*Chapter 17*

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✨🌟Nothing happens by chance, no one goes on a quest without a reason, without the pull of the magnet there is no action.



Stepping out of the car I gazed at the house infront

It was pleasing,

"Daud do you need help?" I looked at him

"No api I tied my laces, please take my I pad".He extented

"Areesha ,see the girls who were excited the most" humaira aunty mused

"Ameera and Reema good morning wake up we are here" I said
To the girls who were dozed off peacefully.

But they didn't even budge

"Api the way your waking them they will take a year" Ibrahim pointed.

"Let's leave them in the car since they are not waking up,let's go" Amir said aloud.

"We are wake."Ameera grumbled.

"Fresh up a little you two ,don't walk now otherwise you will fall".I said looking at their drowsiness

"Nah api they are going to get 16 volt hugs from desi aunties they will be charged" Ibrahim snickered

"Not funny" Reema said coming out.

"I am not going to wait anymore move fast" Amir pointed sternly at Reema.


"Ma shaa ALLAH Amir "aunty looked at him as soon as we entered

"How are you?" she patted his head clearly ruining the hair.

"Ibrahim my child" she orated

"Aunty my hair" he whined making it hard for us to control our laughs.

She was the sister of humaira aunty.

"Who we have here" she said engulfing me in a warm hug.

"She is Areesha Fatima's daughter" aunty replied.

"Beautiful" she patted my cheeks making me smile.

"You must be tired get fresh and come down than you can meet rest of the family."She spoke.

"I will show you the room."

Laying on the bed me and daud were dangling our legs while waiting for our luggage .So that we can change ,

We were exhausted.

The room was mesmerizing with purple and white combination,it looked like a hotel.

Returning to the events that took place back home I smiled remembering Rayyan's tantrums that I am betraying him by going while sana and Daniyal being his supporters

When waiting for the men's to return from the fajr prayer so that we may leave, it's than I noticed Umar doesn't pray he was fast asleep.

On being asked by granny,
Phuphee replied that he is in a very bad mood and that she wouldn't go in his room at all. While sana rolled her eyes earning a glare from granny.

Daud had already planned to go with me and he had packed his luggage before I even came home yesterday night.

By his constant persistent his mother had allowed him to come along with me.

"Apii I want to sleep when it will come?" Daud yawned.

"It must be coming Daud" I assured

A knock perked up daud to run and open the door.While I quickly adjusted my veil sitting up.

"Can I come in" Amir asked with suitcase in his hands.

Where is the servant I saw downstairs.

"Actually the man went to park our cars in the garage I thought you must be waiting so I bought it myself" Amir answered my unasked question.

"Amm thanks."

"No problem,and Areesha"

"Yes" I answered

"I want you to lock the door after I go and no need to open it for whoever it may be unless it's a female ofcourse."

"Okay" I nodded.

"It's too much crowded downstairs right now I will call you myself when it will subsidise"

"Or you can go to Reema and Ameera's room I will take you all from there "he said.

"Fine" I murmured.

"Here this is my number.,and I.have yours already I took it from Rayyan if you need anything you can call or message me anytime .okay" he emphasized


"And if your not comfortable to tell me directly tell Reema or Ibrahim they will inform me" he added sensing my uneasiness

"Yeah okay".I responded

"Where is mom's room" I inquired

"Third from here they will leave after lunch ."

"Hmm thanks" I nodded .

"I will leave now, will meet you in their room and lock the door" he said closing the door behind him

So many precautions


"Are you both ready" I asked entering their room.

"Apiii welcome" Reema cheered

"Api please can you close my ear rings they are stuck" Ameera whined

"Sure" I said .

"Daud no not here sit there please" Reema exclaimed picking her things.

"Clean your room" he grunted throwing the shawl away from the sofa.making me chuckle.

"Oh no ! Bhai came Ameera fast" Reema hurried to open the tapping door.

"Ready" he asked coming in.

"Uh yeah bhai ready."she answered

"Reema where you packed my charger I need it "he inquired sitting beside daud.

"I kept it in my bag wait"
"Uh I think I forgot it on my bed" she said panicked

"What?" he asked

"I I forgot" Reema answered


"I umm didn't meant to" she whispered


In other situation I would have been traumatized to see his anger but seeing Reema and Ameera panick I got the courage to speak.

"Amir it's just a charger you don't need to be so.angry" I said confidently.

"I get angry only when there is someone's mistake" he said.rudely

That was very rude,
I hope we back to muree soon I can't live if he stays like this

"And have I not reminded her so many times to keep it" He glared at her.

I don't like short tempered people

"Olaa people" Ibrahim said coming in.

"Oh! bhai is on fire. Okay bye I am.going" he ran out

"Get back here" Amir called.

"I am innocent" he raised his hands.

