Chapter 1

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(Ohio State University, Two Days Later)

Christopher Knightfall made his way into the faculty room which he had an important meeting with a professor. He was sitting on the couch and getting the information he needed. The blond moustached and bespectacled man appeared to be in his late thirties to early forties. He wore a suit and sat on his chair while drinking his tumbler of tea.

" And this bomb incident, Professor Montmartre. Do you think it's connected to Hydra? " the dark green haired SHIELD Agent asked and recorded his conversation using his device.

" I'm afraid not. It's a misconception, Mr. Knightfall, " Professor Jean Meir Montmartre spoke and finished his drink. " Some extraterrestrials have created that kind of element. "

" Well, Terrigen crystals or dust would be in Atlas's hands or the Kree? Supposed, this stuff was stolen and used in this terrorist attack? "

" I have some theories, Mr. Knightfall, " the professor spoke. " Firstly, the Kree just left the Terrigen reserves here from ancient times. They just waited for the right moment to activate. Secondly, a group of Inhumans wanted to add their population to protect the Earth and their kingdom. Lastly, the HYDRA is after with that element for their gain. "

" Interesting on your theory and I fully believe your claim ,because it so happened I come from Remnant. Hydra has been active there trying to steal some cargo back in my days in Atlas City, " he replied.

" It seems, you have seen one of them, " Montmartre spoke. " You are aware of the existence of those races. "

" Want to know a secret, professor? But this stays between us. "

" Yes, sure. " he nodded.

" I am a hybrid of both races. So in a way, the Kree look down upon that."

" It's interesting to hear that from you. " the professor smiled and placed his empty tumbler on his desk. " Infact, I have predicted Ulysses Cain's transformation and this incident. "

" Well, I guess it became very accurate, " Christopher nodded and got intrigued at the history professor's statement. " But tell me, how did you know of all this? "

" He's my student in my class. Ulysses was a very shy person with some fluctuating grades, but I could sense his sudden fate to be an Inhuman after the terrigen bomb incident. From then on, Colonel Danvers used that boy in order to change the world. "

" And it did not bold well for her and caused the Avengers. They are divided, but I wanna do something to help both sides. But this boy's vision never was to come true? "

" Well, Mr. Rogers spared another young man from her. " he replied. " It's the younger web-slinger. "

" And I heard that Carol tried to kill Rogers as well? "

" She failed to do that, but she killed Stark. "

Chris looked down and sadly sighed. He couldn't believe what had transpired two days ago. Professor Montmartre became more concerned than ever as he saw that tragic incident in Washington DC involving Tony Stark's demise on TV.

" May Tony rest in peace, " the green haired SHIELD Agent said. " I still can't believe Carol did that. "

" I think one of these days, I need to talk to her. " the professor spoke.

" Yes. But wait, are you and her close? "

" Yes, I met her several months ago, " he smiled and nodded.

" I take it you and her must have had dinner together? "

" Well, it's a friendly date. "

" Do you plan on seeing her again? "

" Well..." he sadly sighed as the faculty members watched Carol Danvers's trial on TV. Christopher and Professor Montmartre paid their attention when the news reporter featured a televised coverage. The rest watched the session as Carol testified and answered the lawyer's questions. The jury seemed to have different sides whether they would believe her or not.

" This won't be good for her. I wonder if Hydra is seeing this too," Chris told him.

" Well, it is, " he seriously spoke.

" Hopefully, someone will speak on her reasons. But why she did all this besides ending Tony? Our SHIELD Director was a good friend of his. "

" This is a very complicated issue she has done. If only, I was there to prevent this mess. "

Christopher looked at him as he raised an eyebrow. The professor was really bothered to see Carol facing the consequences of her actions. He crossed his arms when the SHIELD Agent noticed the man's seriousness on his face.

" How exactly would you have done that? " he asked.

" I saw the Inhumans arrived to stop her on the live television screen. I could have stopped her from killing Stark. "

" You mean you could have tried to reason with her before it all happened? "

" Yes, but she laughed at me, " he sighed and face-palmed. " She thought I was getting insane from my prediction. "

" Too prideful on her views of being a hero that can change the world. "

" Exactly, but I've been watching on her actions since then. She participated in the Superhero Registration Act. Carol made a mother and daughter separated. "

" This was too sad for them. Have you tried to testify for her part in court? "

" Well, I wanted to do that if I could witness and testify, " Montmartre spoke. " Apparently, my duties here in the University are very important aside from being an Alpha Flight member. "

Christopher Knightfall got surprised to hear from the professor's words. He pushed his eyeglasses on his face as he was watching. The supreme court judge on the television had decided to put Carol on a meeting with the President to explain her actions. Her face seemed serious as the professor sadly sighed.

