It's Going Down

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Jay and Carlos are snoring away when the 3D printer finishes the wand.

"That is unbelievably good," Rain mutters, "And I've seen it up close," Mal smirks.

As the boys try to leave, Doug catches up with them, asking about Evie.

"She went camping,"

Quite literally everyone but Evie and Doug snort.

Next, the two are bombarded by Lonnie, and after being blackmailed, they allow her to come.

"Yes!" Lonnie cheers

Next, the viewers get a view of the docks on the Isle, and then a shot of Ben tied against a ship, Harry is getting awfully close, practically sniffing him. Ben does not seem happy.

"How's it feel being a king now eh?" No response, Ben just glares.

"Give it a rest Harry," Uma steps up on to the platform "We don't want damaged goods" she smirks, sitting down on some steps

"You said that I could hook him!"

"I said at noon!"

Harry brings out a pocket watch and hangs it at ben's eye level "Twenty more minutes," he sings, Ben looks at the watch properly

"That says eleven thirty,"

Laughs ring out through the theatre; Rain was rubbing off on him.

"You better hope your girlfriend comes through,"

"She's not my girlfriend anymore..."


"Well, she's not Uma's anymore as well -"


"Legend," Lonnie doesn't bother to mutter this time

"Leave us alone Harry," Uma instructs, and he walks off

"19 minutes to go,"


"I get that you don't deserve this," Uma laughs at Ben's words

"This? This Island is a prison because of your father! And don't pretend to look out for me, because no one's looking out for me. It's just me,"

Rain looks down guiltily, she used to look out for her

"Oh, so this isn't you mom's plan? Isn't that her necklace?"

"Ohh, really overestimated Ursula here," Evie laughs

"And underestimated Uma," Jay adds

"My mom doesn't care about me either. Well, no unless she needs someone for the night shift,"




"I don't need your pity,"

"No, you certainly don't," Ben laughs, the conversation develops, and Rain starts to get incredibly uncomfortable, scrunching up her face as Uma approaches Ben, eventually the scene switches.

Rain and the girls watch as the boys return in the limo.

"Lonnie!" Rain exclaims when the girl runs around the side of the car.

"Glad to see everyone is happy to see me," Lonnie grins

"I made them bring me!" Rain goes in for a hug.

"I'm so glad," Mal goes in for a side hug. Evie next.

"Welcome to the Isle. It's good to see you," Mal says.

"Is your accent stronger?" Lonnie asks Rain suddenly and the girl in question nods.

"Oh, it so is," Evie realises, "talk so we can compare,"

"Okay...What do I say?"

Carlos walks around the limo with the fake wand.

"Lemme see," Rain takes it from him and twirls it in her hand "Wow..." she gives it back to Carlos.

"It's noon," Jay urges Rain.

"Ok, we ready?"

"Yeah," Evie holds up Mal's bag.

"Let's do this," they walk in front of Rain, and she walks around the side of the car. Opening the passenger's door, she puts her bag in. There's a loud sound of something falling, and Rain looks around but sees nothing.

"I feel like that's going to be important," Doug shrinks in his seat in fear.

"But she's returning to Auradon after!" Jane grins and Ben finds himself smiling as well.

"You sure?" Carlos is the only one left.

"Yeah," Rain rubs forward to catch up with the others. They make room so she can be in front.


"Hey guys! They're here!" shouts echo around the docks at Gil's words. Swords start to clash in a rhythm.

"Welcome!" Harry puts his arms out

"Finally!" Uma laughs and Rain makes her way to the bridge,

"Ah!" Jane grins "It's song time,"

Uma -

Huh, let's get this party started

I swear I'm cold-hearted

There's no negotiation

I'm not here for debatin'

You need some motivation?

Just look at Ben's face

Rain does glance in fact glance to Ben, she manages to wink, however.

Then ask yourself how long you think I'll remain patient

I'll throw him overboard and let him swim with killer sharks

You either hand over the wand or he'll be ripped apart

Rain -

Now, let's all just be smart

Although for you that must be hard

The VK's smirk while a few AK's (Lonnie) laugh.

You'll get your wand

No one has to come to any harm

Don't try to intimidate

Your bark is much worse than your bite

Who's the baddest of them all?