"Sorry bhai" Reema gulped her tears

"It's okay but please listen carefully next time okay" he said hugging her..

He could have talked nicely.before scaring the poor girl

"What's happening here?"humaira aunty came.

"Bhai is on angry mode mom stay safe" .Ibrahim mocked

"Why?" She inquired

"I forgot his charger ,thats why" reema answered

"Oh my Allah .this boy!"aunty orated

"Mom how am I going to charge my mobile" he grumbled

"I have a power bank that will be enough for.two days "

"I don't know how will his wife survive if he stays like this" aunty said.

"Aunty she is going to run away" Ameera said.

"We need an anger resistant bhabhi" Ibrahim voiced

"Shut up" Amir grunted.

"Don't waste time now let's go."

After surviving the lunch with desi aunties we were now with mom and dad who were leaving in few minutes.

The good point was this was th first and the last day with aunties as tomorrow we will be going out in the morning and returning probably at night ,while the next day we would be leaving after lunch.

"Okay beta we are leaving" baba patted my head followed by Reema and Ameera

"Take care, and Ameera, listen to Areesha" mom warned.

"Of course ,mummy don't worry !"

"Don't be tensed Fatima there are our daughters " humaira aunty assured.

"I think May be we should move in a hotel so that they would be more comfortable" Amir pointed at the three of us.

"We are only here- for a day or two Amir your aunty will mind and besides the house is very comfortable am I right" humaira aunty asked

"Yes" we nodded

"Okay than its up to you but if anyone of you feel uneasy we can move " Amir said looking at us.

"May Allah bless you beta" mom smiled

"You haven't seen his angry side aunty otherwise you would have said may bless you with patience beta" Reema whispered making Ameera and me giggle

"ALLAH Hafez beta" mom kissed.

"ALLAH Hafez" we all cheered.


"Areesha I.am creating a group for all of us to communicate easily"~ love sana

I read her text and on cue another message was received

THE Lively cousins

Sana: "hayee someone forgot us"

Me: haye how can I?

Dani: hayee to much drama

Rayyan: of course they are girls for a reason. Dani;-)
how are you sis '? How was the journey?

Me;'it was good Alhumdulilah. And I am fine how are you all?

Hina; the house seems empty without you

Me: I miss you api :-)

Dani: I hope you.enjoy without us :-(

Me : haha Dani you are a drama queen

Rayyan; how are the desi aunties I hope you have a blast.what are you doing?

Me : they are good ,

Dani: talking about desi aunties I am leaving, and I am a drama king not a queen ;-)

Sana: he loves them so much awww

Rayyan: of course he is going to be a desi uncle in future.

Umar: oh we have important people today at chat,

Rayyan: Umar bhai of course I am important

Me: I am sleepy will talk later,takecare

Umar : stay a few minutes .

Rayyan ,; no let her sleep they had a long ride the others aren't even online they must be sleeping. Sleep sis

I love my brother

Sana:'yah your right ray go Areesha sweet dreams

Me :, thank you.

Umar : yeah delightful dreams

Me : Allah Hafez.

"Daud first ask than open the door" I ordered Daud as He went towards the knocking door.

"It's Amir bhaiya" he opened the Door.

I was offended by his behavior this morning or I guess I never expected him to be so angry or to reply me in that way and I had totally ignored him through out the lunch

"Uh hey!".he said looking at me.

Getting no answer he extended the bag

"Here I bought ice creams.
"I uh didn't knew your favorite flavours so I.bought all."

"Yay For me too" Daud cheered

"Yes hero for you to!" he rufled his hair.

"Areesha" he called.

"Amir I don't want ice cream" I said.

"I know it was my mistake but somethings aren't in my control" he raved his hand through his hairs.

"You should give it to Reema than " I pointed

"Yeah I bought for her too but please accept my apology by taking this" he extended.

"It's okay ,but I don't want it Daud you can take it" I instructed

" Areesha I can't come in the room. while standing outside isn't appropriate either and I am not going to move until you accept it.".he challenged

Actually he is right what if someone sees they are sure going to take it in a wrong way..especially his aunt

" um Okay" I said taking it in a hurry

"Thanks and be ready at 8 we are going to.joy land" he said while going

"Come Daud let's sleep now ,so that we can enjoy tomorrow" I said tucking him in and setting the alarm.

In a matter of no time we were asleep

The lighted park was decorated by huge rides and complimented by coloured food stalls that attracted all visitors

We were currently in joy land with Reema's cousins.

The rides were so much attractive but Amir had made it clear before coming here that we will not sit on the rides but he promised to take us to theme park another time May be in dubai..

He wasn't fascinated with his cousins no idea why ?
They were a small family consisting of two big brothers with a small sister of Ameera's age.which accompanied us here.

We were just going to the arcade gaming centre to play.

It was so much crowded that I had to hold Daud close to me fearing he may get lost.

