Chapter 2: The Memories

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A man with gray hair, a white robe, purple eyes, and a black staff stood grinning sinisterly.

His name was Madara Uchiha, known as one of the most powerful shinobi in the world.

Madara's truth seeking ball sharpened into a black spear and launched itself towards a blonde haired teenager. Naruto's eyes widened as he noticed the spear, but it was too late. It pierced him in the chest, sending him flying as he screamed in pain.

Madara clapped as if it were a circus. He began to mock the dying Konoha legend. "Your friend...Sasuke was it? Oh, it's a shame that he's dead. So is the rest of your silly 'Shinobi Alliance'. What a shame." He reared his head backwards as he roared in laughter.

Naruto spat out blood as he stared angrily at the godly man in front of him. "Y-you killed my family... AND I SWEAR ON THEIR LIVES, I WILL KILL YOU!"

Madara laughed. "You? Kill me? You're dying now! You're so exhausted that you couldn't even dodge a simple spear throw! What can you do?!"

Naruto's hair shadowed his eyes as his mouth twisted into his trademark Uzumaki grin. His hands slowly formed seals as he whispered out the words of the jutsu.

"Six Paths: Ninth Gate of Eternity"

A scream pierced the air.


Natsu stood over his master as he screamed in pain. He looked at him in pity. 'Must be hard going through all the things he did' He thought.

Suddenly the screams stopped. Naruto slowly opened his eyes and stared blankly into space.

"D-did you see that?"


Naruto slowly got up. "I'm sorry that you did..."

The two quickly packed their things and got ready to find the beast they were assigned to kill.


"Natsu! Three o'clock!"

"Hai! Fire Dragon: Fire Dragon Roar!"

A deadly burst of fire flew from Natsu's mouth slamming into the monster, causing it to stumble slightly. It roared in anger as it regained its balance.

It was an ugly one, this monster. It had three horns and one eye that was red as blood. It had spiky fur covering every inch of his body and it seemed as if it were incredibly resistant, judging from the small amount of damage Natsu's Fire Dragon Roar did to it.

"Natsu! Cover me and I will charge a Rasenshuriken!"

"Hai sensei!"

Natsu slammed his feet onto the ground as he added fire magic to the bottoms of his feet, causing him to soar into the air in order to come eye to eye level with the beast.


'Bmx bike?' Naruto deadpanned. 'I guess he is kinda ugly but still...'

The beast roared in anger as if it understood Natsu's words and charged after him. Natsu booked it, running around in circles, jumping in and around the beast's ballsack and occasionally slamming into his legs.


Natsu jumped away as Naruto threw the massive whirling shuriken of chakra towards the beast. "Wind Style: Rasenshuriken!"

Without warning, the beast put his hands up with amazing speed and two tattoos on his palms glowed red. Then the jutsu was sucked up.


Naruto narrowed his eyes. The only time he had seen that happen was with Madara Uchi-

No. He would not say that name. He would NEVER say that name.

Without warning, he grunted in pain and clutched his head. Memories surged through him as his vision went dark.

"Class! We have a new exchange student!"

"Hello! My name is Naruto Uzumaki. I love friends, ramen, the color orange, ramen, and foxes! It's good to meet you all!"



Sasuke looked up in slight annoyance as the new transfer student stood in front of him. "What do you want?" he asked, rudely.

"Want to eat lunch together?" Naruto said, ignoring his rudeness. "Kiba got in trouble so I don't have anyone to eat with!"

Normally Sasuke would have rejected the offer, but for some reason he found himself nodding. Naruto sat down happily and began to quickly eat his bowl of Ramen which somehow appeared out of nowhere.

"Your eyes" Sasuke suddenly said. "Why do I sense chakra in them? That's not normal unless you have a dojutsu and from what I know, the Byakugan and the Sharingan are the only ones"

Naruto stopped eating abruptly. "I don't want to talk about it..."

Sasuke began to push and prod further. "Tell me!"

"They were given to me by a friend" Naruto growled in a tone Sasuke never imagined he would ever have, surprising him. "That's all you need to know!"


"Lord Hokage!" The two Chunin bowed before pushing Naruto forward. "We found this boy acting suspiciously! We never saw him around and never saw him enter the village. Seeing that the ANBU Black Ops were posted on all the walls, we considered him a threat and-"

"Come on!" Naruto complained. "All I wanted was the world famous, legendary Ichiraku's Ramen! How hard is that to get around here?"

The old man chuckled. "Izumo. Kotetsu. Release this boy at once!"

"But Lord Hokag-"

"At once!"

Naruto smirked at the glaring Chunin who left the room, now dismissed. His attention moved to the kage in front of him who was staring at him in amusement.

"Please. Take no notice of those fools. They were just doing their job, forgive them. Now, what is the real reason you are here?"

Naruto nodded and began to talk. "I used to live here. Remember me...Jiji?"

Hiruzen's eyes widened as after hearing the old nickname that Naruto had always gave him when he was younger. "N-Naruto! I thought you were dead!" The old man stood up and crushed Naruto in a bear hug. "Where were you!"

"You know how I supposedly 'died'?"

Hiruzen nodded. "How did you survive? Your house was collapsed and was set on fire!"

Naruto chuckled. "Jiji, I thought you would know from my pranks already! I created a shadow clone and managed to keep him there until you guys buried the clone!"

"But why did you leave?" Hiruzen asked. "You could have stayed here!"

"You know that is not true. The people here hate me. They used to torture me when you wouldn't look. Of course, my wounds healed from the power of the Nine Tailed Demon Fox so I couldn't exactly show you."

"W-when did you know about the Kyuubi (the Nine Tailed Demon Fox)?!"

Naruto smiled. "I learned many things throughout my journeys. I know that the demon is sealed in me which is why the villagers hate me so much. They see me as the demon himself. Don't blame them, they needed something to take their anger and sadness out on from the deaths that the demon caused and I was their outlet."

Hiruzen chuckled bitterly. "You are too kind for your own good. One day your kindness will kill you."

"Ha! Kill me?" Naruto put a thumbs up to his grandfather figure. "No one can kill the great Naruto Uzumaki!"


"Six Paths: Ninth Gate of Doom, Destruction, and Death"



Naruto immediately rose in cold sweat, his heart beating abnormally. "W-where's the beast?"

Natsu, smiled sadly. "I guess you're right Naruto sensei. I do need a bit more training."

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