" This might not play well for her, but sometimes what we cherish most is what we want to protect. I understand how you feel Professor Montmartre, you have feelings for her. "

" It's just I got concerned about her reckless actions and decisions she made, " Montmartre said and turned around. " Speaking of something, Mind If I could talk to you privately? Since my classes for today are finished. Besides, talking about my secrets here in the faculty room is not even appropriate. "

" Sure, it would be for the best. We don't want anyone hearing in our conversation, " the SHIELD agent nodded.

The two left the faculty and headed to the hallway. Christopher walked with the professor and got curious of what he would reveal. They found a spot in the campus grounds. It was a bench beside an oak tree. They both sat down. Montmartre took a deep breath and pacified himself. The green-haired man noticed him and curiously anticipated for his disclosure.

" Mr. Knightfall...." he calmly said. " I'm General Methu-Selah, the Kree Eternal previously serving from the army in my home planet. I spent more than twenty years on Earth as Jean Meir Montmartre. I'm a part-time agent of the Alpha Flight. Please do not get frightened. "

Chris was surprised at what the professor said. He intently looked at him. The university faculty member happened to be an extraterrestrial living and working on Earth instead of remaining on Hala. Montmartre or Methu-Selah sincerely smiled and felt relieved.

" But why are you hiding yourself here? " he curiously asked. " Now, I see how you and Carol are so close now. "

" It's a long story, Christopher. In the first place, I followed my younger relative here on Earth for his mission to warn him about Yon-Rogg and Ronan, " the Kree Eternal professor explained. " Secondly, I discovered human beings are better friends and allies of the Kree than making them as slaves and subjects for the Empire. I found it discriminating and cruel for your society. Thirdly, several years after Mar-Vell's demise, I secretly fell in love with Carol as Ms. Marvel. I'm one of her biggest fans when she joined the Avengers and became the Alpha Flight's commander. "

" Now, I see, " Christopher smiled back. " It's a good choice to stay with us. I hope you and Carol could be together again. Maybe if you went in your real form, you could help her? "

" Well, she just knew my secret, " Methu-Selah replied.

" Anyway, who's Ronan? "

" He's a Kree accuser and an evil zealot. "

" I wonder if my father had encountered him before too."

" Well, most of you are safe here on Earth, but you need to be careful once you meet someone like him, " the spectacled man added and looked at the skies. " He is sinister and loyal to the Kree Empire. "

" Now, I see why you went into hiding. The Kree Empire would not accept you if you return? "

" Exactly, I want to spend my years on Earth serving the academe, rather than repeating the same mistakes of my home world and fighting for such senseless battles. This is my way to change the future, by teaching my students to discover their history and applying from what they had learned. "

" It's a very noble goal and act you have. These students are lucky to have a Kree Eternal like you as their professor, " Chris replied. " Maybe if Carol is freed, you should get with her. "

" The problem is her relationship with Colonel Rhodes. I'm not even sure if they could be together after this trouble. "

" It's true, then him and Tony as well. Agents Williams and Halsey were close allies and friends, but Rhodes must be taking it hard. He might not end well for that relationship. "

" That is why I need to talk to her one of these days. "

" Maybe I could help with that? "

" Sure, Mr. Knightfall, " he nodded.

" Perhaps once she is free I could sneak you in and you could talk to her. "

" Well, do you know when she's available? " he asked. Methu-Selah's face blushed in red even his pink Kree form. He was smiling. Christopher took his phone and kept checking through the list. Then, he found the right time.

" About 8 hours from now, she will be alone so that might be your window. "

" Carol..." he muttered and looked at the blue skies. " I hope she learned from this. "

" With your help, she will succeed. I don't need to see in the future, but you might do it as well, " Chris replied and snapped his fingers. " And maybe I can share this with you too, Methu. I have visions sometimes. "

" Tell me, everything. Christopher. "

" I see you and Carol together as a family and having a child together who will have the powers of you and her. He would also be an Eternal, but it will be quite the hardship for you and her down the road. "

The Kree Eternal understood what the SHIELD Agent had meant. It was the same vision which he had seen from several days ago. He smiled and knew it would happen in the near future.

" I understand that, " Methu-Selah replied. " But I can see my son will be the light of his mother's darkness. "

" Yes, he will be quite the hero as well almost exactly like you and her. "

" I can't wait to see him someday. " he smiled.

