Chapter 6 - A Whole New World

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"So once I put my necklace within the lure, it's embedded with my siren call?" I looked over the lure in such awe, the purple shimmer glistening within the lights of the command center. In the middle of my weapon was a spot shaped exactly like my necklace so I could use my abilities in battle. It's actually quite smart.

"That is correct Aria. That was actually Billy's design. And I know that you will use your siren call for good only. I can see that within you." I smiled a little from how much everyone already trusted me. I couldn't believe it. Considering I've never been surrounded by such amazing people other than my aunt. And how incredibly unorthodox my power truly is. Usually siren calls are associated with evil. But not me. I want a different path, something I could be proud of. Protecting people.

"This is amazing Zordon. Thank you... all of you! You actually believe in me. I need that." They all smiled in unison, before embracing me in a hug. It was a totally different feeling. I wasn't used to this... this bond. With anyone. We were just missing Tommy.

"Aria..... Aria..... help.... ME!!" I jumped away from the group suddenly from the sudden scream within my mind, but from the looks on everyone's faces, I think they heard it also. My necklace!

"Did Tommy's voice just come from your necklace?? That is incredible...." Trini's fingers suddenly traced the glowing path of my necklace, her touch sparking suddenly as if to warn her off.

"I'm so sorry Trin! I'm the only one allowed to touch it. I did some modifications of my own so no one could. Mainly anyone with bad intentions. Like my parents...." But they were the last thing on my mind right now. Tommy was all I could think about.

"That's actually smart Aria. I swear you and Billy could create some amazing inventions together for us rangers." I chuckled from Trini's words, seeing Billy's happy smile from next to her, like he agreed.

"Aria, there is a mission you must go at alone. Retrieving Tommy. You and Tommy have a connection, one no one understands yet. But he isn't meant for darkness. Not in this timeline..." I gazed at the others in confusion. Not in this timeline? What.....?

"I want to bring him back. I have to. It's just.... What about Rita?" Zack's hand suddenly landed on my shoulder in comfort, smiling slightly to ease the worry.

"Don't sweat it Aria! We got your back. You just worry about Tommy. We got the rest." I grinned a little, looking back to see Zordon staring down at us.

"You also have your morpher ready. Now we must work on your zord. You will have it soon. But in the meantime, you can share with Kimberly." Zord?? Man I'm getting everything. This is serious.

"We'll whoop butt together. Pink and Purple!" Kim and I both smiled at one another, before Alpha handed me what I could only assume was my morpher, eyeing it with such curiosity. And wonder. Within the middle of it was a single music note, symbolizing my siren call.

"Your zord symbolizes a Nightingale, your beautiful voice being the way it awakens. Your zord will be a purple one of course." I smiled in glee, not believing this is actually happening.

"This is amazing guys. Thank you! For everything." But before I could even do anything, I was teleported somewhere else, somewhere I didn't recognize.

"Aria!" Suddenly, Tommy was standing right in front of me as if in wonder himself, not understanding how I got here without teleporting myself. I didn't even morph!

"Aria! Are you okay?!" Kim's voice suddenly came through the telecommunications, sounding completely worried. I was honestly scared because this definitely isn't earth where I'm at.

"I'm fine! I'm with Tommy. Somehow..." I eyed Tommy in sudden wariness, worried he would attack at any given moment. But he didn't. And I couldn't stop myself from hugging him. He looked like his old self.

"Aria! I can't believe you're here." My necklace gently buzzed from our hug, as if happy itself from seeing Tommy. That's how I know it's really him. My necklace can detect that kind of thing.

"I can't believe it either! I heard you calling me. And then some time later I was.... Here. But we got to go." I grabbed a hold of his hand, before teleporting us out of here, ending back at my house in safety.

"I don't understand what's happening with us. Why my necklace has such a huge reaction to you, how I heard you...." His eyes were his normal color, his stance back to calmness and not tense, his hair perfectly laying on his shoulders as usual. And his smile... his smile as warm as ever.

"You and Tommy are soul mates Aria. That's why your necklace has such a reaction to him. And why his voice came through it. You're bonded. You were meant to come to Angel Grove." My aunt's sudden revelation threw me off guard. Tommy and I are soul mates?!
Hey guys! The picture of the bird is what her zord will look like, except purple! I hope you guys are enjoying so far. 💜

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