Chapter One: Rescued

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*words* = mind link (Danny and Sora), **words** = mind link (the team), 'words' = thoughts

Two years later

Dick - Age Thirteen

Danny - Age Eleven

Sora - Age Eleven

Third Person POV

*How long have we been here?* Danny asked his twin, both not looking so good. *About two years. Those bastarzi are going to get it when we get out. Well, if. (A/N: bastarzi is b*stards in Romanian.)* Sora told her twin, becoming sadder at the last part. Then, some GIW agents came in. "Get up, scum." one of the men said. Two agent's came over and roughly jerked the twins up, heading them to the experiment room.

The twin halfas didn't bother resisting, they knew that it would only cause them more pain. They were getting strapped into a chair thing in a compartment, controlled outside of the compartments to control the electrical shocks. The scientists put the shocks near the highest setting, listening to the screams of the test subjects.

Soon, those screams where filled with all of the negative emotions the two were feeling and became Ghostly Wails, shattering the glass in the facility and knocking the agents and scientists to the floor. If the two weren't strapped down right now, they would've fallen down to the floor in exhaustion and pain.

Somewhere not to far away, Miss Martian heard the wails, clutching her head in pain. "Miss M, you ok?" Robin asked, the group stopping once they realized that one of their members wasn't with them. "I'm fine. It's just..." she trailed off as everyone gathered around her, Superboy helping her up. "Just what?" Superboy asked. "I heard two voices, they sounded in pain. They aren't far from here." Miss Martian said, looking up at everyone. "Well, let's go then." Aqualad said, motioning for Miss Martian to lead them.

They made their way towards the GIW building as the twins were being roughly dragged back to their cell. *Did you feel what I felt when we released the wails?* Sora asked her brother. *Yes. Someone outside.* Danny replied, both getting thrown into the cell with the door locking behind them. *From what I could tell, there was only one person who heard it. It's a group of five.* Sora told him. *So, what are we going to do? Are they friend or foe?* Danny asked. *I don't know.* Sora told him.

With the team, they finally made it to the GIW building, not that they knew who was in there or who it belonged to. "Robin, do you think that you could check out this place?" Aqualad asked. "Already on it." Robin said as he was hacking the system. "Woah." Robin said, gaining everyone's attention. "What did you find?" Aqualad asked. "That this is a secret facility that does some nasty things." Robin said, still not believing what he was seeing. "This isn't like you, Rob." Kid Flash said. "Yeah. That's because I can't believe what I'm seeing." Robin said, still hacking.

In the cell, both of the twins were huddled in the corner, holding onto each other for comfort. The door opened. The two stiffened as the agents came in. "Come on." One of them said rudely, while two others roughly grabbed the twins and pulled them up, leading them to an obstacle course. "Your objective it to go through these courses in five minutes. Start now." one of the scientists said. The twins flew immediately and started to dodge all the obstacles, because they were covered with Ecto-Ranium and would injure the two.

They completed it in under three minutes. They were then dragged and thrown back into their cell. The twins groaned and coughed up some blood after they closed the door, locking it so they can't escape. 'Please. Someone. Anyone. Help.' the twins thought as they fell asleep, holding onto each other.

The team had just gotten into the building, Miss Martian hiding them from everyone with her powers. **Have you found them yet Miss M?** Robin asked, slowly looking around. Miss Martian had her eyes closed focusing on finding the source of the voices. **Found them. Follow me** Miss Martian told them, leading the team through some turns in the weird building. **Anyone around?** Robin asked, making his way towards the cell door. **No. The closest people are in there. The rest are away from here.** Miss Martian said, informing Robin. **Can you get them out of there?** Aqualad asked. **Done.** Robin said, the door opening as he said that.

"W-who a-are y-you?" voices asked, toxic green eyes looking through the darkness at the unknown people in the doorway. "The name's Robin. We're going to get you out of here." Robin said, gently making his way towards the twins, both shying away from him slightly. "What's that?" Robin asked, looking at their necks. "T-these a-are to p-prevent us f-from leaving." the boy said, pointing at the collars around his and his sister's necks. "Just a moment. I'll get them off." Robin said, taking out a lock pick. He picked the locks and soon the collars came off, letting the two breathe a little better.

"T-thanks." the boy said, standing up and helping his sister stand. **Robin. We need to move. People are coming.** Miss Martian told Robin. **Ok. We need to get them out of here.** Robin told the rest of the team. "I-if y-you n-need to l-leave, w-we c-can h-help." the boy said, heading towards the door with his sister and Robin following behind. The team looked at the two in shock. They looked around the same age as them, maybe younger. "F-follow u-us." the girl said, knocking everyone out of their shock. "Alright. Please, lead the way." Aqualad said, the twins just nodded.

