Family Day

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A/N: Did I say I was ending this book? Yes.  Did I then change my mind because I saw I had a lot of this chapter already done? Also yes. 

This is unedited as It's a long one and I just...Couldn't be bothered. 


The group are in Carlos and Jay's dorm, plans laid out at the table.

"Rain, you listening?" Mal taps her on the head.

"Yeah," she stands up to explain the plan with Mal "We all know what the wand looks like," everyone nods as she points to Mal's drawing and the plans "So it'll be up on the dais under the beast's spell jar, and we'll be coming in from here. I will be in the very front. You all will be up in the balcony. Okay. Carlos?"

"I honestly forgot about this," Belle admits

"Yeah actually," Ben agrees with his mother

"Okay, so I'll find our limo, so we can break the barrier, and, uh, get back on the island with the wand."


"Evie?" Mal takes out the potion she made earlier "You will use this to take out the driver. Two sprays and he'll be out like a light."

"Okay," everyone disperses so Rain sits down and looks to be reading the recipe for the anti-love spell.

"Oh," Jasmine says quietly "she wants to break it,"

"R?!" Evie stands over her shoulder "You want to break Ben's love spell?"

Rain looks up at her "Well yeah, you know, for after. I don't..."Evie sits down next to her "I've just been thinking, you know, when the villains finally do invade Auradon, and begin to loot and kick everyone out of their castles and imprison their leaders and destroy all that is good and beautiful,"

Everyone started to slowly panic, they'd forgotten the severity of the VK's plan

"Ben still being in love with me just seems a little extra" she pauses to find the right word "cruel," Rain grabs her spell book at walks out.

"Aw, she does care. Like actually really care," Lonnie says lowly.

Belle liked Rain, she could see she wasn't evil, just doing what her mother told her and she was going to take the spell off (even if it was already off, she didn't know that).

"Rain!" Evie shouts after her.


Jay gets out of bed and his eyes catch his Tourney trophy. Carlos rolls over in bed where Dude is in a matching shirt to him, he scratches his head and tries to go back to sleep. Evie takes out her chemistry test and sighs as Mal turns over and sees a picture Fairy Godmother took of their first Remedial goodness lesson, her and Evie are laughing as Rain leans on their desk watching the boy's bicker, a warm smile on her face. They all had something they didn't want to leave behind.

The VK's watch themselves, they had finally found a home and they had to destroy it.

♫ A million thoughts in my head ♫

♫ Should I let my heart keep listening? ♫

♫ I know It's time to say good-bye ♫

♫ So hard to let go ♫

Rain is freely crying as she mixes the brownie and when a tear drops in, she steps back.

Everyone is in shock and/or feels incredibly sorry for Rain. She really liked Ben and thought she didn't like her back and that he was just under a love spell. The girl who never cried and stayed strong, had found her weakness.


When the song ends, Jay and Carlos go over to a chocolate fountain and Ben goes up to take a photo with his parents.

"Oh, by the way, I have a new girlfriend," Ben tells his parents as they pose for the photo

"Oh, this is going to be gold," Lonnie tells everyone

"Well, I never wanted to say anything, but I always thought that Audrey was a little self-absorbed. A fake smile, kind of a kiss-up,"

It's silent, then Rain lets out a loud laugh, causing the VK's to follow. Audrey looks to Belle in shock, hurt written on her face.

"Sorry," Belle starts "But from what we've seen from the movie so far, I'm not exactly wrong,"

Audrey glares at her and looks to her mother for help "Audrey dear, you have been very rude and if me or you father ever caught you acting like this, you'd be greatly punished.

"Do we know your new girlfriend? "

Rain goes over to join Jay and Carlos, grabbing a strawberry and sticking it under the fountain. Compared to them, she looks very graceful.

"Well, sort of, Rain!" She turns to see Ben calling her over to him and his parents, Belle and Adam's jaws drop and the photo ends up with them incredibly shocked with Ben looking genuinely happy.

"I got to go, okay?" Evie and Mal nod as Rain strolls over to Ben.

"I wanna introduce you to my parents." he embraces her and as they walk up, Rain grab his arm and he holds her hand, "This is Rain. From the island. My girlfriend,"

"Hi!" Belle tries to get over her shock.

"I feel the need to apologise even if it hasn't happened yet," Belle says to both Ben and Rain

"I'm sure we were just shocked," Adam adds

"I'm sure if we knew how perfect you two were for each other we wouldn't be as awkward," Belle continues as both Ben and Rain turn bright red.

"Hey," Rain moves her hand slightly to wave.

"I was thinking maybe she can join us for lunch,"

"Of... course. Any friend of Ben's..." Beast begins but Rain interrupts.

"Um, I actually came with my friends," She turns and points at them

"Well, you should invite them," Belle pauses when Carlos and everyone wave. "Because the more the merrier!"

