Chapter 5 - Purple Idol

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"Tommy please! I know you see me. I'm the girl you met at Angel Grove. The one you know has a connection with you. Even if we don't understand it....." Tommy's gaze seemed to flicker in confusion, not quite understanding what was happening to him. But the evilness had taken over, completely out of his control.

"I..... it doesn't matter. Your words won't change Rita's plans. She wants your power. And she will have it." I slowly started to back away, hoping to all hope I could contact the others outside without alerting Tommy.

"Hahahaha!!! He's right! You're nothing but a foolish child for using your power for... good. It's sickening actually." I gasped from the sudden sight of a women definitely not from this world. Rita Repulsa.

"Aria!! You have to get out of there. Now!" I was suddenly teleported without notice from my house, landing in a strange new place with all kinds of different technology I'd never seen. And a.... Floating head?

"Aye aye aye! Are you okay Aria?!" I froze in confusing from the talking robot standing directly in front of me. What is happening?!

"I'm.... I'm fine. But where am I? What happened to Tommy?" I looked around me, wanting answers to every jumbled question in my mind. But seeing none in sight.

"You're at the command center. As the newest Power Ranger, you have already proven to be special. A new suite never once used by any other Ranger has been designed just for you and your special abilities. You're something we were expecting. But yet, desperately needed." I looked up at the now talking floating head, suddenly thrown into this whole new world of things I didn't understand.

"As the purple ranger, you will have the ability to use your own powers, having them embedded in your suite, as well as your new Purple Idol. The purple idol can stop any enemy as long as it is used wisely. Only for good. My name is Zordon Aria." I looked around, when the others suddenly teleported in front of me to greet me into my new world.

"Holy cow Aria! You're a totally new ranger." Kimberly's enthusiasm seemed to rub off on me, easing my nervousness. But my main focus was Tommy. And how to save him.

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