The Enchanted lake

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A/N: This is unedited, so their may be a few mistakes but I really wanted to get this out today. It's also 3AM and I'm exhausted.


Rain's sat on her bed whilst Evie applies blush and Mal watches from the side-lines.

"Okay. Easy on the blush. I don't want to scare him away"

"And why would that be?" Carlos asks Rain sarcastically

"Because I need to be front row to get the wand," Rain rolls her eyes, yet somehow knew that on screen her did want to for other reasons

Mal laughs "Not that you could,"

"Please. My mom taught me how to apply blush before I could talk. Always use upward strokes,"

"My mum was never really big on makeup tips - too focused on hair and I never had a sister."

"Well now you have two,"

"You guys really are a family," Rapunzel smiles over at the VK's "you can deny it, but it's obvious you care,"

"We're going to need all the family we can get If we don't pull this off. My mother's not a barrel of laughs when she doesn't get her way. Just ask Snow White."

"True," said woman mutters and everyone looks over at the quiet woman

"Are you afraid of her, are either of you afraid of your mothers?" Mal asks

"Sometimes, Rain?" Rain looks down at the floor and is clearly lost in thought "You okay?" Evie adds.

"Is it bad if I say yes," Mal and Evie looked shocked "she shouts and screams and thinks she's perfect, that's what makes it worse, she thinks she's a perfect mother but," She pauses

"Oh my god," Rapunzel mutters "How bad was it for you?" Rain just looks down as she realises that people over in Auradon didn't get that sort of treatment. Ben made a vow to get more people over from the Isle if this is how their own parents treated them as Rain let Evie and Carlos wrap their arms around her.

"What about you Mal,"

"I just really want her to be proud of me. She gets so angry with me when I disappoint her. And sh... yeah, she's my mom, so I know she loves me... In her own way."

"Moving on, come see" Evie pulls Rain up

"We're done?"

Evie pulls her in front of the mirror, hugging Rain from behind. Her hair is half up half down, A plait across the top of her head with a bun, and burgundy eyeshadow and a pinky lipstick on.

"Wow... Did not know I could look," Rain searches for the correct word "Princess-y. But like cool,"

Evie see's Rain's shocked expression "I know"

"I look..."

"Say it,"

"Not hideous."

"Not even close,"

The knocking awakes Rain from her trace and Mal gives her a thumbs up as she walks towards the door.

"For the first time, I understand the difference between pretty and beautiful," Rain snorts at Ben

Off screen Rain also snorts, along with a few people openly laughing

"I hope you like bikes," Rain grabs the helmet from him and as she turns around she widens her eyes at Evie and mouths a 'help' as Evie giggles.


Ben and Rain walk on a bridge over a valley of trees. Rain walks ahead, putting her arms out like a little kid.

"Tell me something about yourself that you've never told anyone"

"Um... my middle name is Gertrude,"

"What?" Jay starts laughing and Rain reaches over both Evie and Mal to slap him, causing her to basically lay over their knees

"It is bad," Mal adds

"Okay Mal Bertha," Mal gasps in shock and Rain smirks as Carlos helps her sit back up

"Gertrude?" They stop halfway across the bridge

"Yeah. Gertrude. Just my mum doing what she does best. Being really, really evil. Rain Gertrude Gothel.

"Mine's Florian."

"How princely. Oh, that's almost worse." Rain laughs as they keep moving

"I mean, you know, It's way better than Gertrude. But it's still not good,"

Belle smiled at them, even if Ben was under a love spell, they would be a great match.


"I'm putting my life into your hands right now," Rain jokes as Ben leads her with her eyes closed

"Watch your foot. Yeah. Are you good?"


"Now, step up. There you go. You ready?"

As Rain opens her eyes she's greeted by a destroyed gazebo by a river and a picnic laid out

"Wow..." Rain looks up at Ben and they stare at each other for a bit.

"Come on, sit down" he drags her forward.


"Is this your first time?"

