Chapter One: Meeting the 'Strange Ones'

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Third Person POV

"Ms. Hope. Please answer the question." the teacher, Mr. Summer, said, trying to get his best student's attention. Said student, Sora Hope, got up from her sleeping position on her desk and looked at the question on the board. "X = -5" she said and put her head back down. The teacher sighed. "Correct again, Ms. Hope." Mr. Summer said as he began teaching the lesson. The said teen didn't pay attention, but was instead looking that the sky. 'My name means 'sky', yet it also can mean empty, can't it? My last name is 'hope'. Why me?' she wondered as the ending bell rang.

Mr. Summer sighed. "Homework for tonight is section 5.5 pages 138-140 numbers 1-13." he said as he dismissed everyone.

Sora's POV

I gathered my stuff and put it in my backpack. After that, I got up from my seat and headed home. As I was heading home, I saw a blonde and brunette tailing me. I seriously wonder how long and why they tail me. I sighed. I then got home and saw that my 'parents' shoes were gone. I sighed in relief. I then went to my room to put my backpack down and went to the kitchen to make dinner for them.

After that, I ate some dinner myself and then changed into a more casual outfit and headed to the public library to do my homework. I saw the same two people there as well. I sighed. I then went to my usual table to do my homework. I saw those two people walking towards me. I didn't look to them as I asked them something. "Why do you keep following me everywhere?" I looked up from my homework and saw them look at each other. I then went back to work and finished my homework.

I then got up and left the library, those two following me. I then got home, and noticed those two at the end of my street. I sighed and went inside. I saw my 'parents' shoes messily thrown in the doorway. I fixed it and took my own shoes off. I then snuck into my room silently, hoping that my 'parents' don't hear me. Unfortunately, they heard. And I smelled alcohol.

"Get over here!" my 'mother' shouted with a slur evident in her voice. Not disobeying them, which would only get me in deeper trouble, I went over to the living room to see my 'parents' on the couch, lying on each other. "What do you want?" I asked timidly. "Get us some dinner." my 'mother' demanded. I went into the kitchen and brought out the dinner I made earlier. "Here." I said and handed it to her. She then proceed to wake up my 'father' to eat. I stayed where I was, afraid of the consequences should I leave from my position. "You're dismissed." my 'mother' said as I sighed mentally in relief. "As you wish." I said and bowed, then headed to my room.

I'm glad that I had sleeping medicine, from my first boughs of insomnia when the punishment first started, and that I had put it in their food. It was getting late, and soon I heard snoring, signifying that they were asleep. I silently made my way downstairs and got my shoes on. I then left, heading to the park until I needed to go home.

Once at the park, I saw the two people from before. I sighed, knowing that they were following me. I then sat at a bench and fell asleep, hoping that my whole life has just been an awful nightmare.

No One POV

"Do you think we should tell her?" a brunet girl with blue eyes asked a blonde boy with bright blue eyes. "I don't think so, So. But we should introduce ourselves at least." the blonde boy said to the girl, now identified as So (short for ----). "Yeah, but Ro, what will happen if we tell her? Will she believe in us when the time comes?" So asked the blonde boy, now identified as Ro (short for -----). "But So, we're her guardians, yet we don't even know her name. The elders are so mean sometimes!" Ro huffed, throwing a fit. "Now now Ro. We'll find out her name once we introduce ourselves." So said, trying to calm the male down. "Alright. But after we're done I have a bone to pick with the elders." Ro said, calming down. "Look, she's starting to wake up." So said, pointing to the light brunet girl with dull blue eyes. "Alright, let's go." Ro said, walking over to the girl.

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