" As I predicted, you and Carol must settle this affair together and help her. "

" If she can recover from this mess. But I will keep an eye on her before something terrible happens again. "

" Hydra is targeting her and I fear they might try to attack her when given the chance. So whenever they strike, I hope you can defend her too. " 

" I will do everything to protect her, " the Kree Eternal professor spoke. " Just like Mar-Vell did to her. "

" And that is why Carol will be there for you just in time and who was Mar-Vell?"

" He's my greatest grandnephew. "

" Is he the reason on Carol got her powers? " he wondered while asking the Kree Eternal.

" Yes, somehow she became a monster for her reckless actions. "

" That will be the challenge for her and the other Avengers. They might not want her to rejoin, I'm afraid so. When you get the chance, you reveal your secret, but that will be your call, Methu. "

" If she gets into trouble again, I will reveal myself and fight for her. But my son will be hurt terribly. "

" Wait, Carol is pregnant? "

" Few years from now, " Methu-Selah replied.

" Hopefully, he will live though. But Carol fighting is a risk and yet more of her reckless actions. "

" That is the point of putting someone into trouble without thinking further. "

" Maybe it's the best if Carol puts the hero life behind her once raising her future son," Chris looked at the professor.

" If she's willing to sacrifice and correct her mistakes, " Methu-Selah replied. " I would be happier to see her raising a child. "

" Would be best for her and I fully support your goal for her. "

" She will get changed if time goes by. "

" Well I'm hoping they let Carol out in the public again. Maybe in your favor, you have more time with her. "

Methu-Selah smiled as he wished to see her again. He looked up to the sky and desired to tell his true feelings for her. Christopher understood that emotion and gently patted the professor's back. The two men were in-love with their dearest women despite of the skirmish that happened in the week.

" If only, I could tell how much I love her, " the Kree Eternal professor spoke.

" I guess one step at a time and you will get it. When you see her again, tell her don't hesitate not even a moment. If you keep doubting yourself, it will get you no where. "

" Will you help me to set-up a date with her? "

" I will do my best for you to make it happen. Maybe I could tell her the history professor would want another chat with his favorite hero, " he smiled at him.

Christopher began texting on his phone as Professor Montmartre or Methu-Selah waited. They both waited and still sat on the bench. The green-haired SHIELD Agent also thought of Winter as an invitation for a group date.

" Hey, Methu. Is it okay if I bring Winter? " he curiously asked. " This could benefit the both of us."

" Sure, perhaps, Carol will be happy to unwind from everything, " the Kree smiled.

" Thank you. I hope together we can help her. I believe she deserves a second chance and hopefully old wounds can heal. "

" Well, it will be a way for her fresh start. "

" Yes, in a way for both of you. "

" I will be ready for it, " he smiled. " Will you come with me at my house to wait for them? "

" Gladly, I'm curious on what kind of work you have in your house. "

" You will be seeing more things aside from revealing my true-self. "

" Very good. Then, I am wondering on how a Kree Eternal looks even by power level, too."

" You are eager to see it somehow. "

(MOMENTS LATER: Montmartre Residence, High Street, Colombus, Ohio)

Methu-Selah arrived as Christopher Knightfall was invited. They both entered into his house as his guest seemed to be very interested at the Kree Eternal's collection of books, art, magazines, news clippings, valuable things, and photos. He treasured those things during his stay on Earth. On the left side of the living room, he had a desk full of papers, research, lesson plans, a laptop and some gadgets neatly placed. On the other side of the living room, he had an aquarium full of saltwater fish as his pets. Christopher sat down and smiled as he felt comfortable on the dark leather couch.

" Please make yourself at home, " the Kree Eternal said and offered a glass of water.

" Thank you, " he answered and drank. He turned to the aquarium which he became mesmerised at the beauty and colors of the fish.

" So, you're looking at my aquatic pets? " he asked and turned to the SHIELD Agent.

" Yeah. How did you manage to collect each of these fish breeds? Some of them look quite exotic," he replied.

" Well, I clean and maintain the aquarium's settings and feeding them once a day. A week ago, I just bought angelfish and damselfish on the pet store, " the Kree Eternal answered while preparing for dinner. " My most favorite one is a clownfish who likes to hide from his adopted siblings and friends. "

Chris stood up from his seat and turned to the fish tank. He saw the little orange-red fish with white stripes hiding behind the plants. He wondered how it spent its time without mingling with its fellow species. He thought of tapping it, but he remembered that the fish were sensitive to sudden movement or vibration from the external forces. So, he stepped back and turned to the professor. Methu-Selah approached him after putting his jacket into the clothes stand.

" It seems you and that type of fish have that in common! It's a nice way to keep yourselves hidden!" he joked and chuckled.