"Great first impression guys," Rain jokes

"Yeah, I'll go grab them," Rain turns to walk.

"Uh, how about a game of croquet before lunch?" Adam asks nervously

"Sure," Rain nods

"Game on," Ben and his dad fist bump before Ben walks off with Rain.

"Have you played before?"

"No." she squeaks out

"No? You'll be fine,"

"Aw, please tell me there's a bit where we see ben teaching her" Lonnie says rather loudly and everyone gives her a look that says she should probably shut up.

All the VK's seem to be enjoying themselves, playing the game completely wrong as Ben looks like an exasperated parent trying to teach them all.

"Hello there,"

"Oh no," Doug cringes as Aurora's mother appears on the screen, talking to Mal.


"Now, have we met?"

"No, I don't think so. I'm new. I'm sort of like a... Transfer student,"

"That's one way to put it," Jay mumbles

"Grammy," Audrey greets as she walks over and everyone has the same look of dread on their face - bar Audrey herself.

"Oh, Audrey! Give Grammy a kiss, dear," Mal looks slightly alarmed.


"Sleeping Beauty's mother. Grammy, I don't think you want to be talking to this girl. Unless you feel like taking another hundred-year nap."

"Audrey!" Aurora scolds "Why would you do that knowing how your grandmother is nowadays?" Audrey just shrugs, looking at the ground in shame.

Rain walks over and Ben follows "What? You! How are you here? And how have you stayed so young?" Audrey's grandmother obviously thinks Mal is her mother.

"Queen Leah, It's okay. Maleficent is still on the island. This is her daughter, Mal. Don't you remember my proclamation to give the new generation a chance?" Ben speaks up and Rain wraps her arm around Mal in a comforting manor.

"I do not like this," Carlos admits and everyone agrees

"Chance to what, Ben? Destroy us? Come on. You remember, don't you? The poison apples. And the spells. Spells. My daughter... Was raised by fairies because of your mother's curse. So, her first words, her first steps, I missed it all! You mustn't trust her,"

Rain thinks to how Rapunzel's daughter was taken...and if she is her, she was raised by an evil witch.

"I'm so, so" Mal moves to apologise but Chad steps in.

"Go away! Stay away from her!"

"Don't do this, Chad," Ben warns

"Chad..." Cinderella mutters quietly, concerned for what her son was about to do.

"She was literally going to apologise," Lonnie glares

"This may be set in the future, but this really says a lot about all of you as people," Rain tells...everyone. But especially Chad and Audrey.

"What? They were raised by their parents, Ben. What do you think villains teach their kids? Huh? Kindness? Fair play? No way, okay?" He points to Rain with an accusing finger "You stole another girl's boyfriend!" Rain's hair starts to have an orange tinge.

"That can't be good..." Aladdin says to the group,

Ben tries to protest but Chad points to Mal "You use gateway magic!" He then points to Jay "You enjoy hurting people," Then to Evie "And you, you're nothing but a gold digger and a cheater," Evie steps forward.

"Mirror, mirror, in my hand, who's the biggest jerk in the land?" the mirror shoes a picture of Chad.

"What? Come on!" He pushes her out the way and that's when Rain steps forward, clearly beyond annoyed

"This is gonna get good," Mal realises, remembering Rain from the island and the fights she would get into.

"Who gave you the right to be a horrible human being?!" Everyone looks at Rain as Carlos goes towards Evie "Just because our parents were evil, doesn't mean we are! You all just assumed that!"

"Is she literally proving Ben's point?" Rapunzel asks and most nod

"And you know what? It also means that just because your parents were good doesn't make you automatically like them!" Everyone stares at Rain as her hair has gradually turned brighter. Ben unintentionally let's go of her, looking at her in shock.

"At least I look cool..." Rain says into the awkward silence as everyone stared on screen where her eyes flashed a bright electric blue as she goes to threaten Chad.

"If you come near any of us again -!" He grabs her wrist and Ben goes to stop him but Jay grabs him first, even Carlos seemed to have moved closer.

"Aww, they all went to defend her," Lonnie says, rather optimistic considering what was going on screen.

"Back off, Chad. All right? Back off!"

"Rain..." Mal mumbles "your eyes...your hair..." everyone now turns their attention to Rain.

"Does that...confirm the fact she's Rap's daughter?" Snow White asks quietly.

"I told you she was our daughter!" Rapunzel shouts and Rain slowly takes a strand of her hair and inspects it.

"Oh, come on that's a trick!" Chad starts but Evie takes out the perfume bottle supposed to be used for the driver and sprays it on him. Rapunzel and Eugene rush towards Rain, but Evie helps her get away.

"Come on, Rain," Evie mutters and she also grab Mal, them all running off.

"Guys! Rain!" Ben shouts after them

"Jay!" Mal shouts back and he goes running after them.

