Chillin' Like a Villain

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Everyone watches Evie, Jay, Carlos and Ben get into a limo to go to the Isle.

"Okay..." Rain starts "As attractive as Ben looks in Isle clothes. It's still incredibly obvious he's y'know...The King,"

"I'm sure I was just short on resources," Evie shrugs, although she agreed.


Rain's walking along the streets of the Isle, and she hears the familiar sound of wedge heels. She stops and looks to the shadow behind her.

"Mal," Rain spins around and raises an eyebrow to the shadow. Said girl comes out of the shadows "What in Hades name are you doing here?!"

"How could you tell it was her from her footsteps?" Doug questions

"You kind of have to learn at the Isle," Rain explains "You never know who could be behind you to y'know...brutally attack you,"

"Looking for you," Rain rolls her eyes

"Are the others here?"

"Probably by now," Rain sighs as she links her arm with Mal's and leads her in the direction of the hideout "I should have known something was up...I mean, you tried to tell us and we just ignored you -. I- I didn't know it was that bad, "

"Eh, I'm a good actress," Rain shrugs, but Mal still looked guilty "I'm not...I'm not going back,"

"Look, maybe if you come back, you can fix whatever happened with you and Ben and -"

"No Mal! You don't get it! It's not just about me and Ben. I can't handle the stress of being a Princess. I'm a literal one! Everyone expects me to be this perfect little princess 'it's in my blood', but isn't the new thing that we're not like our parents," Rain looks down and lowers her voice "no one even noticed what I was going through, every time I brought it up...I felt no one was listening or cared, "

No one had anything to say, they just stared at the screen, some tearing up a bit.

"I'm so sorry..." Mal unlinks their arms and wraps one around Rain, rubbing her back. They make it to the hideout, and after Rain throws the rock, she turns to Rain.

"Go back with the others," She lets go of her hand and walks up the stairs.


It cuts back to Ben and the others, and as Ben struggles to fit in, another song starts.

Everyone, yet again, has nothing to really say, until Ben's verse that is.

Ben -

I really wanna be bad a lot

And I'm giving it my best shot

But it's hard being what I'm not

"Is..." Rain pauses "Isn't that literally my whole point in this movie? And you just do a song and dance about it?!"

The song ends, and after a quick run in with Gil and a pep talk from Evie, Ben is going up to the hideout to talk to Rain.

This is the first time everyone gets to see the hideout and people's jaws drop at the sight of the artwork on the walls. Most is recognised as either Mal's or Rain's art styles.

As Ben walks in, he sees Rain spray painting on a gap on a wall.

"At least I don't see a picture of me with horns and a pitchfork," Rain's eyes widen and she turns around slowly.

"Ben..." he goes to walk forward but Rain stops him with her hand.

"Oh, this is not going to go how he thinks, is it?" Jane asks quietly

"Probably not," Mal shrugs

"Rain, I am so sorry about our fight. It was all my fault," she just keeps staring at him. "Please come home," he pulls out the beast ring.

"Ben," Rain steps down and drops the spray can onto a beanbag Evie fixed "I am home,"

"I brought the limo. It's a sweet ride,"

A few people laugh "What?" Ben looks around

"How is that in any way related to what she said?" Jay laughs

"I'm sorry, I really gave it my best shot. But I just don't fit in, and if you think that I can change. I think you're wrong. I did change. And look where it got us," she gestures to their surroundings.

"Then I'll change," Rain scoffs "I'll skip school, have more fun. You know, I'll blow off some of my responsibilities,"

"No!" he looks surprised "Why would I ever want that. You're the perfect one here. I'm the one always in the wrong,"

"Why did you ever think I wanted you to change then?"

"Points were made," Lonnie interrupts

"I'm such a terrible influence. It's only a matter of time, before I do something so messed up, that not only does the kingdom turn on me, they turn on you!"

"Don't quit us Rain," Ben puts the ring in her hands

"I don't want to. But...We're incredibly different people Ben,"

"The people love you. I love you," Rain just stares up at him.

"That's awkward," Jay mutters

"Don't you love me?"

"You can't just ask someone that!" Lonnie is facepalming "God Ben, were you never taught about relationships?"

"Not really," Ben says awkwardly, Audrey was his only girlfriend and she was with her emotions and Ben never felt the way he feels about Rain with her.

Speaking of Audery, she seemed to be staying quiet, maybe she was realising that Rain and Ben were better suited than she thought. 

Rain puts the ring back in Ben's hand, slowly closing it in a fist around it "I can't go back..."

"That's one way to not answer the question,"

"What? Just completely ignore it?" Rain asks, turning to Mal

Everyone watches Rain take a deep breath, blinking away her tears and ridding emotion from her voice "I have to take myself out of the picture because it's what's best for you, and it's what's best for Auradon,"

"Rain no, Please," he tries to get closer, but Rain pushes him back.

"I can't do this..."

"Please! Just think about it!" she shakes her head "If it's still no in three hours, I'll go. I'll go cry about it back home. Just please think about it, please," Rain's clearly thinking it through, analysing ben's face.

"Okay..." Rain has to look down "I'll think about it," Ben sighs in relief "Just, please go," he nods and walks back the way he came. A few tears trop down Rain's face and Ben turns back, physically stopping himself from going over to comfort her.

"Ooh, that was uncomfortable, wasn't it?" Rain mutters

"R!" Evie shouts up, Rain walks over to a megaphone set up, which happens to be next to a detailed spray painting of Uma, with a bright red cross over it. "Rain, it's Evie. Lemme just talk to you for a sec," Rain pulls back the lever "Come on,"

"Go away!"

Naturally, Ben got kidnapped by Uma's crew. After a threat from Harry, it cuts to a close up of Rain's face as she glares at the other VK's, all in the hideout.

"If you guys never have of brought him here, this never would have happened!" The VK's eyes find themselves looking at the floor. Well, except for Mal's "What on earth were you thinking?!"

"Mom mode activated," Lonnie mumbles, but everyone hears it. 'Grace' smirks a bit in the background.

"He was gonna come with or without us and we just wanted to protect him,"

"Yeah, and we completely blew it!" Carlos looks to Evie.

"True," Doug agrees

"Ok, Ok," Mal stops the bickering

"So, what're we gonna do?" Jay looks around at everyone.

"'We', are not doing anything!" Rain steps down from a raised part of flooring "this is between Uma and me, and she's a punk, and guess what? Now I have to go get Ben," She picks up backpack.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Rain. You're still gonna have to go through Harry Hook and his wharf rats," Carlos tries to rationalise her

"Yeah, you're gonna need us," Jay agrees

"Uma said to come alone,"

"Rain, come on," Evie pleads

"Think about this sensibly," Rain scrunches up her face in Mal's direction.

"Talk about switching sides, honestly," Rain rolls her eyes playfully and Mal reaches over Evie to swat her.

"She said to come alone. I know one thing. I'm not going anywhere," Carlos falls onto the armchair next to him.

"We'll be here when you get back," Jay gestures to him, Evie and Mal.

"Thanks," sarcasm laces Rain's words as she storms out

"Oh, we're gonna get to see you meet up with your ex," Lonnie laughs a bit and Rain sinks into her seat.


a/n: The script I've been using stopped at the end of the last chapter...So expect a lot more of whole scenes being shortened to just a few sentences.

I feel like comments have gone down a bit and I don't know if it's just because I didn't update for a while. Are you guys still enjoying this?

And, just a repetition of the last author's note, I started a cover shop and would love some requests. I really enjoy graphic design and find making these covers really relaxing. 

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