The Coronation

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A/N: Votes and comments mean loads to me, as they're why I lose motivation to write! 

Warning: unedited


When the doors open everyone stands, Ben very slowly walks down to the front. When he passes Rain, she smiles and winks as she does a small curtsy.

Fairy Godmother takes Beast's crown and it cuts to Rain looking around the room, her eyes landing on Rapunzel and Eugene, their other daughter - Ruby- stood between them. She appears deep in thought.

When the crown's placed on Ben's head, Rain can be seen trying not to laugh.

"Please tell me they size that down?" Rain asks Ben in the cinema room "Because that is...not a look," she laughs

"No... I'm stuck with that," Ben replies sadly

The glass is taken off the wand and Rain looks up to the Balcony to see Evie, Jay, Carlos and Mal watching her. Fairy Godmother takes the wand in her hand.

"This is tense," Doug mutters

"Do you solemnly swear to govern the peoples of Auradon with justice and mercy as long as you shall reign?"

"I do solemnly swear,"

"Then it is my honour and my joy to bless our new king," she does the movement when knighting somebody with the wand. Rain takes a deep breath and a large gulp, then a hand grabs the wand.

"She did it," Lonnie says "Didn't expect it really,"

Back with the Villains, they're cheering and Maleficent is rushing to the balcony

"The barrier is broken! We're free!" The Evil Queen shouts happily

"Sceptre! Now!"

"Child, what are you doing?!" Fairy Godmother shouts, but she's not looking at Rain, she's looking at Jane, who's struggling with the wand's power.

Gasps fill the room, even the VK's look shocked "Damn..."

"Jane!" Fairy godmother looks at her and she sinks into her chair, Lonnie wraps an arm around her.

"If you won't make me beautiful, I'll do it myself! Bib bidi-bob bidi-boo!" Ben runs in front of Rain, but I she runs around him making a grab for the wand. Jane fights her for it but Rain manages to lodge it out of her hands.

The VK's run down from the balcony.

"Honestly, Jane I thought you'd be able to handle the magic better," rain remarks, holding the wand much easier than jane.

"That is weird," Carlos thinks "Being her daughter must mean it's be easier..."

"Rain, give me the wand," Ben starts gently

"Stand back." Rain warns, backing up as Evie, Jay, Carlos and Mal rush behind her.

"It's okay,"

"Ben, I said stand back!" rain shouts moving the wand in his direction

"I told you so!" Audrey shouts and Rain turns to her raising my eyebrow.

"Don't test me right now!"

"Why did you think saying that to an angry girl holding one of the most powerful magical artifacts was a good idea?" Lonnie asks Audrey

"Let's go," Carlos says

"Revenge time," Jay emphasis

"You really want to do this?" Ben objected

"We have no choice, Ben! Our parents..." Rain screams

"Your parents made their choice. Now you make yours." Rain glances between Ben, his parents, Fairy Godmother, and then her own biological parents. "You are good," ben promises.

"How do you know that?" Rain sobs

Everyone looks at the screen sadly, Rain was clearly not having a good time, and didn't want to take the wand.

"Because... Because I'm listening to my heart."

"There's a joke in there but I'm not gonna make it." Rain turns around, and faces her friends, dropping the wand to her side.

"How come you can still owe in stressful situations?" Rapunzel asks

"My entire life is stressful situations, it's a copping mechanism probably,"

"I want to listen to my heart, and it's telling me that we are not our parents," rain laughs slightly, turning to jay first "I mean, stealing things doesn't make you happy. Tourney and victory pizza with the team makes you happy," Jay smiles

"Is she -"

"Changing her mind?" Eugene finishes for Doug

Rain turns her attention to Carlos "And you, scratching dude's belly makes you happy. Who would've thought?"

"Evie... You do not have to play dumb to get a guy. You are so smart and so talented," Evie shakes her head and smiles with Rain.

"And Mal, Art makes you happy, hanging out with us, being carefree makes you happy, and even if you won't admit it, gossiping with me and Evie makes you happy," she nods and laughs.

