your ass down." Carter demanded. "I have a plan for crying out loud. I'm not going to let some sleaze bag lay a finger on her, or anyone woman for that matter."

David sat back in his chair and took a deep breath.

"When's this wedding?"

I want to apologize for not updating yesterday, Wi-if was down. These are the two chapters I wrote yesterday so I'll get started on the two for today.

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