Rotten To The Core

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Mal's back appears as she sprays paints her mother's sign.

Many shudder at the sight before them.

Mal -

They say I'm trouble

They say I'm bad

They say I'm evil

And that makes me glad

Mal finishes her spray painting and bumps into two boys on her way past.

"Why?" nearly everyone but the VK's ask


They think I'm angry

They think I'm sad

When you get to know me

I'm not so bad

Rain steals from a group of girls in the corner, blowing them a kiss as the boys watch her in awe. Once she's out of sight, she puts a ring she took on her finger.

"You're actually pretty skilled at stealing," Aladdin comments whilst Eugene nods his head in agreement.

Jay -

A dirty no good

Down to the bone

Your worst nightmare

Can't take me home

No one seems very impressed with Jay's part yet.

Evie -

So, I got some mischief

In my blood

Can you blame me?

I never got no love

"Is that true?" Snow white looks towards what she assumes is her step-sister in pity. All of the VK's just look ahead. The truth might just kill them.

Carlos -

They think I'm callous

A lowlife hood

I feel so useless

When Carlos takes the apple, many are appalled with his behaviour.

"It was probably the only bit of food he was going to get that day, put your jaws back where they belong," Rain stands up for Carlos and glares.

All -


Mal, Rain and Evie march down an alleyway.

Girls -

Mirror, mirror on the wall

Who's the baddest of them all?

Welcome to my wicked world

Wicked world

"You three sound lovely together," Belle looks to the girls. Everyone but Audrey and Chad agree. Even Jane nods her head slightly.

All the VK's meet up and start banging on drums and causing chaos.


I'm rotten to the core

Rotten to the core

I'm rotten to the core

Who could ask for more?

I'm nothing like a kid next

Like the kid next door

I'm rotten to the...

I'm rotten to the...

I'm rotten to the core

Everyone but Audrey, Chad and Jane are clearly enjoying the sing. Lonnie, Doug, Ben and a few of the parents nodding their heads along to the beat.

Mal -

Call me a schemer

Call me a freak

How can you say that?

I'm just unique

Mal chucks her spray can at Rain and she paints a purple R onto a curtain before flinging it open leaving the man inside who looked incredibly alarmed.

Several people looked like they disagreed with what they were doing, but the song was good so...

Rain -

I do what I want

I do what I can

You don't like it?

Well you better get with the plan

Rain jumps over some tables, stealing anything she can get her hands on. When she finally hits the floor, she is chased by several angry civilians. Rain laughs and outruns them.

Both the previous thieves in the room look impressed yet again with her stealing.

Jay -

What, me a traitor?

Ain't got your back

Are we not friends?

What's up with that?

Evie -

So, I'm a misfit

So, I'm a flirt

Rain and Evie storm through layers of scarves until they reach a man. Evie twirls a scarf around him whilst Rain searches his pockets.

Evie -

♫ I broke your heart ♫

♫ I made you hurt ♫

As they walk away, Rain flashes him his wallet, accompanied with a flirty smirk.

Carlos -

The past is past

Forgive, forget

The truth is

All -

You ain't seen nothing yet

The girls watch from the balcony as Jay and Carlos run around below.


Mirror, mirror on the wall

Who's the baddest of them all?

Welcome to my wicked world

Wicked world

They run out onto the street and are joined by other civilians of the Isle.


I'm rotten to the core

Rotten to the core

I'm rotten to the core

Who could ask for more?

I'm nothing like a kid next

Like the kid next door

I'm rotten to the...

I'm rotten to the...

I'm rotten to the core

"The conditions there are terrible, when we set it up it was much better,"
"Doubt that," Rain leans into Evie's shoulder as she challenges the King.

Mal steals a lollipop from a small child. Everyone but Rain laughs. She resorts to rolling her eyes at Mal's antics. Everyone but the 5 VK's run. Mal turns around, still holding the lollipop.

"Hi mom,"

Shivers run down all the hero's spines.

"Stealing candy, Mal? I'm so disappointed..." Maleficent appears through her knuckleheads

"It was from a baby," Mal defends

"How does that make it better?" Jane asks

"That's the point," Mal responds in a bored tone.

"That's my nasty little girl," Mal gives Maleficent the lollipop and then Maleficent continues to spit on the lollipop and then rub it in her armpit " Give it back to the dreadful creature."

A chorus of 'Ew's' spreads through the room.


"It's the deeds, Mal, that make the difference between mean and truly evil. When I was your age, I was..."

"Cursing entire kingdoms?" Rain questions looking over Mal's shoulder to meet Mal's mother's eyes.

"She wasn't really, was she?" Aurora speaks for the first time. It's not what Mal expected one bit.

"We never had any reason not to believe her," Mal shrugs

"Rain dear, how are you?" Maleficent fakes interest

"Just wicked Miss M," Rain smirks squinting her eyes at Maleficent.

"Good, Good..." she trails off as if in thought before pointing to Mal and starting to walk away "You. Walk with me. See, I'm just, just trying to teach you the thing that really counts... how to be me."

"I know that. And I'll do better."

"Please don't," Almost every hero in the room mutters at once.

"Oh! There's news!" She turns her attention to the rest of the group and Mal stands in front. Rain goes forward to join her.

" I buried the lede. You five have been chosen to go to a different school... In Auradon."

Evie, Jay and Carlos turn to run but are stopped by the knuckleheads.

"Oi, Let go!" Rain moves her hand out to stop them.

"That was nice of you," Rapunzel blurts out before thinking

"Watch it magic tears,"

"What?!" Mal exclaimed

"I'm not going to some boarding school filled to the brim with prissy pink princesses!" Rain protests once the others are safely put on the ground.

"Uh, Rude!" Audrey gasps

"You are literally the definition of my worst nightmare," The mysterious woman snorts at Rain's comeback and everyone is reminded of her presence once again.

Evie steps between Rain and Mal "And perfect princes," Rain raises an eyebrow and Mal looks disgusted "ugh."

"Yeah, that was really subtle," Lonnie lets out a small laugh

"Yeah, and I don't do uniforms. Unless It's leather. You feel me?" Jay finally cuts in; he goes to high five Carlos but he's lost in his own world so Rain moves back and hits his palm with hers.

Carlos steps forward "I read somewhere that they allow dogs in Auradon. Mom said they're rabid pack animals who eat boys who don't behave," Rain and Jay look at each other with knowing smirks.

"Woof!" They both shout in each of Carlos' ears, he reacts by punching Jay and glaring at Rain.

"Have you ever met a dog?" Ben asks

"I tend to block out those memories," Carlos looks down and Rain puts her arm around him again. The sibling like relationship shining through.

"They're not anything like that,"

"And why should we trust you!"

Rain looks to have zoned out as she stares into the distance.

"Yeah, mom, we're not going," Mal defends

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