New Old Rain

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"Okay...That's normal," Rain looks down at her hands and a few people back away "Anyone have a clue what's happening because I swear to god I will cry again!"

"You're manipulating the light!" Carlos shouts from behind and Uma looks worried for a split second "I think..."

"Try throwing it at her!" Jane suggests and Rain shrugs, hurling the light in her right hand to Uma, who ducks out the way and Rain's left hand's light turns to a burgundy smoke, that Rain then throws at Uma who is pushed back by it "Cool," Rain looks over at Ben "This is normal,"

"Definitely," he nods and Mal starts fighting Uma, with occasional blows from Rain when Uma gets too close to hitting Mal.

"So Rain's a witch?" Audrey asks

"I think so," Jane speaks up

"And everyone shouted at me when I used to call her that,"

Mal snorts "Used to,"

"Let's not forget that Mal can turn into a DRAGON?!" Rain shouts

"Come on Mal! Rain! Let's finish this once and for all!" Uma shouts and Jane shouts up to Rain

"You mom used her hair to reverse time, maybe try that?"

"Jane, you're being really helpful here,"

"Thanks Carlos," she tucks her hair behind her ear, blushing.

Uma uses a tentacle to go to hit the ship again, and Rain concentrates on it, throwing a glowing ball at it, the tentacle snaps back. Uma tries again and Rain manually controls the tentacle, this time with the burgundy smoke, forcing it down. Uma screams in frustration and starts on Mal again.

Rain goes to take more light, but she only has one string of lights left, she takes all the energy into both her hands and shoots it at Uma. It creates a blinding light and Uma squints, covering her eyes and Mal gets a shot with her flames.

"Okay, so light gives me power?"

The three keep fighting and Rain edges to the end of the ship, ignoring the shouts from Ben and Carlos. Soon, not even the lampposts on the ship are lit and Rain uses her last ball of energy when Mal nearly misses one of Uma's tentacles. The only light now was Rain's glowing hair and Mal's fire. Rain sees Uma gaining the upper hand and shouts up.

"Mal!" she looks down "fire me!" she looks apprehensive "Just do it! Trust me!" as the fire works its way down to Rain, she takes the light, leaving just smoke. As she goes to throw it, Uma's tentacle sneaks up and pulls Rain into the water.

"Rain!" many people shouts and everyone rushes to the edge, watching Rain's hair slowly lose its glow.

"Oh..." Rain's eyes widen

Down in the water, Rain's are open, her hair turning from blonde back to red. She tries to kick to bring herself up to the surface but her legs are tangled in her skirt.

Up above, Mal seems to scream in dragon form, and her fire goes at Uma at full strength. Eventually, Uma leaves after ben jumps in the water and Mal races down to the water, it had barely been a minute since Rain had fell and she reaches in to find the glowing light that had just slightly come back. She pulls Rain up and flies to the top of the deck, turning back to her normal form and pumping on Rain's chest to get the water out, muttering spells under her breath. People barely had time to rush over before Rain was up and coughing out water.

"Woo!" Lonnie cheers "Not dead! And Mal defeated Uma!"

"Are you okay?!" Mal askes urgently and Rain nods, sitting up and gesturing for Mal to pat her back as she keeps coughing. She looks to her right and sees that the moon is the only thing lighting the place and Ben is climbing up a ladder, receiving pats on his back as a crowd applauds. Mal pulls Rain up.

"I need a new dress," she notes, her voice hoarse from nearly dying as she looks down at her soaking wet outfit.

"Yeah," Mal nods and Rain closes her eyes, reciting a spell, burgundy smoke engulfs her.

When she opens her eyes, Rain looks around her at the water that was in her lungs before Mal spelled it up. The lights are back on and Mal's still next to her as Evie waits at the bottom of the steps. Ben's also standing in front of her down below.

Rain had yet another outfit change and her hair is half-up half-down. She turns and is greeted with the stained glass.

"It's the thought that counts babe," Evie consoles

When she looks down at the dress properly, everyone can see it's the one from the stained glass. And a tiara weighs down her head.

Rain looks up and makes eye contact with Ben who looks very shocked. Rain laughs and waves slightly before curtsying dramatically. Ben then also laughs before bowing.

Evie walks up to the right side of Rain and Mal takes her left arm.

"So, I did not know I could do that,"

"That make two of us," Mal agrees.

"You can turn into a dragon!" Rain says excitedly "That's so cool!"

"You can manipulate light and turn back time!"

"Eh," Rain shrugs and notices a bit of fire on Mal's dress, she leans down and blows it out.

"Besties," Evie sings and Rain and Mal roll their eyes almost identically


"Shall we?" Evie opens her elbow for Rain to slip her arm through and Mal readjusts so Rain's arm is through hers as well.

"We shall," they walk her down about three steps before Ben's right in front of them.

"Hi," Rain breathes out before Mal and Evie let go and Ben pulls her in suddenly for a kiss, it feels like an eternity for Rain before Carlos pulls Ben back.

"Woo!" Lonnie cheers again and Rain looks around

"Where's my pillow?!" she asks panicked

"You threw it at the screen and sent the girls into a hissy fit," Ben chimes in and Rain stands up, pointing aggressively.

"That was well within my right!" ben puts his hands up in surrender and Rain grabs her pillow from the floor, going to seat next to Ben on the now empty sofa, he decides not to mention it.

"Okay that's enough," Carlos jokes and Rain gives him a wink over Ben's shoulder.

"You two are like siblings," Doug notes and carlos looks a bit embarrassed

"I owe you guys so much," Ben looks around at the VK's, they all respond differently, but the same message is that yes, he does.

"I did nearly drown like five minutes ago, so yeah," Ben laughs before pecking Rain on the lips.

"If there's anything that you need or anything, I can do for you..."

"Um..." Evie raises her hand "actually, there is Ben, um" Rain and Mal place their hands on her back as encouragement "I know a girl who would really love to come to Auradon. It's Drizella's daughter, Dizzy." Evie looks at Rain uneasily and Rain nods for her to continue "She's like a little sister to us,"

"Then she should come,"

"Okay," Evie laughs awkwardly, "Actually um!" everyone laughs at her sudden outburst "there's a lot of kids who would really love it here in Auradon. kids like us who also deserve a second chance. Maybe I could get you a list?"

"Yes! Absolutely! Please!" Rain grins

"Princess Rain," a guard walks up to them "we found this below deck," he hands Rain the spell book she thought she'd lost "Uma had it," Ben glances at Rain wearily.

"Um, y'know. I think this belongs in the museum or in the hands of Fairy Godmother," said woman pushes through the crowd.

"That's me!" Rain passes over the book and a post-it note falls out; Rain quickly grabs it.

"Mind the random notes,"

"Yes," Fairy godmother nods "I'm gonna take this,"

"Go for it," everyone laughs again, she leaves and Rain looks up at Ben "I'm not gonna be needing it anymore," she then knocks on her head "photographic memory," Ben raises an eyebrow "I'm kidding, I forgot where my dorm was the other week,"

"That's concerning," he smiles

"Oh definitely," Rain grins before kicking water up at him.

"They're in love!" Lonnie grins, her enthusiasm is ecstatic

People gasp before Ben does it back. Clapping fills the boat yet again and Rain steps forward to tilt Ben's crown, He leans back down to kiss her and when Rain pulls away, Ben's swapped their head accessories and Ben's wearing her tiara, meaning she's wearing his crown "I love you,".

"Love you too," Rain grins.


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