They started to walk away, the twins leading the team while Miss Martian cloaked them. They soon got to the exit and started to run away from the facility, the twins running a bit faster than the team can keep up. Soon they were far enough from the building and close to the Bio-ship when the team asked something. "So, why were you there?" Kid Flash asked. The twins just froze up. "N-not h-here." the boy said, holding his sister protectively. "We aren't going to hurt you. We just want to know why kids would be there." Miss Martian said gently, trying to calm the boy down. "P-please. W-we j-just w-want to g-get away f-from t-that hellhole." the boy said, venom laced in his voice on the last word. "Alright. Everyone, time to head home." Aqualad said, Robin leading the two onto the ship towards the med bay.

Soon the ship started flying, heading back to Mount Justice. "So, what were you doing in that building?" Robin asked the two while the rest were in the control area. "W-we were b-being experimented on. B-by the G-GIW." the boy told him, holding his sister still. "Who are the GIW?" Robin asked, curious. "T-The G-Guys in W-White." the girl said, looking up at Robin with her toxic green eyes. "How did they get you?" Robin asked. The two stayed quiet.

"Rob, we just landed." Kid Flash informed his friend. "Alright. You two will be brought to the med bay to get checked out." Robin told the two. They just started to shiver and their breathing increased. "Oh no." Robin said and tried to calm the two, telling them to take deep breaths. Once they calmed down, Robin lead them off the Bio-Ship and towards the med bay.

In the med bay, Robin had the two lay on a bed. "So, why did you start to freak out before?" Robin asked the two, pulling up a chair to sit in front of them. "T-the experiments." the boy said quietly.

Robin's POV

The two seemed pretty shaken up. As they were sitting on the beds, I took the opportunity to fully look at them. They both had snow white hair and toxic green eyes. They had black and white hazmat suits that were a little different, but still relatively the same. The girl had something that looked like 'SS' on her's while the boy had one that looked like a 'DP'. Both were tattered and had bruises and cuts, all over their bodies.

"How long were you in there for?" I asked, trying not to make them feel like they can't trust me. "A-About two years." the girl said, holding her side. "D-don't w-worry. W-we h-heal p-pretty f-fast." the boy said, noticing me looking at the girl. "Are you two related?" I asked. "Y-yes. T-twins." the girl said, looking over to her brother.

I heard the door open behind me and saw Batman come in. "So, these are the two you rescued." Batman said, looking at the two. "Yes. When we were on the Bio-Ship before they started to freak out once they heard 'med bay'." I told him. "What were they doing there?" he asked, looking at the two again. "They haven't said yet." I told him, looking at them again. "So, who are you?" Batman asked. They kept quiet.

I took a closer look and realized that they were asleep. I chuckled a bit and brought out some blankets for them, covering them and leaving the med bay with Batman.

Third Person POV

Once Robin and Batman left the med bay, the twins opened their eyes and curled into a ball, holding each other. *How you feeling?" the boy asked the girl. *Fine, Danny. How about you?* the girl asked. *Good. Nothing that won't heal.* the boy told her. The door opened and Robin came back in. "Would you two like to meet everyone?" he asked. The twins nodded and followed Robin to the training room, where everyone else was.

"Everyone, please introduce yourselves." Robin said. "My name is Aqualad. I'm the leader of this team." Aqualad said. "Miss Martian. Pleased to meet you." Miss Martian said, smiling at the two. "Superboy." Superboy said, monotone. "I'm Kid Flash. But call me KF." Kid Flash said, hyper. "Batman." Batman said. "I'm Black Canary." Black Canary said. "And I'm Robin." Robin said, holding his hand out to shake. The two shook his hand and looked over at the others. "I-I'm P-Phantom." the boy said. "And I-I'm S-Specter." the girl said.

After the two said their names, they passed out cold, holding the other's hand. "I'll get them." Robin said and picked them up, surprised at how light they were. He took them back to the med bay and laid them down, covering them after he put them down. Batman came in again. Robin got up and went to the cabinet, grabbing some supplies and started to work on the two to patch them up.

"How did they get so many wounds?" Batman wondered aloud. "No idea. But from what little I've heard from the two, they must have been experiments." Robin told his mentor. 'Just who are they?' Robin wondered to himself.

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