" Well, I could see myself and my future son doing it! " he laughed. " Somehow, this little one is very playful, but some of his companions ignore him for what he's doing. Yet, he's still faithful as he tries and struggles in blending in. "

Christopher saw the exact description of the clownfish as he swam near to his fellow fish inside the tank. However, the others ignore him as they went away.

" Yet, he does seem lonely but as well keeping his true self hidden away from those who would hunt him. Now, I see your meaning. "

" Well, for some reason, that clownfish is a very interesting and useful misfit, " Methu-Selah explained. " Indeed, He's a very fast swimmer and a cleaner of that tank. There was one time, I noticed a dead clownfish when he came near and tried to bury his kind. I took it away as he swam down. A few of his friends approached him, but he chose to hide within those plants. "

" This clownfish still cared for its lost brother or sister. Yet seems it lost part of itself that can't be replaced. "

" Somehow, I can predict my son's sadness towards his mother's mistakes and failures just like the clownfish who cares for his lost sibling. "

" He will carry the weight of her mistakes and make it his duty to correct them. "

" You understood my prediction's logic! " Methu-Selah happily exclaimed and snapped his fingers. Christopher smiled at his professor friend. " Eureka! Yes, it could be one. Oh, yes! I wish I could tell Carol about it! "

" I guess this could work on you winning her over. I take it? "

" Of course! "

" That will make her curious and maybe her wanting to know more of her future son. "

" Well, she will find out from that clownfish. "

"And he is almost like her too?"

" Well, possible. He will be a confident and cheerful boy, but a hot-headed and an aggressive one. "

" He might be a handful when you raise him good. In no time, you will have your family. "

" True, he will be a very curious and faithful one just like the clownfish. "

" Yeah, he will be wanting to know how the world works and will drive himself to find out and help others thus hiding who he is too. Maybe, you heard of the movie, Finding Nemo? "

" That's one of my favorites! I watched that film before! " the Kree Eternal beamed. " Anyway, he deserves to know everything, Christopher. "

" Yes and maybe you could share with him his Kree side too? "

" That I want to let him know by himself. "

" A self-discovery, then, " Chris turned to his friend. " Just like on how I found out. I guess me and your future son will have that in common both being hybrids. "

" Definitely, he will be happy to see you! "

" And hopefully my daughter from Winter can be good friends with him too. "

" That could be great as well. "

" And in that movie the clownfish did have a group of friends who helped him escape his prison...I mean fish tank. So that could work, " he grinned.

" I'm sure that clownfish or that boy has his ways to solve his problems. "

" With Kree powers, he might be able to blast his way out."

" I can see that."

" Well that would perhaps be mostly Carol's side of ways of doing it. "

" As a lawyer, he would inherit his mother's strong sense of judgement and confidence. "

" A lawman by day and Kree hero by night? "

" I think so, " Methu-Selah smiled and pondered.

" Do you have a hero name for him? "

" I was thinking if I could name him after my greatest nephew, but I had a different name in mind. "

" And that name would be? " the SHIELD agent asked.

" Amnon means "faithful" both in Kree and Hebrew, " Methu-Selah explained.

" Good choice as he would be faithful in his work and others. "

" At least, he could take both sides from me and her. "

" Yeah, he's less friction and friendlier than her. "

" I see. "

Suddenly, the two heard someone knocking on the door. They exchanged glances as Methu-Selah seemed worried for not preparing anything to eat.

" Carol and Winter have arrived, " he smiled while going for the door and opening it.

" That's fast! " Methu-Selah raised his voice and looked at the clock. It was a quarter to seven in the evening. " I'm going to the kitchen to prepare dinner. You entertain the guests. "

" Sure, no problem! I'll help you if you need anything! "

" Thank you! "

Chris looked and smiled at the two as he recognized them. The women smiled and entered the living room. He assisted them to take their seats. 

" Chris, we're here! " a white haired woman greeted and kissed his cheeks.

" Hey, my snow angel! I missed you as well! " he kissed back.

" Oh, hey there! " Winter smiled. Beside her, it was another short-haired woman who also arrived. She was wearing a faint smile and say sitting down peacefully. Chris looked at the blonde woman and lightly nodded at her.

" Hello, Miss Danvers, " he greeted. " It's good to see you here as well. I understand how you are feeling. "

" It's very complicated to explain, Chris, " Carol sadly said.

" I saw what happened, but me and the professor are here for you as friends. We support you no matter what. "

" Thanks... I guess I won, but...."