"We don't really date much on the island. It's more like... Gang activity. I mean, people do date. Just not like this, " Rain responds, licking her fingers and gesturing to the beautiful picnic sprawled out.

"Gang activity?"

"Well, It's definitely not gonna be that is it," Rain gestures to the screen

"I meant, is this your first time eating a chocolate cupcake" Ben smirks

"That's embarrassing, Is it that bad?"

"You got a... Just a..." he moves forward and wipes it off her lips "I mean, yeah, do this,"rain licks her lips and rubs them together like Ben instructed.

"Cute," Evie squeals and Rain hides in her cushion in embarrassment

"Gone? You can't take me anywhere, I guess,"

"You know, I've done all the talking. Your turn. I really don't know that much about you. Tell me something."

"Well, I'm 16. I'm an only child. And I've only ever lived in one place,"

"Me, too. That... we have so much in common already."

"No! We definitely do not. " Rain pauses to put more cupcake in her mouth "And now you're gonna be king,"


"You don't sound so enthused about that, what's up?"

"See, notices when something's wrong," Lonnie points and everyone looks confused "I'm starting a list of why they should be together without a love spell," she explains

"A crown doesn't make you a king,"

Adam nods in agreement and all the teens nearly start laughing at the look on his face as he does so.

"Yeah it does, tiny bit," he sighs.

"No, it... Your mother is a child kidnapper and is joint worst evil, I've got the poster parents for goodness. But we're not automatically like them. We get to choose who we're gonna be. And right now, I can look into your eyes and I can tell you're not evil. I can see it."

"How?" Rain asks honestly

"I just can,"

"Like that clears things up," Mal grumbles

" Tell me one more thing"

"Um," Rain thinks for a bit "birthday is 11th of November, done,"

Everyone is suddenly paying much more attention

"What's that face for?" Rain asks when she sees Ben's shocked facial expression

"It's just um, Queen Rapunzel's daughter went missing that day,"

"She had a daughter?!" he nods "In all my mother's rants she never mentioned that,"

Rapunzel and Eugene look at eachother, then look to an oblivious Rain. Things were starting to make sense. Why Rain's hair occasionally gleamed under certain lights, why her laugh was so familiar, why she was so gifted at stealing.

"Anyway, let's go for a swim,"

"Hm? What? Uh... Right now?"

"Yeah, right now," Ben starts to unbutton his shirt.

"I think I'm just gonna stay here."

"No, no, no. Come on." he puts his hand out for Rain to take it.

"I think I'm gonna stay behind and try a strawberry. I've literally never tried a strawberry before." Rain shoves one in her mouth and makes a fake sound of admiration which soon turns to real when the taste hits her tongue.

"Don't eat all of them,"

"No promises!" she shouts as he leaves and puts another strawberry in her mouth.

Rain stands up and leans on one of the posts as Ben waves.

Cupping her hand around her mouth, she shouts "Are those little crowns on your shorts?"

"Maybe!" he suddenly roars and jumps in causing Rain to giggle.

"DId you just -?" Carlos starts

"Yep!" Rain hides her face in her cushion once again.

"What's wrong with giggling?" Jane asks quietly

"Giggling is an Evie thing, it's not an Isle thing," Mal explains.

♫ A million thoughts in my head ♫

♫ Should I let my heart keep listening? ♫

♫ Cause up 'til now, I've walked the line ♫

♫ Nothing lost but something missing ♫

♫ I can't decide what's wrong, what's right ♫

♫ Which way should I go?

"Wait... Progress," Jasmine acident;y says out-oud

♫ If only I knew what my heart was telling me ♫

♫ Don't know what I'm feeling ♫

♫ Is this just a dream? ♫

♫ Ah oh, yeah ♫

♫ If only I could read the signs in front of me ♫

♫ I could find the way to who I'm meant to be ♫

♫ Ah oh, if only ♫

♫ If only ♫

♫ If only ♫

♫ If only ♫

Rain starts to have flashbacks of the movie so far (mainly her and Ben moments).