The VK's stare at themselves on screen, shocked that they seem so happy and content in Auradon, and are going against their parents.

"And I don't want to take over the world with evil. It doesn't make me happy," Rain explains "I want to go to school. I want to meet my actual parents, "she turns to them to find them smiling proudly

Eugene and Rapunzel smile, looking down at a blushing Rain, hiding in Evie's side. They were excited to get to know they're daughter.

"I'll give that a go. And I want to be with Ben. Because Ben makes me really happy,"

"Of course, he does," Lonnie smirks and Ben and Rain put their heads in their hands.

"Us being friends makes me really happy. Not destroying things. I choose good, you guys." She puts her fist in the middle, "if none of you put your hands in this is gonna be really embarrassing and awkward," Jay chuckles and puts his fist in.

"I choose good, too,"

Then it's Evie "I choose good,"

"I choose Good," Mal puts her fist in

"So, just to be clear, we don't have to be worried about how really mad our parents will be? Because they're gonna be really, really mad." Carlos asks

"Your parents can't reach you here," Ben reassures him.

"Okay, then. Good," Carlos joins us and a tear slips down Rain's cheek. She looks to ben and gestures towards the group.

"Come on," he tentatively walks forward and puts his hand in, people begin clapping and I lean my head on his shoulder.

No one really has anything to say about this, a sense of relief so felt throughout the room.

Out of nowhere, a green smoke fills the cathedral.

"I'm back!" A familiar voice cackles. Ben instantly goes to protest his mother, and leaves the VK's in a group in the middle, Maleficent walks towards them.

"Oh my..." everyone is shocked and terrified

"Oh of course," Doug realises "Jane accidentally opened the barrier!" everyone looks to the quiet girl.

"Sorry," she squeaks out.

"Go away, mother," Mal moans.

"She's funny. Oh! I'm so... you're very funny," Maleficent looks to Rain "Here. Wand me. Chop chop," Rain looks as if she's going to hand it over, and in the room, everyone's eyes seem to widen, but she quickly throws it to Fairy Godmother.

"Bibbidi-bobbidi..." gold sparkles start flying out of the wand.

"Boo!" Maleficent's sceptre glows green and everyone freezes "Psych," Maleficent turns around to Beast, taking off his glasses she starts talking again "Ooh. Ooh, in another time, in another time.".

"Ew," Ben says rather loudly and despite the tense situation, a few smiles break out.

She starts humming as she takes the wand "Someone needs to pluck their nose hairs. Where shall we begin? I know. Why don't we start by getting rid of this?" Ben's ring flies off Rain's finger and onto the wand, Rain looks ready to murder her "Perfect fit!"

Maleficent moves around the room "OH, excuse me. Pardon me. Excuse me. The horns, the horns!" She slaps Ben's face towards her, tilts his crown then puts his head back in its place. "Falling in love is weak... And ridiculous. It's not what you want. And your Mother agrees with me!"

"You and mother don't know what I want!" Rain sobs

"Mom, have you ever once asked me what I want? What any of us want! Rain isn't her mother! I'm not you!" Mal speaks up finally.

The 'heroes' were shocked at how these teenagers could stand up to Maleficent, but they couldn't.

"Oh, obviously. I've had years and years and years and... Years of practice being evil. You'll get there,"

"No, I will not. And I really wish that you had never gotten there yourself. Love is not weak or ridiculous. It's actually really amazing,"

"I know one thing, young ladies. You two have no room for love in your life's!" Rain rolls her eyes and puts her arms out

"And now I command, wand to my hand!" the wand flies back to her.

"Ha! It worked!" Mal shouts relief evident in her voice.

"This is really weird," Rain mutters

"What do you mean?" Carlos asks

"I don't know, it's just...weird,"

"I hardly think so. Frankly, this is tedious and very immature. Give me the wand. Give me the wand!"

