Attempt 1

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The girls enter the boys' room.

"bit sexist, you guys have way cooler stuff and it looks better," Rain mutters falling on to one off the beds.

Ben had to agree. Maybe he should have added something a bit less stereotypical. He did ask Audrey for advice on the girl's rooms though...

"Jay, what are you doing?" Mal questions heading over to him.

"It's called stealing,"

"Okay, what's the point?"

"He's literally stealing from his own room..." Eugene mumbles to himself

"My thoughts exactly," Rain can't help the snap and finger gun that follows her sentence.

"Well, Mal, it's like buying whatever I want, except It's free."

"Rain isn't doing it - oh wait, that's because she has the common sense to know we can get whatever we want when we take over the world,"

"Wow M you sound just like your mom," Evie admires

"Thanks E," Mal puta a hand to her heart.

"You take that as a compliment?!" Audrey seems to not be watching her tongue anymore.

"Our parents are the only role models we ever had," Mal answers the question properly, despite the sarcasm starting to bubble up.

"You do it your way and I'll do it mine."

Jay goes to join Carlos and Rain rolls her eyes.

"Guys! Do I have to remind you what we're all here for?" Mal shouts exasperated.

"Fairy Godmother, blah, blah, blah. Magic wand, blah, blah, blah." Rain lets out a laugh at Jay's behaviour and Mal glares.

A few smile at the clear friendship. Fairy Godmother silently hopes that they don't ever actually make a plan with all this happening.

"This is our one chance to prove ourselves to our parents. To prove that we are evil and vicious and ruthless and cruel. Yeah?" Mal loses her patience.

"Yeah" everyone looks down, their parents circling back in their minds.

"Evie, mirror me." Rain stands up and sits down at the table.

"Mirror, mirror on the... in my hand, where is fairy godmother's wand... stand?" The wand shows up in the glass.

"There it is!" Mal exclaims

"Zoom out" Carlos points.

The mirror then shows them a picture of the globe.

"Well that makes it so much easier," Rain complains

Rain felt proud that her comments were getting open laughs and smiles from not just her best friends.

"Magic mirror, not so close. Closer. Closer. Closer." the mirror slowly zooms in

"Stop! It's in a museum. Do we know where that is?" Rain looks to Carlos who looks it up on his laptop.

"2.3 Miles from here."

"How did you do that so quickly and easily?" Adam finally makes a comment that isn't negative.

"I'm good with technology," Carlos shrugs.

Ben starts a new list - Things Carlos Deville likes:


"Let's Go!" Mal leads the way out.

Rain turn back and shouts for Carlos to follow.

"Coming!" he stumbles after her.


Rain leads them through the front of the museum outside.

"Come on. Check your mirror." Mal turns to Evie

"Is my mascara smudged?" she asks pulling out her mirror.

"Yeah. And, hey, while you're at it, why don't you see If you can find us the wand?" Rain's sarcasm goes missed.

"Sure R. This way." Evie then leads the group.

The interaction brings smiles to many faces.

The group find a security entrance,

"That's your mother's spinning wheel?" Jay asks staring at the wheel siting in the middle of the room.

Aurora feels slightly sick looking at the exact object that cursed her.

"Yeah, It's kinda dorky."

"Carlos has a point," Rain agrees

"It's magic. It doesn't have to look scary." Mal flicks through her spell book looking for the right spell "'Magic spindle, do not linger. Make my victim prick a finger',"

Aurora holds her breath, when nothing happens, she breathes a sigh of relief.

"Nice going,"


"I got chills." Jay and Carlos join Rain with the last two comments. They laugh and Evie bites back a smile.

"Okay, you know what? 'Prick the finger, prick it deep. Send my enemy off to sleep',"

The guard moves in slow motion towards the spindle before finally placing his finger on the needle.

Aurora feels even more nauseous watching it actually happen to someone.

"Not so dorky now, huh?" Rain raises and eyebrow and side eyes Mal.

"Sorry Rain, did your mother have any magical artefacts?" Mal can't help herself

"No dear. Unlike yours's, mine had no objects to help her. She just broke into a fully guarded Palace and stole a literal baby. All on her own," Rain lets out a sickly-sweet smile and the AK's feel slightly scared and intimidated.

Mal goes to open the locked door, as if it wasn't going to be locked.

See, nothing to worry about. They seem to be lacking common sense," Audrey then receives 5 very angry glares.

Mal flicks through her book.

"Make it easy, make it quick, open up without a kick," Rain says, just as the doors open, Jay tumbles through.

"How did you know that?" Mal turns to her, envy in her eyes.

"Is that jealousy I see?" Rain sings

"I read my mum's book earlier," she says simply, walking forward into the room. Looking down at Jay, she kicks him lightly in the leg "come on looser,"

They run through the halls until they reach a room, inside are mannequins of their parents. Each of the stare at their parent.

"Terrifying," Jane sinks into her chair.