"Oh my god," Lonnie mutters "she actually liked him. Like, like likes,"

Ben was shocked, sure he kind of liked the idea of him and Rain. But she actually liked him. And from what he saw on screen and off screen, they were a perfect match.

♫ Every step, every word ♫

♫ With every hour I'm feeling in ♫

♫ To something new, something brave ♫

♫ To someone I've never been ♫

♫ I can't decide what's wrong, what's right ♫

♫ Which way should I go ♫

♫ If only I knew what my heart was telling me ♫

♫ Don't know what I'm feeling ♫

♫ Is this just a dream? ♫

♫ Ah oh, yeah ♫

♫ If only I could read the signs in front of me ♫

♫ I could find the way to who I'm meant to be ♫

♫ Ah oh, If only ♫

Yeah ♫

♫ Am I crazy? ♫

♫ Maybe ♫

♫ We could happen ♫

♫ Yeah ♫

♫ Will you still be with me ♫

♫ When the magic's all run out? ♫

"Wait!" Fairy Godmother shouts "that's the enchanted lake,"

"So?" Jane asks her mother

"It's supposed to wash away all spells, and a simple love spell won't last,"

"That means Bennyboo will realise that theVK's are evil and get back with me," Audery crosses her legs smugly

"But you made Chad your boyfriend and date to the coronation," Lonnie tells her bluntly

♫ If only I knew what my heart was telling me ♫

♫ Don't know what I'm feeling ♫

♫ Is this just a dream? ♫

♫ Ah oh... ♫

♫ If only I could read the signs in front of me ♫

♫ I could find the way to who I'm meant to be ♫

♫ Ah oh... ♫

♫ If only, yeah ♫

♫ If only, yeah ♫

♫ If only, yeah ♫

♫ If only, yeah ♫

♫ If only ♫

♫ If only ♫

When Rain sits back down, Ben is nowhere to be seen. "Ben? Ben?!" he doesn't respond and somehow Rain decides going into the water is the best idea.

"Oh god," off screen Rain mumbles into her pillow and as she covers her eyes, Carlos and Evie block her ears for her.

"She can't swim," Jay tells everyone simply

Rain starts to struggle and Ben appears, clearly having just wanted to find a way to get her into the water, he places her down and she hits his shoulder, causing him to wince

"Deserved it," Doug says truthfully and even the adults nod.

"You... you can't swim?" He asks as if it was obvious


"You live on an island!"

"Yeah, with a barrier around it and killer sharks, remember?!"

"And you still tried to save me." he looks at her with a mix of shock and something else only the adults could identify.

"Yeah. And do you thank me? No! All I get is soaking wet and embarrassment!" Rain's anger can almost be felt through the screen and Rapunzel swears she sees a flash of yellow start to glow before it quickly goes back to normal

"And, uh, this fancy rock. It's yours. Make a wish and throw it back in the lake, " Rain keeps eye contact before violently throwing the rock back in. When she moves back to the picnic, Ben drapes his jacket over her shoulders.

He sits down next to her and starts playing with a strand of Rain's now soaking wet hair, She looks over to him and he starts talking again "Uh, Rain... I told you that I loved you. What about you? Do you love me?" Rain tries to avoid eye contact

"Wait, if the spell washed away surely this is actually Ben realising he did a whole song and dance in front of the whole school. RIght?" Lonnie asks Fairy Godmother

"You'd asume so,"

"I don't know that love feels like," he puts his hand under her chin and makes her look at him.

"Maybe I can teach you,"

"Awwww," the women chorus

"So, has the spell washed off?" Mal asks everyone

"You can't really tell," Jane adds

"Rain's magic could be strong enough to stop the lake," everyone looks to 'Grace' for an answer

"I'll tell you this one thing just because it will make future stuff way less awkward," 'Grace' sighs "Ben's spell washed completely away, he's actually being real with Rain,"

"Yes!" Lonnie jumps up, Evie squeals and Belle tries to hide her happiness

"I can openly ship them without worries or judgement!" Lonnie sits back down.

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