"Here are the coins.And if you need more inform me". Amir gave the packets to each of us.

"Or you can tell us too" one of his cousin spoke.

"You girls stay together and stay away from crowded games ,enjoy and than you can call when ur done.We all boys will be there" he pointed at the bowling centre.

"Okay" we nodded.as he went with boys to the bowling centre which could clearly be seen by a glass wall.

Starting from the chocolate fountain we decided to head towards the surprise bear box. Which was quite fascinating that Daud and Ameera wasted many coins in excitement.

I liked It to, it was colourful lighted box consisting of a big bear who had small gifts in his hands and whenever you pull the handle after inserting the coins you get a small gift may it be a small ring or a tiny plastic car.

Daud and I also raced in the virtual land of cars Daud being the winner.

After playing almost all of them we had collected many tickets finally we went towards the basket ball challenge which could win us the most tickets.

But it was to crowded,
All the other games had mostly children but this.one had all big boys hutting and roaming around.

"Reema we shouldn't play this leave it"i said.

"Apii no we have to please" Ameera whined

"No api is right" Daud pointed his finger at them making me smile.

"We can win the most tickets from here please na" Reema's cousin said.

"You heard Amir didn't you" I warned

"But he is not even here" Ameera said.

"No" I said sternly.

"We have too api please" Ameera dragged me towards it.

"Put the coins" Reema said and before I could drag them out the game was on.

They both got busy playing it making it hard for me and Daud to stand there .but I couldn't leave them alone.

"Api let's goo" Daud tugged irritated by so many people..

"Wait just two minutes" I consoled.

"Ameera and Reema please hurry dears its very uncomfortable" I orated

"Only one more.gamee" they chided inserting more coins. making me sigh.

Daud stumbled as he got a shove from the person beside him and that was the last straw for me to get out from there.

"Daud are you hurt?" I took him to the corner.checking his.face for assurance.

"Yes, it hurts" he wobbled showing me his elbow.

"Awe my dear come here we will stand in this corner,
. Here eat this chocolate till than" I.handed him the.bar.

"Thank you" he said sniffing.

Satisfied I got up and turned around to see a man standing infront.

"You do realize that girls like you shouldn't be standing in the corner alone" he raised his eyebrow.

"Please get away" I said sternly.

"I am sorry i was just warning you" he smirked

"Amiiiiir bhaiiya helllp" Daud exclaimed spoting amir

"Uh !no Daud" before I could complete my sentence the man was held by his collar by Amir.

"Amir leave him" I panicked.

He gave me a dangerous look making me forget what should be saying.

And pushed the man out.

Oh my Allah .

"Amir please stop he didn't do anything" I exclaimed.

When I saw that guy coming close to Amir

They are going to fight. Oh no!.

"Bhai please" I shook my head

He looked at me ,Amir and than Daud kicking the game box he went out.making me sigh.

May Allah bless him I murmured.

"Get ou"t Amir said to the few man's who were gathered.

His wife should really have much sabr to deal with his anger issues I thought

He stared at me and than asked

"Where is Reema and Ameera?"

"Uh .th-:

"They are playing basketball" Daud cut me in

"But there are many boys at that place" he murmured angry

"What is happening?" Ibrahim joined

"Yes bhaiya Areesha api said them.but they didn't listen"

"Daud" I warned.

"Let him speak"Amir said.

"And than there were to many people and one pushed me see here I got hurt" Daud showed his slightly pink bruise.

"Let's see them" Amir said.

I knew they two were not going to get the hook easily.

"Amir don't scold them it isn't there.fault they are kids and they have desire to play."

"Ibrahim get them" he ordered.

"Come we will go in a restaurant" he instructed

Selecting the corner ,table he ordered for all and informed them.to join here.

"How is my hero now" Daud handed him juice.

"Amir you shouldn't have beaten him before listening to me "

"He deserved it" He grunted

"You get angry very easily and it's not good at all" I pointed.

"I get angry only at valid points or if there is someone's mistake And I got panicked the way Daud shouted for help it wasn't a good idea to leave you all alone . I wanted you all to be comfortable while playing so that's why I left but I shouldn't have" he looked at me.

Allah mentions as one of the qualities of the Muttaqeen, the God-conscious, that they control their anger:

"Those who spend (in Allah's cause) in prosperity and in adversity, who repress their anger, and who pardon men, verily, Allah loves the al-Muhsinun (the good-doers)." (3:134)
I narrated
" No, it wasn't a mistake we enjoyed a lot it was just the last part .don't worry nothing happened" I assured

"Are you sure your fine" he asked slowly

"Yes I am perfectly Alhumdulilah."

He sighed .

"JAZKALLAH KHAIR for the reminder" he smiled

"No problem" I said

"Daud buddy I am proud of you,today you called me instead of panicking"..He praised.