" The loss of Stark and Rhodes is a big trouble for you? What else happened? "

" That's my greatest mistake, " she sternly spoke. " I made everything into a greatest disaster. "

" During the conflict, I remained neutral. I saw neither both sides were right, but the losses, I wish the war never happened. "

" Well, I believed in that Inhuman boy back then. I used him so I could prevent any worst case scenarios. "

" What has became of that Inhuman, if I may ask? "

" A prophet. "

" What's the boy's name? " Methu-Selah asked. " I'm sorry to interrupt. "

" Ulysses Cain. "

" That boy might have made a lot of enemies. Yet, a prophet might not be a good thing, " the agent seriously commented.

The name rang a bell to the Kree Eternal's memory. He mentioned to Agent Knightfall a while ago. That boy was indeed had given a spark of Carol's motives in saving the world. Yet, his predictions came true, but it made a serious conflict.

Winter Schnee seemed very concerned at her friend in those days. After the trial this afternoon, she accompanied the Avenger to the SHIELD Helicarrier. The Remnite agent refrained from talking about Ulysses, Rhodes, Stark, and the other Avengers involved in that skirmish. This evening, Carol became more uneasy to discuss it further. She was too withdrawn and thought of not joining to any conversation. That reminded of such failure, she has done. She sat down and crossed her arms. Christopher noticed her expression and thought of changing the topic.

" Oh, I'm sorry about that..." he sighed and asked. " Did I mean to..."

" No, Chris, " Carol slightly smiled. " It's okay. "

" I hope he is doing fine now and living a different life. Anyway, I should tell you of my secret. "

" Please go ahead. Say it. "

" I am hybrid like you except I am both Inhuman and Kree. That is what I hide from my other coworkers in SHIELD. I'm really sorry. "

" What?! " Carol raised her voice. " How come? "

" You never told us that, Chris, " Winter added. " Why? "

" At first, I was nervous back in Atlas City of what I was until learning it. But being with you Winter, you made me feel better, " he explained and held her hand. " I did want to tell you my father is from the house of Ryliea. I'm sorry for keeping this from you. I know us hybrids are looked down upon. Being with friends and you, my love is what truly matters."

Winter felt moved and heard her boyfriend's words. She remained silent for a while and thought of anything to say. Christopher waited for her to answer. The white-haired woman sincerely smiled and hugged him.

" I don't know what to say, " she replied. " But you have told me the truth. "

" You all deserved to know. That is why I remained neutral for Carol. She is one of my kind and I've never wanted to break that, " he smiled at them.

" And you made the right thing, Chris, " the blonde woman smiled. " I'm glad you never got into my trouble.

Methu-Selah listened and emphatised his female friend. He wanted to comfort her, however he was busily finishing his kitchen work. The Kree Eternal was a contemporary male-version of Martha in his situation which it took more time for him to work. He was about to finish cooking. He prepared salad, fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and some pumpkin soup. He thought of having ice cream for dessert which he would serve after the main course.

" Everyone, I need help here! " he called.

Chris looked at the direction of Methu-Selah and he rushed towards him. The Kree sighed in relief and smiled while holding a stirring spoon and cooking the soup.

" What you need help with professor? " the green-haired asked.

" Yes, please. Kindly set the table. "

" No problem. I got it for ya, mate, " he smiled while setting up the plates onto the table with knives and forks and finishing up.

" Thanks! "

" Glad to help and perhaps we could discuss some history, too, " he smiled.

" Of course. "

" You're gonna tell her as well, Methu? " Chris whispered and helped him carried the food.

" Well, maybe while eating. "

" Right and as well I could share my past experiences in Remnant too. If you are interested."

" Sure. "

" Hey, Winter. How did you get here just wondering? " Chris asked his girlfriend.

" Well, Carol wanted to meet her best friend from the Alpha Flight, " Winter answered. " After the trial, she decided to visit him here. "

" You will be surprised from what I learned from him," he nodded at Methu.

" Right, " she smiled. " I like to hear some World History. " 

The four sat down with Chris beside Winter as Methu-Selah with Carol. They enjoyed eating and talking of other things. Captain Marvel seemed to be pleasant as her mind drifted off from the controversy. She was enjoyed her meal and thinking of taking a second round. The professor was also happy to see her.

" So, Carol. I guess you are part of the Alpha Flight? " he asked.

" Yes, Methie, I mean...Meir and I met together when Captain Bar-Konn introduced me to him. "

" Interesting and was he a Kree Eternal when you found out? "

" Yeah, " Carol nodded. " Actually, he's a Kree with a wide range of knowledge aside from being a former army general. I got amazed that he was a very fluent French speaker aside from English. "

" I spent my first few years in Paris and the other parts of France, before I came to America, " Methu-Selah answered after chewing his food. " About that, I pursued my teaching career in the university. "

" You have hoped to see him again too and maybe seek his guidance? " Chris asked the blonde half-Kree woman.

