Chapter 3 - Something There

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One day. One day in Angel Grove and I'm already outed. My powers are not something to toy with. And this Rita that Tommy mentioned clearly doesn't understand, nor care about that fact. And that's the problem.

"Guys.... I know you barley know me. But I didn't just move to Angel Grove out of the blue. It was for a reason." I softly sighed as I sat down at the bar inside of Angel Grove Gym and Juice Bar. I actually really liked this place. But hated the reason we were here at the moment.

"You can trust us Aria. We're the good guys." Kim's friendly smile seemed to ease my racing heart and mind more than I anticipated it would, feeling a little bit better about the horrible situation at hand. Tommy, why? You were so friendly this morning. But then later on it's like a switch was tripped and he was a whole other being.

"I have..... abilities. But not just any abilities. I can manipulate emotion, and make people do things they have no control over. But mine are the most powerful in my family. I just recently learned this when I overheard a conversation my parents were having about me. And it wasn't good. So my aunt and I decided to leave. We couldn't let them get ahold of my power. So she's protecting me as best as she can. We didn't think this would happen...." I looked at the group and realized just how surprised, but not super surprised they really were. Like they were used to powerful people. Or beings. But the looks in their eyes told a story I was afraid of.

"But before you guys think I'm evil, please don't...." I could barley look at them now. I wouldn't blame them if they thought different of me. But suddenly, all of them surrounded me, placing their hands on my shoulders in comfort, like they knew I wasn't bad. I wasn't some evil power wielding maniac.

"We know you aren't evil Aria. We could tell. You're just highly skilled. That's all." Billy's little smile and his words really struck a cord within me, because my eyes welled in happiness.

"Yeah! You're pretty cool. I mean, c'mon! You could totally make those two knuckleheads brainwashed forever. Even thought I think they already are." Trini pointed at a couple of weird looking guys that I noticed seemed to follow them everywhere. Bulk and Skull, as I heard them being called in class earlier.

"I will take you up on that offer." We all laughed seeming the grimace on their faces, knowing we were talking about them. But my whole focus was soon trained on someone walking into the juice bar. Tommy.

"Guys, I'll be right back." I slowly stood, easing my rapid heart beat as much as I possibly could from the sight of Tommy before I made my way over.

"Okay, but we want to tell you something later! Meet us at Billy's house." Kim passed me a paper with his address on it before I managed to make it too far, smiling a tad. I can't believe I've already made some friends. But all I could do was think about Tommy. And as I made my way towards him, he immediately trained his focus on me once he sat down at one of the work out machines, working out with ease like it's just in his blood. He's definitely strong judging from the size of his muscles. Geez Aria, stop staring.

"Tommy..... please just tell me what's going on? This wasn't the Tommy I met this morning. What changed?" He slowed down the pace of his arms, staring me down like I was fresh meat, intimidating me to no end.

"There's so much you don't understand Aria. So much you don't know. But you will. Especially about your powers. You just need to trust me. Trust Rita." My eyes widened from such a menacing tone leaving his once kind and friendly lips, feeling so nervous.

"Tommy! Please just stop. You can't tell anyone about my abilities. They're dangerous!" His little evil smirk did nothing for my nerves, seeing the pure manipulation in his eyes. This Rita woman has really done a number on him. The real Tommy is trapped inside this evil being.

"The whole world should know. And If I have it my way, they will. The Power Rangers will experience what you can do first hand." He suddenly looked behind me at something, when I finally realized just what he was looking at. Kim, Billy, Trini, Zach and Jason.

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