Carlos steps forward "Hold on, Rain. Maybe good really is more powerful than evil,"

"Oh, please! You're killing me. Art!" she barks obviously expecting to scare Carlos but instead Dude jumps up and attacks her "Ah! Oh, the breath! The breath! Get off me!" Jay makes a grab for the sceptre but Maleficent knocks him to the ground

"Yes Dude!" Lonnie shouts

She starts spinning "Enough! You all will regret this!" In a puff of green smoke Maleficent turns into a dragon. She chases after Jay while the others scream his name "Come on. Run!"

"Jay. Hurry, hurry, hurry!"

Everyone leans forward slightly, concerned for jay and some people are quietly muttering along with the VK's on screen.

Evie forces everyone to stand behind her "Magic mirror, show your bright light!" it shines in Maleficent's eye and she stops for a moment.

"Behind me, E!" Mal shouts moving in front "This is between you and me, mother." The dragon's eyes start glowing green "The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before five hearts as one," Rain places the wand in Mal's hand and the VK's all stare at Maleficent. Rain's eyes slowly become the bright electric blue from family day.

"Cool..." Jane says quietly, enchanted by Mal's and Rain's Green and Blue eyes.

"The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before five hearts as one. The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before five hearts as one!" Green fog takes up the screen, but when it disperses, the VK's are rushing forward and Fairy Godmother is unfrozen.

"What just happened?" Evie asks

"No idea," Rain responds

"Did you do it?" Evie asks Mal when they see a small lizard on the floor.

"I don't know" Mal passes Rain the wand and bends down with Fairy Godmother.

"Is that Maleficent?" Aurora asks

"I think so," FQ replies

"No, no, no, no. Your mother did. She shrank to the size of the love in her heart. That's why It's so itty-bitty."

"Is she gonna be like that forever?"

"Well, forever is a long time. You two learned to love. So, can she." Fairy Godmothers looks up at Rain.

"I believe this belongs to you," Rain passes her back the wand, Fairy Godmother picks the ring up off the floor.

"And I believe this... Belongs to you," Iran puts back on Ben's ring, Fairy Godmother stands back up "You all have earned yourselves an 'A' in goodness class," The VK's laugh, high fiving.

"We did all dresses," Mal says suddenly

"And heels," Evie adds, smirking

"Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!" everyone unfreezes and Ben charges towards the VK's. Rain stoops him with her hands.

"Okay, okay! Oh! We kinda got this all wrapped up here," Ben looks at her before picking her up and spinning her around, Rain lets out a yelp of surprise, before giggling.

"Next time, I rescue you, okay?" When Rain's back on the ground, she wraps her arms around Ben's neck

"Let's not let there be a next time," Ben laughs at her response and Rain looks over to her parents.

"That is so cute," Evie mutters

"Exactly," Lonnie and Doug agree, giving Ben and Rain a look.

"You'll be fine," Ben kisses Her temple and lets her go, Rain tips his crown and walks over to Rapunzel and Eugene

"If you couldn't tell I have a minor anger issues," she jokes when she's finally there. Rapunzel wraps her arms around her and Eugene hugs them both. When they let go, Rapunzel pits her hands-on Rain's cheeks, giving her a gentle smile, and Rain gives her the same one back.

"I think we can handle that," Rain laughs before looking over to Mal apologising to Jane.

"I'll be back," She wanders over to Audrey.

"I'm really sorry for stealing you boyfriend and embarrassing you," she starts "I really didn't think about how it would affect you. It was not one of my finer moments," Rain starts, laughing slightly, showing how used to apologising she was "I'm really sorry,".

"Character development!" Lonnie exclaims

Audrey just curtsy's, a smile on her lips. Rain gives her a curtsy in return. When she gets back to the others, she leans into Ben's side.

"Well, let's get this party started!" Jay shouts.

"Ohayohay, hey" they all shout putting their arms up.

"So, we all live happily ever after?" Mal asks, slightly disgusted

"There's a bit more of the movie, I'd keep watching," 'Grace' gives her a knowing smile.

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