Everyone stares in shock; Chad had been utterly awful and it was confirmed Rain was the daughter of Rapunzel and Eugene. "Um..." Rain mutters

"That was a lot," Ben admits and everyone silently agrees.

"Hi," Rain waves at Rapunzel "I guess I'm your daughter who was kidnapped by the same woman who raised you and ruined your life..." Mal snorts and Rain ant help the small laugh that comes out and soon the whole room is awkwardly laughing, realising how crazing everything was.

Chad wakes up and Ben stands, lost on what to do. He doesn't help the others with Chad, clearly annoyed with him. Adam and Belle stand close.

"I feared something like this would happen..." Adam says to his son

"This isn't their fault!" Ben defends the VK's

"No son, it's yours," Adam takes Belle's hand and she's silent as Ben stares at her.

"Who does that?" Rain turns to Adam "It's clearly Audrey and Chad's fault, yet you're blaming Ben?" everyone looks at her, it seems she got over the awkwardness and was annoyed "Actually...It's your fault for making the island in the first place if we're really going down that road,"

"It is -"

"Shut up," 'Grace' tells him "She's right," she may rarely talk, but whenever she did, it was always to help the VK's.

"Mom." Ben mutters pathetically as she walks away with her husband.

"Also, you know it's not his fault, yet you just silently follow your husband," Rain continues, staring at Belle.

"This hasn't happened yet," she defends

"Yeah, and like I said earlier - it really shows a lot about you guys as people,"


The VK's are sat in silence at a lunch table when Ben comes running over. "Hey, guys. How is everyone?" they stay silent "Yeah? Hey, listen. Forget about it. All right? It was nothing. Forget about it. Let it go. Tomorrow, after the coronation, I promise everything will be okay." He moves down to kiss Rain's neck and whispers in her ear "I have to go, you'll be fine, we can talk about the whole hair and eyes glowing thing tomorrow after the coronation" he stands up straight and addresses the whole table again "I'll see you guys later,".

"The coronation where they're going to steal Fairy Godmother's want and ruin our lives..." Audrey isn't shushed this time, she was right. Lonnie and Evie were also too prorupted squealing after Ben kissed Rain's neck.

"Listen, Evie, I wanna talk about earlier today. I just..." Doug goes up to their table and Chad calls him back but he stays.

"It's my fault, Doug. I'm sorry," Evie sounds genuinely upset.

"No, it's mine," Chad keeps calling him back


"Sorry, I can't" he goes back and sits with the others.

" was neither of your faults," Rain tells them

"So, your hair was glowing..." Mal started.

"Yeah..." Rain looks down at the table " I had my suspicions but I guess now everyone knows," Everyone looks really awkward

"Please don't hate me, I don't want to be princess," the other four look at her properly "you guys are my family, and I'm still going through the plan," Mal puts her land on Rain's leg and it's an overall message that none of them are mad at her.

"So, you find out your biological parents are royalty and live in Auradon and you have a chance of a life with them... yet you still want to steal the wand and ruin their lives?" Doug asks, not wanting to be rude but genuinely curious.

"I was raised to be evil and wicked. Yeah, I'm annoyed at my mum but I made friends and have a life on the isle...I wouldn't trade my friends and my life for anything," Rain admits and Rapunzel and Eugene look down sadly.

"What happened to my eyes by the way?"

Mal looks over at her friend's face "They turned electric blue, it was awesome but also terrifying,"

Audrey comes up behind Rain and Mal "How long does she think that's gonna last? Rain is just the bad girl infatuation,".

"Yeah. I mean, he's never gonna make a villain a queen," Jane patronises her; Rain looks down and when she looks up, her eyes are glassy with tears and the two giggles as they go back to their table.

Everyone felt awful for Rain now they knew she really cared for Ben. That must've hurt...

"Jane..." Fairy Godmother looks to her daughter who hangs her head in shame.

"Well is she wrong?" Audrey buts in "She's nothing but another villain kid who's nothing,"

"Audrey!" Aurora scolds but Rain raises an eyebrow

"You wanna go princess?" Audrey looks slightly afraid at the seriousness in Rain's voice and to look she was giving her "You can talk, but you know nothing about us,"

"Beware, forswear, undo Jane's hair," Mal does the finger movements and Jane's hair is back to its old self. Rain smirks as everyone stands, Mal and her turning around "There's a lot more where that came from,"

"Thank you," Rain mutters over to Mal and Evie pulls both in for a side hug.

"Excuse me, who do you think you are?" Audrey moves her arms about to prove a point.

"Does it look like we're kidding!" Rain raises her finger and Mal flicks through her book. Everyone runs away. With a smile on her lips, Rain turns to the group "I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. Let's grab that wand and blow this Popsicle stand," Mal and Evie smirk as the five walks away from the table 'Rotten to the core' playing faintly.

"So, family day causes all the progress to be erased and makes them go through with the plan?!" Doug realises, throwing his hands up in the air "Great,"

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