Christmas Omake

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Third Person POV

"Danny! Sora! Where are you!" Dick shouted as he looked around the Wayne Mansion for his younger siblings. He sighed as he didn't find them anywhere in the mansion, so he went down to the Bat Cave to look for them.

When he got down their, he heard something getting destroyed and headed over to the training room. What he saw honestly scared him a bit. They were fighting each other and not holding back. There were scorch marks on the walls and everything was a mess.

"What happened here?" Dick asked in disbelief, wondering why his siblings were fighting without holding back. "Just relieving some stress." Danny answered, him and Sora floating down to the ground. "But, why?" Dick asked, getting into protective older brother mode. "It's the Christmas season." Sora answered with a grimace. "I know that we didn't really celebrate it while we were in the circus, but didn't your adoptive family celebrate it?" Dick asked. "They didn't." Sora said, frowning at the memory. "They always fought over if Santa was real or not, and when they weren't fighting, we just had an overall bad time." Danny said.

"Well this time is going to be different." Dick said. "How so?" Danny and Sora asked in sync, looking at their brother with curiosity. "The team celebrates Christmas, and we don't fight over the existence of Santa." Dick said with a smile, then headed over to change into Robin.

"We should've told him that the ghost's have a truce during Christmas, right?" Spectre asked Phantom as they waited in the living room area of Mount Justice, looking at the decorations. "Yeah. But what are we going to do about it?" Phantom asked with a sigh, lazily floating in the air in boredom.

"Sorry for the wait guys. Everything's set up now." Robin said as he came into the living room. "Finally." Spectre and Phantom said as they went over to him and followed him to a bigger open space. There was a HUGE Christmas tree with a ton of presents underneath. And the team was surrounding the tree wearing Santa hats. Robin took three and placed them on his and his siblings heads.

"Merry Christmas guys!" the team minus Robin shouted as they came over. "What is all this?" Phantom asked, him and Spectre becoming slightly uncomfortable due to not being used to this and because they knew that someone would come and take them to the Ghost Zone for the truce party soon.

They partied, with Robin and the team explaining somethings to the Ghosts, until a ghost came. The team, still not used to their sudden appearances, aimed their weapons at the ghost until Spectre and Phantom calmed them down. "It's nice to see you Dora." Spectre said politely, her and Phantom bowing to the female ghost. "it's nice to see you too. And you shouldn't be bowing to me. I'm but one of your subjects after all." Dora said as she bowed to them. "Nonsense. You're one of our friends, so you shouldn't be bowing." Phantom said with a smile. Then, all three of them burst out laughing, making the others confused.

"Sorry about that. But we should've told you earlier." Spectre said as she wiped away a stray tear. "The ghosts have a Christmas treaty, where they have a temporary truce with the other ghosts. It applies to Halfas as well." Phantom explained. "And with them being the Rulers of the Ghost Zone-" Dora said but was cut off. "Future. We're still holding it off, remember Dora." Phantom and Spectre said, bored. "They have to attend the party." Dora said as if she hadn't been cut off. "Can't we come with?" Robin asked, not wanting his siblings to go if they didn't want to. "Sorry but no. Even we can't bend the rules to allow you to come." Phantom said sadly. "Don't worry. We'll stay away from the punch." Spectre said, earning an incredulous look from Robin. "What? Even ghosts can get drunk." Phantom said with a simple shrug of his shoulders.

"Anyway, see you later!" Spectre said as she formed a portal to the Ghost Zone for her, Phantom, and Dora to get through.

"Wow. Never expected Skulker of all ghosts to be the one most affected by the punch." Phantom said as he and Spectre got back to the Wayne mansion. "You do realize that you missed opening the presents, right?" Dick asked the two as they entered the kitchen. "Well sorry. Ghost Writer wanted to make a story about us being royalty." Sora said while shaking her head. "I'm not going to even ask about that." Dick said, shaking his head.

"Anyway, I brought the presents home for you guys." Dick said, heading towards the living room. Sora and Danny followed. "Bruce also got some presents for you two." Dick said once they were in the living room. "Wow. Never expected him to do that." Danny said with a smile. "Batman may hide his emotions, but Bruce Wayne just knows who to show them too." Dick said while smiling.

After unwrapping the presents, Danny and Sora fell asleep next to each other, smiling. For once, they had a nice Christmas.

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