Chapter 10 - Astral Training

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"Tommy? Are you sure this is such a good idea to let me train on you? My powers.... they aren't exactly weak." I knew Tommy wasn't either. But I was terrified anything could go wrong and I would be responsible for harming Tommy. And I couldn't live with that. But of course in his kind hearted fashion, he simply smiled like he had all his trust and faith in me.

"Ari, everything will be okay. You have to practice. And I want to help!" I hated feeling like I'm losing control. Like yesterday with my mother. That wasn't me. That was the me I could become if I wasn't careful. If my powers got into the wrong hands. Even if someone stole my necklace, my powers are forever mine. But with this Rita in the way, I'm afraid she could come up with something that could completely strip me of them. That's what terrified me to no end.

"It's Morphin Time!" We immediately morphed into our suites, admiring my morpher and power coin, not believing this was actually mine. That I was lucky enough to be trusted as a Ranger like my aunt before me. And I didn't want to squander that trust.

"Don't go easy on my Ari. Remember how I lost control before and didn't let up on you." I smiled a little from his soft tone, knowing he felt terrible about what happened.

"But that's not your fault Tommy. You didn't cause that. That's why I didn't lose it on you in battle. I couldn't fight you.... because I already liked you. I knew I couldn't hurt you." We both took our helmets off, seeing his soft eyes staring back at me, warming my heart to no end. Tommy Oliver is what will keep me sane through all this. He brings me back if I lose my self control. He's my light. My soulmate. Even though we haven't known each other long at all, it was our destiny.

"See? It'll be okay. You'll be okay. You won't lose control. I'm here. Always." My eyes welled up with tears I tried to hide, not used to someone being so nice to me. Not until Angel Grove happened.

"Thanks Tommy." And with that, we practiced. He taught me martial arts so I could also be better in battle and not have to rely so heavily on Astral unless necessary. But Astral and I were one. It helped aid me in battle against Rita and her monsters. It's good. Not bad. It's saved me on more occasions than I ever realized. Especially from my parents.

"Wow Ari, you're doing great! Keep this up and you could whoop my butt." I laughed with a humorous grin forming on my face from his tone, getting completely distracted and managing to trip, bringing Tommy down with me, the both of us landing on the ground with a thud, me landing right on his chest. All I could do was erupt with laughter.

"I'm so sorry Tommy! I think you have bested me by twisting my feet up." We both laughed so hard, just enjoying the moment, before staring at one another with an emotion so strong it was hard to deny. Astral was buzzing with excitement, feeling the exact feelings I was. One that I've never felt before.

"I'm so glad you're here Ari." And with his words lingering in my ears like sweet music, all I could do was softly kiss him, our lips connecting so perfectly together like puzzle pieces. A bright light emanated from my necklace, a shine it's never done before. And I knew exactly what this was. Love.

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