I guess we're finding out tonight

The song continues and halfway through, Carlos places the wand in Rain's hand and she starts walking forward. Ben starts singing and Uma quite literally laughs and points at him, the song continues and finally, Both Rain and Uma walk forward on the bridge

"Cute, did you practice the routine?" Rain goes to hand Uma the wand.

"This is just a comedy at this point," Lonnie grins

"Hold up, to easy. Why don't you give it a test drive? We wanna see it work,"

"Uh oh..." Jane joins Doug in sinking into his seat.

"Shouldn't I be the one not trusting you?" Uma's eyes flash with anger and she doesn't budge "you always were quite the drama queen," Rain rolls her eyes.

"Aw, and nothing too big. Or else Ben's fish bait," When Rain looks over, Harry's dangling Ben over the water and the audience can see her attitude change.

Rain turns on her heel to look at her friends behind her. Carlos uses his eyes to direct to Dude who's above them on the docks. Rain looks back to Uma.

"Oh, you are a genius, Carlos!" Rain exclaims

"Okay, although it seems absurd, turn your back into a word," Rain moves the wand as if putting a spell on him.

Dude stays still, Uma doesn't look impressed "Talk, Dog!" Rain shouts, getting anxious.

"Does the vest make me look fat?" The pirates laugh, Rain just smiles in relief, not at what Dude said. "Does anyone have some bacon, cookies?"

"Give me the wand!" Uma tries to take it, but Rain moves it out of her reach.

"Give me Ben!" Her eyes flash blue.

"Oh, she's angry..." Lonnie has a serious look on her face, then "Hot,"

"Harry, bring him over," Ben's then pushed forward through the ship. Gil starts on some nonsense about their fathers before Ben's pushed to his knees in front of Rain. They exchange some awkward eye contact.

Quietly, you can hear Mal giggling

"Shut up," Rain mutters, no AKs seem to get it.

"Aw," Uma looks between them, then puts her arm out for the wand, Rain puts her arm out for Ben in retaliation "cut him loose, Harry,"

"I never get to have any fun," Ben's set free and grabs onto Rain's arm. Uma slaps her hand on his shoulder, Rain gives her the fake wand.

"Ben go," he tries to get back to talk to Uma, but Rain pushes him backwards "Move!" she says more urgently.

"By the power of the sea, tear it down at set us free!" Nothing happens.

"No..." tension is filling the room

"No! You do not get to win every time!" Rain pushes Ben back and goes to grab a sword.

Carlos throws smoke bombs as Jay hands out swords. "Go!" Uma sends her pirates towards Rain. She pushes the first into the water below and blocks the other swords as they attempt to get through.

"Rain I am so attracted to you," Lonnie admits and Rain grins

Soon it's just her and Uma. She takes out her sword.

"Just you and me, baby," Rain does the 'come here' sign'.

"I'll say it again -"

"Please don't," Ben interrupts

Swords clash in the background and Uma makes the first move. The two're honestly just hitting their swords together, until Rain takes her hand to swap sides. Everyone else is pre-occupied. At one point Uma falls down and Rain grabs her arm to stop her, causing the two to be in very close proximity.

"Hi, did you miss me?" At Rain's comment, Uma swaps sides again.

"There is so much tension there..." Evie whispers in Rain's ear.

Uma makes some sort of war cry, as she turns, Rain drags her sword down with her own. Stepping on it to stop movement.

Rain quickly turns around and then everyone sees Evie duelling back-to-back with Ben. Mal's purple hair is somewhere in the corner and Rain uses her sword to move Uma's hand out the way and makes a run for it.

"Ben! Come on go!" he doesn't move and Rain sighs, looking behind her as Uma and Harry run up to them. Harry goes for Ben, and Uma goes for Rain. The four are engaged in a complicated fight as Evie shouts out.

"Double date," Jay grins

"Carlos. Smoke bomb," Evie and Mal pull Ben along and Rain runs along behind him. Once at the end of the tunnel, she looks back. Uma emerges from the smoke, angry and ready to push Rain into the sea. Pushing the bridge, Rain smirks as she looks at them all; Harry soaked, Uma on the verge of exploding and her 'pirate crew' exhausted.

"Rain!" she winks at Uma before following Ben's voice down the tunnel.

"We can all agree that was really cool right?" Lonnie turns to her friends


"I would have done better," Chad scoffs.

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