"Next time if anything happens like this which will not IN shaa ALLAH but you will do the same. And together we won't let anything happen to your api" he smiled at him

I felt safe

"Bhai I am a hero".He stood up showing his small arms .

"Sure you are now let's finsih the food"i said slicing his burgur so that it may cool.

" hero would you share the juice" Amir pointed.attempting to cheer him up

"No it's mine" he answered

"Not even your api says it" He asked.

"Well here" extended the juice shyly making us laugh.

"MA shaa ALLAH" someone whispered from aside ..

Oh my Allah it isn't what people are thinking *Facepalm*

I didn't dared to look at him to find out if he has listened.or not.And on cue the rest of them joined.

Daud was currently sitting between us and as soon as Amir got up to let Ameera sit

"Bhai no sit here" he held Amir's hand.

"Okay okay I am" he answered .

"Uhh bhai" Reema started slowly.

"Reema sit down and eat your food its getting late we have to get home" he replied monotonous.

Shukar atleast he didn't scolded.

All were fast asleep at home when we reached. It was a bit strange because in murree no one used to sleep untill all the children were at home.And it was always used to be lighted with laughter and talks.

But here it was different.

Humaira aunty and uncle were gone to meet someone so it was confirmed that they are not home yet ..

We girls were all heading towards our rooms while the boys park the car.

"Apii please please come to our room Bhai will surely come there .we are so busted" Reema whined.

"No, don't worry he Will be polite" I consoled them.

"No apii please we are sorry" Ameera chided.

"Okay but Daud is tired let me tuck him in the bed first." I said.

"We will come with you till than" they said in unison making me laugh.

"Daud hand me your shirts" I said packing his luggage

Today after lunch at the pearl.continental hotel we will be leaving for muree in the evening.

Mom and baba have reached there already ,while we will reach at midnight today..

I had a good time here and no doubt Amir's aunt is a very hospitable lady.

I giggled remembering there scared forms yesterday.night but Alhumdulilah Amir just lectured them to listen he wasn't angry.And after that the poor girls slept peacefully..

Humaira aunty came to check up on us when she arrived and had laughed a lot at their misery while saying good you will listen to him next time.

Everything was packed now Alhumdulilah we just had to get ready.

Areesha keep your luggage out, the man will take it ~ Amir.

I was going to close the door after keeping it out when I heard Amir's voice

"Here for you" he handed me a bouquet of white and red roses.

"For me ?"I inquired

"Yup Reema specially ordered me to bring it for you!' this card to which she made herself and I wasn't permitted to even have a look inside." He smiled.

"Uh..But for what?"

"It's between you and her I don't know I just did what I was told."He declared

"Thank you".

"My pleasure,And Areesha"

"Hm" I gazed up from the marvelous bouquet

"I appreciate your talent to handle things beautifully" he said.

"Um I did nothing "i said puzzled.

"What you did is what your unaware of" he spoke

"I have a call to attend" he said going .

Smiling I opened the card.

Api sorry for what I did yesterday shouldn't have done but you still saved me

I love love love you..

Soryyyyyy pwease

Kisses from me

Ps:'I told my brother to bring the flowers with the best fragrance that you will like the most.. I know his choice is the best so please message me if you liked my gift .
And tell me which flowers you got.

Yours and only yours reeeeema :-)

I beamed after reading it.

"Apii did you get my gift? how was it? am I forgiven ?"Reema orated all in one breath picking up my call

"Woah ! calm down girl! And yes I loved them
I wasn't angry at you dear ",

"Api it was a thank you gift ,I wasn't expecting bhai to be polite when he came but because of you we were saved. Thank you."

"And you know my.brother is the best brother but he sometimes get angry and bossy but only sometimes otherwise he is a Prince" Reema said adoringly

I liked her respect and love for his brother

"Hmm, Reema I.have to get ready than I will meet you" I said seeing the time

"Okay api,"

A messaged popped

Umar : It's been 2 days , do you still remember me.? How are you?.

What should I say

Umar:Areesha reply?

Will not happen

umar : it will not even take me a day to reach there !! Reply me!.

Maybe I should reply

Me : all are fine Alhumdulilah

umar: Pick up my call" dadi said. To call you.

I sighed

"How are you? sonia"he orated as soon as I picked up

I blinked twice at his refrence

"My name is Areesha"

"What are you doing?" He asked dismissing

"Uh packing."

"Good will be waiting for you and let me inform you a big surprise is awaiting your presence.

Take care " he said cutting the call leaving me puzzled.

A big surprise I whispered..

And who declines the call like this huff

Little did i know it is actually going to be a big surprise .which will lead me to be surprised at the events that will happen next.

Assalam o alikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu

A chapter with mostly amreesha.

How was it I would love to know your thoughts

Take care :-).

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