"I'll never forget Mother's Day again,"

"You guys celebrate that?" Lonnie looks genuinely intrigued

"The only day that they're the centre of attention..." Jay explains

"Mother knows best,"

Everyone. And I mean everyone. Notices the terror in their eyes. Rapunzel feels a surge of pity and fear for what Rain goes through.

"Well, the wand's not here. Let's bounce," No one moves at Jay's encouragement "Let's go!" Rain and Mal don't move. Evie only notices Rain and drags her along. Rain's eyes still glued to her mother's figure.


"The future of the free world rests on your shoulders. Don't blow it." Maleficent's stature sparks the memory in Mal.

"Now that's actually terrifying," Lonnie up's Jane's earlier statement.

Mal -

♫ Look at you, look at me ♫

♫ I don't know who to be ♫

♫ Mother ♫

♫ Is it wrong? Is it right? ♫

♫ Be a thief in the night ♫

♫ Mother ♫

♫ Tell me what to do... ♫

"Mal. Come on, "Evie re-appears before leaving again.

"Don't be so serious, darling. I'm sorry," The mannequin sparks to life.

Chad screams and jumps into Audrey. She shoves him off her. Jane leans into Lonnie slightly. Even Carlos, Rain and Evie move closer.

Maleficent -

♫ I was once like you my child, slightly insecure ♫

♫ Argued with my mother too thought I was mature ♫

"Doubtful," Audrey murmured.

♫ But I put my heart aside, and I used my head ♫

♫ Now I think it's time you learned what dear old momma said ♫

♫ Don't you wanna be evil like me? ♫

♫ Don't you wanna be mean? ♫

♫ Don't you wanna make mischief your daily routine? ♫

♫ Well you can spend your life attending to the poor ♫

♫ But when you're evil doing less is doing more ♫

♫ Don't you wanna be ruthless and rotten and mad? ♫

♫ Don't you wanna be very very good at being bad? ♫

♫ I have tried my whole life long to do the worst I can ♫

♫ Clawed my way to victory built my master plan ♫

"What victory? She failed! "Aladdin gestured rapidly to the screen.

♫ Now the time has come my dear for you to take your place ♫

♫ Promise me you'll try to be an absolute disgrace ♫

♫ Don't you wanna be evil like me don't you wanna be cruel ♫

♫ Don't you wanna be nasty and brutal and cool ♫

♫ And when you grab that wand that's when your reign begins ♫

♫ Who wants an evil queen without a sack of sin ♫

♫ Don't you wanna be heartless and hardened as stone ♫

♫ Don't you wanna be finger lickin' evil to the bone ♫

♫ This is not for us to ponder this was pre-ordained ♫

♫ You and I shall rule together freedom soon regained ♫

♫ Mistress of the universe powerful and strong ♫

♫ Daughter, hear me, help me, join me won't you sing along ♫

The scene suddenly changes to Rain running into a room, The wand there in all its glory.

"E! I found it! Get the others!"

All the heroes sit in fear.

The scene goes back to Mal and her mother

Both -

♫ Now we're gonna be evil it's true never gonna think twice ♫

Mal -

♫ And we're gonna be spiteful ♫

Maleficent -

Yes, spiteful that's nice

♫ In just an hour or two our futures safe and sure ♫

♫ This mother daughter act is going out on tour ♫

♫ If you wanna be evil and awful and free ♫

♫ Then you should thank your lucky stars that you were born the girl you are ♫

♫ The daughter of an evilicious queen like me ♫

Rain and many of the heroes couldn't help but think that if Maleficent gets to power. Mal would be in her shadows yet again.

"Hey, Rain found the wand. Let's go," Evie came back and this time, Mal followed.


The other join Rain at the bottom by the wand. Jay goes to jump.

"Jay don't!" Rain screams. And the others join her protests. But it's too late. Alarms start blazing and the VK's cover their ears.

"A force field and a siren?"

"That's just a little excessive."

"Let's Go!" Rain leads everyone back through the Museum.

"I don't know why we were worried. They're clearly going to be caught, booted back to the Isle and me and Benny will get a happily ever after," Audrey gushes. 'Grace' quite dramatically rolls her eyes and Ben looks like he's rather be sat with the VK's.

The phone starts ringing and Carlos grabs it, Rain stays with him in case.

"Hello? Uh, uh, just give me one second. One second. Uh, yeah, yeah. No, false alarm." he pauses

Rain picks up the clipboard and shows it to him in confusion. Carlos runs his finger down until he finds it "It was a malfunction in the, uh, in the 714 chip in the breadboard circuit. Yeah. Okay. Say hi to the missus."

"Impressive," Ben smiles at Carlos.

"Carlos!" Mal shouts

"You're welcome."

Rain pats him on the back "good job,"

"Way to go, Jay. Now we have to go to school tomorrow." Mal shouts

"How was I to..."

"I literally told you to wait! Now we have to suffer through school and find a new plan!" Rain looks on the verge of crying in anger.

Rapunzel notices the way her hair shines in the light. She shrugged off the feeling in her stomach.

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