Chapter Four: Explanations?

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(A/N: This just came to me now. I would appreciate it if someone kept count of how many times I said 'fruit loop' in this chapter, not including that one.)

*words* = mind link (Danny and Sora), **words** = mind link (the team), 'words' = thoughts

Third Person POV

The team was starting at the twins, wondering what just happened. "I'll get them." Robin said, going over to the twins and taking them to the med bay. Once in the med bay, the twins woke up, inhaling sharply. "Hey, it's alright. Calm down." Robin told them, trying to calm them down. "Sorry. Sensitive hearing. Pain. Remembering." Phantom said, both twins still putting their hands near their ears. "I probably should have told them about your hearing." Robin said, earning a 'No-duh!' look from the twins.

"You've got some explaining to do, like why you ran away earlier." Robin said, looking at them seriously. The twins then avoided his gaze, looking uncomfortable about something. "What is it?" Robin asked, concerned about what they're hiding. "Nu-i nimic. (It's nothing.)" Specter said. "It isn't nothing. Now tell me." Robin said. "Nu e nimic, bine!!!!! (It's nothing, alright!!!!!)" Specter snapped, toxic green eyes glowing brighter. Robin flinched. "Scuze. (Sorry.)" Specter said, looking away. "We just don't want to talk about it." Phantom said, going over to Specter.

"Why don't you want to talk about it?" Robin asked, concerned about his siblings behavior. "It just..." Specter started but trailed off. "Just what?" Robin asked, getting agitated from them dodging the question. "It reminds us of home. Well, second home." Phantom told Robin, hugging his sister who started to cry. "Sorry. I shouldn't have pried." Robin said, and moved to get up. "We'll tell the team later, but can you tell them not to question much about our home. Especially Miss Martian." Phantom asked, holding Specter who now fell asleep. "Sure, but why Miss M?" Robin asked, near the door. "The both of us felt something in our heads. It was weird." Phantom said. "Ok. See you later." Robin said and left. Phantom went to one of the beds and went on it, sleeping with his sister in his lap. Cujo went near their feet and curled up, falling asleep.

"So, what happened?" Kid Flash asked. "They'll tell us later, but right now they're sleeping. Before he fell asleep, Phantom asked me something to tell you. He asked not to ask about their past, especially you, Miss M." Robin told them. "Why?" Miss Martian asked, already knowing the answer. "They felt your presence in their heads." Robin stated. Everyone looked at Miss Martian. "What did you find out?" Superboy asked. "Nothing. They had strong mental barriers." Miss Martian stated. "I hope that they open up to us more." Black Canary said, breaking the silence.

A Couple Hours Later

Phantom's POV

*You sure we should tell them about that?* Sora asked me, both of us heading to where we heard sounds. *I don't know. But they need to know at least a little. Otherwise, we may as well run away and die. Well, fully.* I said back, not liking the prospect of becoming a complete ghost. *You know that we both don't want that to happen. Who knows what Dick would do.* Sora replied back, chuckling dryly.

We made it over to the training area, where everyone was. *Do they train all day, everyday?* Sora asked, and I couldn't help but shrug. "Hi." Sora and I said softly, gaining everyone's attention. "Oh, good. You're awake." Black Canary said. "Um, yeah. Sorry about earlier." Sora and I say, scratching the back of our heads sheepishly. "If you don't mind, would you please explain why you disappeared earlier and what that was that managed to knock Black Canary off her feet?" Aqualad asked, and both of us could tell that he and everyone were curious.

"Yea, about that....." Sora said and trailed off. "What?" Superboy asked. "It's a lot of explaining we have to do, and we don't exactly want to tell everything, so......." Sora said and trailed off, again. "So, what?" Kid Flash asked. *Rude much?* I asked Sora and glared at him. I heard her snickering. "So, we may leave things out and would appreciate it if you didn't try to ask about where we came from or what happened." I snapped, still angry. "Sorry. I didn't mean to snap." I said quickly. "It's alright. We won't try to pry." Aqualad said. "Thanks." I said.

"Now, we might take a while. Can we go somewhere where we can sit? The both of us may be in the air, but you guys probably won't want to stand as we talk." Sora said, both of us starting to float. "Yes. Follow me." Batman said, and we followed.

Third Person POV

"So, is everyone comfortable?" Specter asked, floating in the air with Phantom. "Yes, please start." Aqualad said. "Well, two years ago, we were kidnapped." Specter said. "Kidnapped? By who?" Miss Martian asked. "The GIW. Guys in White." Phantom said, the twins started drifting towards each other. "What did they do?" Kid Flash asked. "They experimented on us, thinking that we don't have emotions or feel pain." Specter said bitterly, venom laced in her words.