" Well, I do enjoy his company. Every time I hang out with Methie, " she answered. " I felt like Mar-Vell is with me. "

" So that form of connection, do you truly wanna experience that again to relive those memories? "

Carol remained speechless and reminisced those days in NASA as the head of the security and one of the astronauts. She met the Kree spy who used a deceased man's name. At first, she was very oblivious of his true identity as the previous Captain Marvel who she felt in love with. This time, she wanted to experience those days before she had her powers. Methu-Selah secretly read her mind and understood of her longingness. He wanted to tell everything to comfort her.

" Yeah..." she nodded. " How I wish he was still living. "

" Infact, Mar-Vell is my greatest grand nephew, " the Kree Eternal broke the silence to his disclosure. " The House of Selah is related to the House of Vell. "

Carol widened her eyes in shock and never realized the Kree Eternal was related to her old flame. She blushed harder in seeing and imagining him as Mar-Vell alive. Chris and Winter looked at the Kree and smiled while they felt happy in seeing the two.

" How interesting, professor, " the green-haired replied. " Mind sharing on how you found out of your descendant? "

" Well, living on Hala and Earth had paid off and visited him wherever he was. In fact, it's a very long story, " Methu-Selah spoke and drank his cup of water. " But I found the right and beautiful person, thanks to him. "

" Oh, that's interesting to hear, " Winter smiled and held her boyfriend's hand when she turned to him.

" I hope you get that right one just like on how I have, " he kissed Winter's cheek.

" Well, I think I found one and it's you! " she smiled and kissed him back.

Carol was baffled to tell her true feelings and the situation which she was experiencing. The blond spectacled man looked at her with a concern. He sincerely smiled and held her right hand.

" M-Methie, " she nervously stuttered and shook her fork while holding it. " I...."

" Carol, I understood what happened. I didn't mind if you did a terrible mistake, but I care for you more than as your best friend. "

The blonde half-Kree woman was blushing as she never heard such words from her fellow Alpha Flight member. They touched her hardened and confused heart.

" You two deserve to be happier and with each other, " Chris replied.

" Carol, I wish the both of you to help each other, " Winter added.

" I don't know...." Carol sighed.

" Carol, if you need me, I'm just one call. "

" Okay, sure. Thanks..."

After eating dinner and dessert and washing the dishes, Winter, Methu-Selah, and Chris spent discussing about Remnant's history along with the other nations. World Wars I and II were included which they spent a long time hearing and exchanging information. Carol never joined and paid any attention to the discussion which her mind returned to the harsh reality and consequences of her actions. She wanted to get over with it, but she couldn't do anything. Her disposition was like the forces of heaven and hell clashing against each other. Her hellish experiences were tormenting her.

The death of her boyfriend Colonel James Rhodes had really bothered her when she mourned for her loss. Ulysses Cain was the key to prevent such further disasters, but Tony Stark and the others refused to believe in her ideas and actions in saving the world. Carol made such a terrible disaster in causing the Avengers to be divided. From that incident, she totally tarnished her true sense and reputation of a hero by killing a fellow Avenger. She turned to be a monster and disdained by the public.

This time, she looked at the little clownfish hiding behind those plants as his friends and siblings were swimming and playing inside the tank. She felt the same sadness with the sea creature. Methu-Selah noticed her as he got interrupted. Captain Marvel wanted to forget everything and free herself when she kept looking at the lonely clownfish.

" So back in SHIELD, I have managed to test some of their new weapons. It was quite the fun firepower they got, but I am more of a sword lover maybe both in a way...." he grinned and paused while he noticed how quiet Carol was.

" Yeah, I'm fine and listening, " she slightly smiled. " I'm just watching that little guy inside the aquarium. "

" The clownfish Methu was talking about that to me as well. "

" Oh, he just made a logic about his pets, then. Please tell me everything. "

" Well, how the clownfish hid its true-self and always was alone, but ignored from its siblings. For you see, it cared for them as one of his fish died. It tried to help its best to it, so in that symbol of what might happen in the future, " Chris explained looked at his Kree friend. " Should I say it, Methu? "

" Go ahead, Christopher. " the Kree Eternal nodded.

" W-What? " Carol raised her voice. " H-How? "

" You and him will have a future son who will become a lawyer and carry on being a hero like you and Methu. "

" You mean that little clownfish symbolizes our future son? "

He nodded while looking at the shy fish still hiding behind the plants.

