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Another week passes and Yuri as well as Hoshimawari make their way to Detroit. For the most part Hoshimawari behaved himself while on the flight and only ever cried when he was tired, and even then it was only ever small cries and not a full on hissyfit. When they arrived in Detroit they met with Celestino at the airport. His roommate was also arriving today and his flight was supposed to be here within the hour. So Yuri, Hoshimawari, and Celestino all waited for Yuri's roommate.

45 minutes later, a boy a little younger than Yuri approaches the three of them. "Hey coach." He then notices the other two. "Oh you must be my roommate and his son. Nice to meet you guys. I'm Phichit Chulanont from Thailand."

Yuri bows towards him as it's Japanese mannerism. "Nice to meet you Phichit. I'm Katsuki Yuri from Japan and this is my son Katsuki Hoshimawari, or Hoshi for short."

Hoshimawari smiles at hearing his name and gives little coos as a response. Phichit gushes at how adorable he is. "He is so cute. Can I be his Godfather? That is if he doesn't already have one."

Yuri smiles. "Sure I don't mind having you as the Godfather. Coach Celestino already named himself an uncle." Their laughter is interrupted by Celestino saying of course he would name himself an uncle. It was either that or grandfather, but that is too old for him. The four of them make their way out of the airport and get something to eat before going to where they will be staying for their time in Detroit.

Yuri and Phichit take turns looking after Hoshimawari during their classes and Celestino looks after him during practice. They go back to Japan to visit for a week every summer so Hoshimawari can visit the family and get to know them. Years go by with this routine and soon Hoshimawari is five and completely used to living with his chichi and goddofāzā in Detroit. (Dad and godfather) They taught him to speak Japanese, Thai, and uncle Celestino even taught him some Italian. Hoshimawari has to stay behind with Phichit while his chichi and uncle Celestino go to Russia for the Grand Prix Final.

The two of them sat in the apartment watching it live with Phichit's hamsters. When Cao Bin was up Phichit received a call from Yuri. "He probably wants to check up on you kiddo. He's been protective of you since I've known him." He picks up the phone and starts talking to Yuri, then all of a sudden his face goes pale and hands the phone to Hoshimawari. "Here you go Hoshi. Your chichi want to talk to you."

Hoshi takes the phone and answers his dad. "Chichi what is it? I'm doing OK. Phichit is taking very good care of me."

Yuri tries to laugh, but ultimately fails. "That isn't why I called. Aunt Mari called me just a little bit ago. Vicchan died Hoshi. I know how close you were to him so I wanted to be the one to tell you. I have to go now, but when I get home we'll go straight to Japan so we can pay our respects. I love you Hoshi. Bye."

Hoshimawari hears the call end and he instantly drops the phone. Phichit, noticing his godson's expression instantly gives him a hug. "Hoshi I am so sorry. I know how much Vicchan meant to you. This will be affecting your dad as well, so hopefully he'll be able to hold up enough to get through the final. Let's sit back down and watch the rest of the final. Then afterwords you can cry on my shoulder all you want. Okay?"

Hoshi wipes away the few tears that have already fallen and nods. "Thanks for that Phichit, I needed it." Phichit smiles and the two of them sit look back to the tv where Yuri is just getting on the ice. Both of them notice that he isn't in the right mindset to be skating. He messes up his jumps more than usual and even some of his step sequences. He got a very low score for him and fell to last place.

After they finish watching the Final, with Victor Nikiforov taking his fifth gold no surprise there, Hoshi looks at Phichit very sadly. "Phichit I think I'm going to head to bed. I don't want to think about anything right now."

Phichit nods and kisses the boy's head. "All right go on up, I'll come tuck you in in just a sec. I'm going to call chichi first to check on him and see how he's doing."

Hoshimawari nods and heads into his room which is really just the attic. Phichit calls Yuri and he pick ups after the third ring. "Phichit is everything okay with Hoshi?"

He hums in response. "Yeah he's doing as okay as he can in the situation he's in. I was calling to check on you though to make sure you were okay. You came in last, which I wouldn't really mind if it was me, but I know how anxious you get over things like this."

Phichit can tell that Yuri was just crying by the sound of his voice. "No not really. I just want to go home, I don't want to go to the banquet tonight I don't want any of it. I just want to go home and see you and Hoshi. I was talking to my mom just a little bit ago, I really messed up. Then I ran into the Junior Grand Prix gold medalist Yuri Plisetsky, he told me I should retire because there shouldn't be two Yuri' s in the same bracket. I feel bad because I promised Hoshi I would get him a picture of Victor, but I don't think I want to approach Victor right now. I'd probably be too shy to ask anyways. I'm going to go so I can wallow in my sadness before Celestino forces me down to the banquet. I'll talk to you later, thank you again for being so good to us and helping me take care of Hoshi. I love
you both. Bye."

Yuri hangs up and Phichit goes upstairs knowing that in a few days Yuri will be back and then he can help extinguish the sadness. Phichit goes into Hoshi's room to see him laying on the bed. "Is chichi okay? Is he really sad?"

Phichit nods. "He's not okay right now Hoshi. He's had that dog since he was thirteen or fourteen so he is really sad. Let's just get some sleep and tomorrow I'll take you skating to get your mind off of it. Okay?"

Hoshi nods. "Yeah okay. Thanks Phichit."

Phichit smiles at his godson. "Any time Hoshi. Now you get some rest okay. I love you."

Hoshi looks at his godfather. "I love you too. Phichit could you stay in here till I fall asleep? That what chichi does when I'm sad."

Phichit smiles. "Of course I'll stay. Do you want me to sing some Thai lullabies to help you go to sleep? That's what my mom always did when I had trouble sleeping." With a nod from Hoshimawari, Phichit starts to sing traditional Thai lullabies which makes the young boy fall asleep.

The next day when the boy awakes Phichit tells him to get dressed and they'll eat breakfast then head to the rink. The boy does as he's told and gets dressed into a work out shirt, a warm up jacket, and thermal pants then going downstairs to his godfather. They eat a delicious breakfast prepared by Phichit and then they head to the rink.

The rink is pretty much empty except for a few people who are on the ice going in circles. Phichit helps Hoshi get his skates on and then he puts on his own skates before getting on the rink.

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