"Why would they think that?" Black Canary asked. "Because, we're halfas." Phantom said, like it was the most common think in the world. "What's a halfa?" Miss Martian asked. "Half ghost and half human." Robin explained. "And before you ask, we told him about it." Specter said. "But why did they experiment on you?" Superboy asked. "Because, halfas are rare. There are three others besides us, but two of them are clones from our DNA." Phantom explained. "Who are they?" Robin asked. "Well, the only other one that is like us is a- was a friend of our second parents, but is actually one wacked up fruit loop." Phantom explained, both halfas snickering at the fruit loop part.

"The other two are traveling the world right now, so we haven't seen them since the Disateroid was on a crash course with Earth." Specter said. "Wait. You two saved the world two years ago?!" Kid Flash asked, disbelieving that some kids saved the world. "Yeah. There was also that issue with a wacked up fruit loop of a ghost king who tried to take over the world, starting with our home town." Phantom said. "There was also that time with, actually I'd rather not bring that back up." Specter said with a shiver. "What time?" Miss Martian asked. "Something bad happened. And it is probably on par with the two years we spent in the GIW." Phantom said.

"Anyway, the reason why we ran earlier was because we didn't know if you guys would still accept us after we told you what happened during the two years we were experimented on. And the reason why we used our Ghostly Wail earlier was in retaliation of the pain we felt, and was reminded of." Phantom explained, Specter sitting curled up in Phantom's lap. "Um, why are you two, um." Kid Flash trailed off. "Ghosts seek the comfort of other ghosts, and we haven't seen the other ghosts in a while. And we do want to show you the Ghost Zone. We just need a couple things from our home to start work." Phantom explained.

"And speaking of the wacked up fruit loop, where do you think he is now?" Specter asked Phantom. "Traveling space, because he can't come back to Earth." Phantom said. "Wait, he's in SPACE?!?!" Kid Flash asked. "Yeah. Tried to save the world in exchange for world domination." Specter said, like it was the most common thing in the world. "How are you so calm about this?" Aqualad asked. "We've probably seen some freakier stuff than what you deal with everyday." Phantom said. Suddenly, the twin's Ghost Sense went off. "Ugh, why is he here?" Specter complained. "Who?" Miss Martian asked. "Stay here please." Phantom said and the twins went invisible, going to find the ghost. "And we aren't going to listen to them, are we?" Robin asked. The rest of the team, including Batman and Black Canary, nodded. They followed the sounds of a fight.

"What do you want Skulker?" Phantom asked boredly. "Just wanting to pay my respects to the rulers of the Ghost Zone, and to bring you to your coronation." Skulker said as he dodged a punch from Specter. "Oh, come on! It can't be that time already! We have to do stuff today and tomorrow. And the day after tomorrow, ugh!" Specter said as she just had a fit. "Come on Specter. You know that we have to." Phantom said. "And you want to do it as much as I do. Which isn't much." Specter shot back.

"Skulker, can you just go and tell them to hold it off until we feel ready. We haven't been freed from the GIW for a day and we aren't quite ready yet. We also want to bring some friends, which is going to take a while without the proper equipment." Phantom told the Ghost Hunter. "Alright. But you know who is going to have a fit about this." Skulker said as he flew off. "Geez. She will have a fit." Specter said. "Yeah. No helping that you threw a fit about it." Phantom told her. "Should we tell the team about this, or do you think they already know?" Specter asked, looking over where the team was.

"Sh*t. They found us." Kid Flash said. The team walked out from their hiding place. "I really didn't want you guys to find out like this." Phantom said while scratching the back of his head sheepishly. "So, your royalty?" Robin asked. "Um, yeah." Specter said. "Looks like we've delayed it again." Phantom said, looking at Specter. "I'm just wondering how long we can delay it." Specter said.

"Um, why are you delaying it?" Miss Martian asked. "Because, ever since we defeated Pariah Dark, the former King of the Ghost Zone and a crazy wacked up fruit loop, the ghosts in the Ghost Zone are trying to get us to take up the position." Specter explained. "How long have you been delaying it?" Superboy asked. "Hmm. Not counting the two years we were experimented on, about two or three years." Specter said.

"On a completely different topic, we have some things to tell you. It's about ghosts." Phantom said. "What about them?" Robin asked. "One. Never ask a ghost how they died. It is extremely rude." Phantom said. "Second. Never ask a ghost what their obsession is. Even if it's obvious." Specter said. "Why?" Superboy asked. "It's a ghost's reason for staying alive. Well, afterlife. Just don't ask." Phantom said. "Also, how a ghost died becomes their fear. They can't die, but they are still afraid." Specter said.

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