Love Potion

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The camera zooms in on Snow White, presenting the news " At last, here we are, broadcasting live from the coronation where Prince Benjamin will soon be crowned king! I'm Snow White, bringing you up to the second coverage of who's the fairest of them all,"

"Wow, you're really annoying on TV," Mal realizes, looking to the woman in the room "like, you're nice here, but I'd want to throw a shoe at you if I watched you on TV,"


"'I'm snow white.'" It cuts to the villains watching the coronation from Maleficent house, The Evil Queen is mocking the black-haired woman " Who are you kidding? She's definitely had work done!" Mother Gothel snorts

"Like you haven't!"

"I didn't kidnap a little girl and use her powers to keep me young - twice!" she responds and Cruella cackles as a small fight breaks out.

"Home, sweet home," Rain jokes and Evie and Carlos laugh slightly

"Oh, Fairy Godmother is looking radiant. But what is happening with Jane's hair?" Snow White asks on the TV as Maleficent lifts the popcorn above her head for Jaffar "And there is Fairy Godmother's wand!" FQ unveils it

"I want that wand!" maleficent shouts

"Do you? Hadn't heard," Cruella sighs

"Oh, and here comes Ben now!" It cuts to Ben and Rain in the carriage, Rain is playing with her hands and Ben grabs one.

"Aww, "Lonnie watches happily

"Oh my god Rain, look at your dress!" Evie exclaims "and your hair, and... everything!"

"Well, I'm sure you designed the dress E, but thank you, "Rain looks down slightly

"Don't be nervous. All you have to do is sit there and look beautiful. No problem there." Rain blushes and looks down again.


"Cute!" Lonnie and Evie squeal

"Rain, would you wear my ring?" She quickly moves her hands away

"Um... not now. I think it would probably just fall right off of me" Ben looks away

"I mean, imagine wearing his ring as you destroy his kingdom," Doug tries to joke

"Power move," Jay nods and the 'heroes' looks at him, but Rapunzel agrees

"I mean, yeah,"

"I uh, have something for you," Rain starts

"For me?" he takes the blue box which has been sat between Rain's legs.

"Is there anyone else here?" she laughs "It's just for later, you know, when you need strength. Some carbs to keep up your energy," It's clear she's trying to think of something.

"Yep definitely why," Carlos laughs

"Always thinking. But I can't wait," He shoves the cupcake in his mouth.

"No!" Rain's eyes widen and she is clearly in a panic.

"This is really good!"

Most people laugh a bit

"Uh, do you..." She looks down at the cake, not sure what to say.


"Do you feel okay?" She looks up to meet his eyes again and he puts the rest of the cupcake in his mouth.

"This is amazing" Lonnie notes

"Would you say that you're still in... that..." Rain stops herself "that you have very strong feelings for me?"

"I'm not sure. I mean," he licks his fingers "let's give the anti-love potion a few minutes to take effect."

"Okay, yeah, that's smart...good plan" Rain looks away,


"Oh god," Rain puts her head in her hands from embarrassment as everyone laughs

"What? What?!" he laughs and looks down "You knew?!" Rain shouts when she processes everything

"That you spelled me? Yeah. Yeah, I knew" Ben laughs

"I'm... I can explain myself,"

"I really don't know how I'm gonna explain that," Rain mutters

"No, look, It's fine. I mean, you had a crush on me. I was with Audrey. You didn't trust that it could happen on its own. Am I right?"

"No," nearly everyone says

"Yes. You're so right, this is super embarrassing"

"Embarrassing for him," Mal laughs

Rain breathes a sigh of relief and looks up again "So, then, how long have you known?"

"Since our first date. Your spell washed away in the Enchanted Lake,"

"So, then what? You've just been... Faking it since then?" Hurt is evident in Rain's voice and an unknown emotion crosses her face.

"Aw..." Lonnie mutters. Everyone was a bit confused; it was clear Rain was realising her genuine feelings for Ben.

"I haven't been faking anything," A slight blushes graces Rain's cheeks as Ben slips his ring onto her ring finger on her right hand. Rain looks away, and it looks like she's doing it to hide a deeper blush, but she looks worried, and bites her lip, deep in thought.

"They're in love!" Evie squeals and Rain jumps

"Couldn't have done that any louder?!"


"This makes me so anxious," Lonnie admits "are they going to take the wand or not?"

It cuts back to the Villains, watching as Ben helps Rain out of the carriage

"Well, if it isn't..." The Evil Queen stares in disbelief

"My daughter!" Mother Gothel exclaims, disgusted "looking like some kind of -"

Rapunzel and Eugene narrow their eyes at the woman on screen, claiming that Rain is her's.

"Princess!" Snow White says on the screen "Now, let's see who this beauty is wearing," Snow White reads off a card "'Evie Queen'. Someone named Evie made her gown,"

"Oh, my Hades!" Evie looks at Rain's dress properly "I... made that?"

"I told you it was you," Rain rolls her eyes

"Yeah but, look how much my skills have improved! And the fabric..."

"That's my daughter!" Evil Queen exclaims happily, standing up and staring at the TV

"Oh, wow. She sewed a dress," Mother Gothel mutters, "Meanwhile, Rain's convinced a prince she loves him, and is minutes away from grabbing that wand we all want so desperately,"

"Bitter, party of one. Bitter, party of one!" The Evil queen teases as Maleficent stands, causing everyone except Mother Gothel to do the same.

"Does that mean she's, proud of me?" Evie asks everyone

"I think so," Snow White tells her step-sister "It is a gorgeous dress"

"Thank you,"

"It's happening, people! It's happening! I say, gird your loins! Gird your loins! Villains, our revenge begins today!" Maleficent stands and circles the sofa, the other staring at her.

Back in Auradon, Ben and Rain are slowly walking up the steps to the cathedral and towards his parents. When they get there, Rain curtsy's to Belle. "About the other day, I just..." she begins to apologise.

"Am I genuinely abut to apologise for no reason?!" Rain shouts

"I mean, not no reason," Audrey starts

"I wasn't the one shouting and making accusations," she looks at Chad

"I told Ben this wasn't going to be easy."

"You also taught me that a king has to believe in himself. Even when it isn't easy," Ben looks up at his farther almost challengingly.

"I did? I..." Belle slaps him on the arm "how very wise of me,"

Ben puts his head in his hands, slightly embarrassed by his father

Ben continues his talk with his parents. Before they walk in Belle embraces Rain in a hug. She pauses for a moment and her eyes widen. Slowly, she wraps her own arms around her middle.

"You're perfect for him," she whispers in her ear

"Stand by that," Belle nod and Rain hides in Evie's shoulder, Carlos holding her hand in comfort, knowing that she's seconds away from crying from embarrassment.

Smiling slightly as they leave, Rain turns to Ben.

"Wish me luck," He takes a hold of her hands

"Don't worry, all you have to do is stand there and be crowned king," Rain teases and he laughs. Rain rubs her thumb over his hand before she's taken a different route to him.

"That's so cute," Lonnie squeals.

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