" He will hide his true-self from others, but he will care for those he loves just like the fish. You and Methu are fated to be together. "

Carol watered her eyes as she felt that void within her. Her mind was enveloped with darkness, but the SHIELD Agent's words struck her. Methu-Selah approached her and touched her face.

" M-Methie...." 

" Carol, I have always loved you, " the Kree Eternal sincerely smiled and hugged the fallen Avenger. " I want you to have a better life after this. You can change your future in a better way. Not in what you have done or believed in. "

" I love you, too. I'm so sorry. I failed all of you, " she hugged back and wept. Winter and Chris watched the other couple as they smiled.

" It's good to see Carol being her old self again. I guess their son will be friends with our daughter too, " he shocked himself what he said while shrugging it off. Then, he looked at Winter. " I mean their son might make good friends. "

" Well, yeah, " she grinned and patted her boyfriend's back. " I'm looking forward for it, Chris. It will take a long time for her to mend her wounds. Of course, our future child will be one of their son's friends. "

" Methu will be there for her now. Our child, I hope she becomes an Agent of SHIELD. She could help their son greatly with the power of ice too, " he smirked at Winter. he held both of her hands smiling at her and leaned in close.

" I can wait to see the future, " she smiled.

" Same here my snowflake, " he kissed her on the lips.

" We can change the future, Chris. "

" And make it both for our friends and us, " he smiled back.

" We will. "

" Glad this mission became something more than just information gathering, " Christopher reminded as they turned to the other couple and then to the Schnee heiress girlfriend. " It was worth it helping Carol and Methu. "

" More like than you got your information about Ulysses Cain. "

" Yes and guess I can bring that back to the HQ? "

" Do you think Barry will hunt him? " Winter curiously asked as she remembered the case of a murderous HYDRA Agent in Los Angeles from two days ago.

" It's possible that it could happen. I can see their son fighting him back though, " Chris replied to her.

The Kree Eternal paused and widened his eyes. He sensed another danger and death. His girlfriend got concerned and looked at him.

" No, Ulysses..." Methu-Selah muttered.

" Why? Methie?! What's wrong? " Carol curiously asked. " He's under SHIELD custody. He's going to be fine. "

" He's..."

" Might be already dead after Barry found him, " Chris continued the thought.

" Possible, but he will end up blood on the madman's hands. "

" It must have been that Barry found out where he was or got his scent."

" I should do something right now before he gets his next victim, " Carol said and stood up when her Remnite-American friend approached her and touched her shoulder.

" No, Carol! You still have to meet the President by tomorrow, " Winter seriously reminded. " You have an important appointment to attend to. "

" What if something happens to him, Winter? "

" Carol, you're gonna be in big trouble once again if you do that. The judge almost pleaded you guilty from your case, but the court decided to put you on probation by SHIELD. That means, I'm in-charge for keeping an eye on you. By the way, there's a chance you can be Barry's next victim. So, I'll help you either way before anything happens. "

The blonde half-Kree woman sighed and heard the Schnee heiress's strict and concerning words. She wanted to do something, but she felt helpless from the case. 

" You would be giving him what that monster wants, " Chris added. " He is hunting you, Carol. Please don't let him have that chance. Winter will do her best to help you."

" I'll do my best to track him down after my White House meeting, " she nodded and turned to Agent Schnee. " Thanks, Winter. "

" Sure, anytime, " the SHIELD Agent slightly smiled.

" You might need some allies with you. Maybe, someone who can handle his strength. "

" I think Methie could, " Carol turned to her new boyfriend.

" Apparently, I have no weekend classes, tomorrow, " the professor replied. " I can accompany her to the White House along with Miss Schnee. "

" That could work, " Chris nodded. " Maybe his raw power against Crawford and your powers might be able to do it. "

" I haven't used my light based powers lately, " the professor said and held his girlfriend's hands. The other couple sat down. " But for Carol, I will do my best to do it and protecting her. "

" Methie..." she muttered and leaned her head on the Kree Eternal's shoulders. She looked at him.

" It's okay, love. "

" I wish I could help further too, " Chris said. " But my power seems to be only relentless endurance. It never gets tired yet. That's all. "

" Perhaps, I can help, " the professor removed his eyeglasses and closed his eyes.The whole living room was illuminated as he transformed into a blue skinned man with a long silvery white hair. Methu-Selah was wearing a white Kree army uniform with red trimmings. Christopher was surprised to see him in his Kree Eternal form. He felt something in his head while a migraine started to discomfort him the feeling got stronger.

" Your power is amazing, Methu."

