Settling in

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Rain's lying on Evie's bed reading through the spells in her mother's book when Jane enters, a pout on her face.

"Mom said, 'If a boy can't see the beauty within", then he's not worth it,' Can you believe it? What world does she live in?"

"Auradon," Mal sasses, her drawing taking up her mind.

"I don't know whether to be offended or not," Lonnie jokes

"Do you like?" Evie holds up a dress

"Yeah. It's cute." Mal looks back at her book.

"Brings out your eyes," Rain comments after looking at the blue fabric she held in her hand.

"It's beautifully made," Snow White compliments

"I couldn't have done better," Cinderella adds, Evie blushes and Rain and Mal side hug her slightly.

"I'll never get a boyfriend!" Jane exclaims falling next to Rain.

"Boyfriends are overrated,"

"Agreed," Rain responds to Mal at once

"And how would you guys now, you've never had one."

"You're right Evie, I've never had any boyfriends,"

Everyone's head perks up at this, it's not like it's frowned upon in Auradon, but to hear a VK say it. Everyone was a bit confused. Some were wondering why Rain was half flirting with Ben then. Others had the common sense to figure out Rain's probably bisexual.

"Does Gil count?"

"Honestly Mal, we were thirteen,"


"No, no it doesn't," Rain lets out a deep sigh

"Who was that?"

"One of Gaston's sons," Belle pales a little at Rain's response "he's actually quite nice, not that smart but not rude about it. Just asks questions a lot is confused,"

"Anyway, they're a waste of time" Mal agrees with Rain's earlier statement from before they got off topic

Evie suddenly stands and runs between the beds "I forgot to do Chad's homework! Oh, no! Oh, no, no, no."

"Point proven," Rain points her finger at her.

"Hey, guys! I'm Lonnie. My mom's Mulan?" Lonnie appears and they stare at her blankly

"It's me!" Lonnie shouts "finally!"

"No? Anyways, I love what you've done with Jane's hair. And I know you hate us, and, well, you're evil. But do you think you could do mine?"

"Why would I do that for you?" Mal snaps

"I'll pay you 50 dollars" she brings out a blue purse

"Good answer. I need to buy more material. Let's see, I'm thinking, we lose the bangs, maybe some layers and some highlights." Evie starts playing with Lonnie's hair.

"Yeah, yeah. I want it cool. Like Rain and Mal's."

"Really, the split ends too?"

Rain laughs and stands up "I'll do it, 'Spirits beware replace old with cool hair,'" Rain snaps her fingers and Lonnie's hair is transformed completely.

"Oh my god..." Lonnie mutters "look at me!"

"Gotta say, that bob was not wicked," Evie speaks up

"I know. I know. It looks like a mop on your head. You know what? Let's cut it off, layer it..." Evie follows Lonnie to the mirror.

"No, no, no, no, no, no! I love it." She rips her dress "It's just... Now I'm cool."

"Like ice" Rain and Mal answer in unison.

Jane walks up to the mirror and does the same

"Jane!" Fairy Godmother screams in shock

"What did I just do? Mom's gonna kill me!" they all laugh.

"Do it with a crack, replace that fabric back," Rain clicks her fingers and Jane's dress is fixed, she breathes sigh of relief.

"Thank you," Jane says quietly to Rain

"It's cool,"

Jay and Coach are sat on the Tourney field.

"I could really use a tough guy like you. The team's a bunch of princes, If you know what I mean?"

"What's wrong with us?1" Chad speaks up

"You're telling me. It's all, 'after you, old chum. Oh, pardon me, did I bump into you?' Where I come from It's, 'prepare to die, sucker!' As my father Says, 'the only way to win'- is to make sure everyone else loses" Jay starts going off on one

"Extreme," Aladdin mutters

"Jay! Let me explain a team. Uh, It's like a family,"

"You do not want to be at my house at dinner time,"

"Or mine," Carlos mutters and a chill runs down his spine, he was just happily enjoying the movie and didn't feel the need to comment on everything.

"Okay, okay, um... You know how a body has a lot of different parts? The legs, elbows, ears. But they all need each other. Well, that's what a team is... different players who work together to win. Make any sense?"

"Can I be the fist?"

"Oh jeez," either Eugene or Aladdin mutter

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