" Thank you, but I'm sorry to do this, Christopher. "

" It's okay, " he wryly grinned and felt such tremendous pain.

" Professor Montmartre? " Winter widened her eyes to her surprise. " Is that you? "

" Yes, " he nodded.

Chris put his hand to his head and kept on looking at the Kree Eternal as the pain got stronger then before. Winter noticed her boyfriend's eyes slowly turned light grey.

" This will be the first one, " Methu-Selah replied. " But my son will continue to unleash it more than ever. "

" What do you mean Methu? What is happening? "

" This is just the beginning, Christopher. "

" I see, " Chris understood. " So what is happening now, there is another power is unleashing? "

" Yes, it will develop slowly. "

" Thank you, Methu. This will come in handy when it fully forms. I guess I will have to get used to the migraines, " he nervously chuckled.

" I will do my best to help you, Christopher. "

" Thank you again, Methu. In return, you made an ally from me, " he smiled.

" You will meet my son very soon, but as a boy. "

" It would be quite the encounter. Perhaps, I could help train him too with my daughter. "

" Yes, you can, " the Kree Eternal sincerely smiled.

" What is the boy's name? " Carol curiously asked. 

" Amnon, " he answered.

" Mind If I add something from his name? "

" What is it? " Methu-Selah asked and wondered about his girlfriend's thinking. He wanted to hear from her. Carol gently patted his back and smiled.

" I'm thinking about my late dad, Joe Sr. "

" You mean Joseph Danvers Sr.? "

" Yeah, Amnon Joseph Danvers-Montmartre, " she answered and turned to the SHIELD Agent. " Chris, what do you think? "

" That name Amnon for your future son along with Carol's father in honoring perfectly fits him. "

" Well, my father and I had a bad relationship until he passed away. It was too late to make amends with him, " she sadly sighed. " But I think he would be happier to see his grandson, if he's still living. "

" A boy with both Kree and Earth name fits him well, " Winter commented.

" Expect a third Joseph Danvers in my life. "

" A second Danvers who will lay down a beating on any other threats or on Hydra, " the green-haired Remnite SHIELD agent smiled at the new couple.

" True."

" Do you two plan on going to New York for your son? "

" Well, once we get married, " the Kree Eternal spoke as Carol kissed his right cheek. " I'm willing to find a new place for work. "

" That place will sure need lawyers of his caliber to fight crime there. "

" If he wants to become one, " Carol said.

" It's a new beginning for you, Carol, nevertheless the other problems. You two will make good parents. "

Methu-Selah and Carol exchanged glances and got interested with a new future for them. It could be a good start to plan ahead.

" Well, I think this is a better future than Ulysses has predicted, " she said.

" We make our own futures. This one will be yours to cherish together just like me and Winter. "

" I will, Chris. " she smiled.

" I do wonder what we should name our daughter too Winter? Maybe after your older cousin? " he asked his girlfriend. Winter spent thinking and crossed her arms. Finally, she thought of what would it be.

" Yeah, my deceased scientist cousin, Walter, " she snapped her fingers.

" Maybe, Waltina Schnee Knightfall could fit, " he smiled.

" Yeah. It suits her. "

" Then, maybe it's time we tied the knot Winter, " he smiled while looking at Carol and Methu. Chris went on his knee as he looked at Winter and took a deep breath. The white-haired SHIELD Agent never expected him to propose. She saw a ring presented to her. He held her hands. Winter was speechless to see it, but she understood it was his sudden proposal.

" Agent Schnee for as long I have known you from Atlas to our years spent together, we had trained and loved. I am ready to be with you will be my snowflake and take me as your future husband? " he smiled at her and waited for her answer.

" Yes! " she exclaimed. Chris got up and hugged Winter while kissing her cheek.

" Thank you, Winter. You have made me the happiest man ever! I will be honored to be your husband, " he kissed her.

" This is the best evening ever! I'm willing to be your wife, " she happily exclaimed and kisses him back. The former Kree Army General and the US Air Force Colonel watched the other couple enjoying their moments. 

" Well, that was sudden. I thought we're the only ones who are madly in-love, " Carol grinned and gently poked her boyfriend's chest. " Just like us, but we remained as friends. "

" This evening is such a memorable one, ma chérie! " the blue skinned man kissed his loved one's cheeks.

" You one thousand nine-hundred year old romantic Kree-French man! "

" L'amour conquiert tout! (Love conquers all!) "

" Thanks to you both for being able to witness it, " Agent Knightfall answered. " Your time will come as well, Methu and Carol. I hope it will be a humble one too. "

" Someday, you will have your family just like you have predicted. "

" Yes, one child should be enough for us. "

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