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"What about peacock feathers? Yeah, I bet you nobody's gonna have those at Cotillion" Chad is standing on a circular step while Evie fits him for an outfit.

"Nobody's going to have them for a reason," Lonnie mutters

"Chad, when I look at you, all I can think of is... 'king'," Chad gasps

"Really?!" he excitedly looks over at Evie

"No," everyone says bluntly, even Audrey.

"And fake fur... Uh-huh. ...fake fur says it all,"

"Loud and Clear," Doug agrees as Jay pokes his head through the door, looking to Chad.

"Amphitheatre in five!" he reminds him before giving Evie a nod and moving along the corridor.

"Why did the coach make him captain instead of me?" Chad complains "I'm obviously better,"

"Well..." Mal starts, putting on a bit of a patronising voice "Not really,"

"You don't even know what he's captain of, how do you know?!" Chad shouts over

"It's fencing club," Lonnie explains, getting it from what Jay was wearing

"Oh, he's definitely better at fencing that you," Rain grins.

" 'King Chad,' though. I do rather like that. You know who else would like that?"

"Who?" Evie obviously knows the answer but is entertaining Chad


"She would," Evie nods and Chad sniffs a bit, pulling a face as he controls himself

"Chad, let's go!" Jay is back by the door, obviously bored, but still waiting out of courtesy.

"I'm coming," he jumps off the step and Evie reaches forward, grabbing the cape before he runs off with it. Chad grabs his bag and gives a nod to Evie as thanks before Jay pats his back in comfort, seeing the teen was near tears.

"Come on," Jay practically drags him out.

"Aw, bromance," Lonnie smiles

"Ew," Chad glares "Not with him," several people laugh.

"Not a lot there there," both Evie and Doug sigh, looking to each other and giggling.

"Someone's obviously having some trouble dealing with his break-up with Audrey," Evie walks over to her desk, writing some measurements down

"My what?" Chad looks to Audrey in horror

"Sorry," she shrugs "You are getting a bit boring though,"

"Oh, that's awkward," Ben mutters and Rain laughs, hiding it with her hand.

"Yes," Doug agrees, spinning to type on his laptop "I've been doing the numbers..."


"And after we collect from all the girls for their gowns and Chad's cape..." Doug's pressers enter and the computer calculates something, Evie looks over and her eyes widen.

"Ah! Wow!" she stares in shock, laughing a bit from nerves before putting her elbow on Doug's shoulder "No wonder people work. What am I gonna do with all this money?"

"So, Evie will be supporting us all while we're late into our thirties, right?" Carlos asks laughing

"Right," Mal nods

"Uh, no," Evie sings "My money,".

"I think in the next few years, you could buy that castle you always wanted," Evie laughs and Doug grabs her hand "That way, you wouldn't need a prince." Evie stares at him for a moment before placing her other hand on top of his

"You're right, I don't. Because I have you,"


"Shut up," Evie glares at Rain, blushing slightly more than Doug was.

"Evie and Doug sitting in a tree -" Evie goes to hit Rain but she leans further into Ben

"I'll get you back,".

The scene changes to show Rain rushing through the school hallways, several books in her arms. She flings open her locker and there are several photos stuck to the inside, but the biggest one people can see is one of her and Ben at family day.

"Hi Rain," Rain jumps back from her locker, and turns to face where the voice came from, it was Ben.

"Jeez, that's a jump-scare," Lonnie jokes and Ben glares

"Hiya," she almost shouts from shock.

"Sucks to be you," Evie grins looking to her friend, knowing this would be a scene she could tease Rain about.

"I, have a little surprise for you,"

"Again? That's like every day now," Rain's hand goes to play with the necklace around her neck; an umbrella with a small blue gem to signify a raindrop.

"Or every other day. The even dates. Because you're," he moves closer to her "even more perfect than I thought," Rain lets out a loud snort and covers her mouth as she laughs.

"What was that?" Rain also laughs off screen,

"It wasn't that bad!"

"It was!"

"That was so bad,"

"No, it wasn't!" he defends and Rain removes her hand from her mouth.

"I'm embarrassed for you," Ben bobs her nose when had she scrunches it up during her smile "but you're right, I am perfect,"

"Come on, let me spoil you. You didn't have a lot growing up," he holds both Rain's hands out in front of him.

"You two are nauseating," Mal looks to Rain and Ben, still sitting very close to each other.

"I can't even make fun of you two for this it's just.... sweet," Evie realises

"We managed," somehow, both look in Rain's locker at the same time - where her spell book is on full display.

"Hey, didn't you donate that to the museum?" Rain slams her locker shut.

"Finally," Audrey sighs and everyone looks to her questionably "Look, it was inevitable someone would find it and Rain would be sent back to the Isle,"

"Is that still in there?" Rain wipes Ben's hair out of his face as a distraction "I hadn't noticed...But I've got to get to class. I really don't want to be late,"

"Ooh, miss deflection over here,"

"Shut up Carlos," Rain scoots closer to Evie slightly.

"No. You come this way. First off..." he takes a hold of one of Rain's hands again and drags her over to the end of the hallway "Tada," Rain's eyes widen and she lets out a small squeal. Right in front of her is a burgundy bike where all the metal is gold and there's a white decorative bow placed on the front.

"Oh Hades," Rain mutters, loving the bike but also being horrified that Ben spent so much money on her and she was lying to him.

"Do you like it?"

"Ben! Is Mal's favourite colour purple?" Rain asks rhetorically

"Yes," The girl nods and the Vk's snort

"This is amazing! It's Burgundy," She walks up to it and runs her hands over the seat. She turns back to him "I didn't get you anything..."

"You're taking me on a picnic with all my favourite foods, remember?" Ben leans against a locker nearby.

"No, that's Thursday," Rain puts her arm out and leans on the same locker.

"It is Thursday,"

"No. it's not,"

"Yes, it is," he goes to take out his phone.

"No, it's not,"

"It is," Ben shows Rain his lock screen. On top of the same family day photo Rain has in her locker, it says Thursday.

"You're a mess," Jay looks over to his friend

"It just appears so yeah," Rain agrees.

"I knew that," Rain tries to backtrack

"I mean, if you don't have it, that's fine,"

"No, no, no. I was fully messing with you. I knew it was Thursday. Otherwise, I'd have been going to all the wrong lessons! I just have one more thing to go bake," Rain taps his nose with each word "and then I am all yours,"

"Well, what about class?" he points behind him

"She multitasks," Rain flips her now long blonde and red hair back.

"She dabbles,"

"She dabbles," Rain kisses him on the cheek before speed walking off

"You're the best!"

"That's me!" Rain shouts back she gives Ben a grin before looking forward, pulling a panicked face only the audience could see.

"Oh, you're so screwed," Carlos grins.

On screen, Ben looks like a lovesick puppy while the screen changes to the fencing club.

"Dude, you are a goner," Doug comments and Ben sinks into his seat a bit. It was incredibly embarrassing for everyone to watch the few private moments he got with Rain.

In fencing club, Jay gets his arse kicked by a mystery man. Who turns out to not be a man, but in fact Lonnie. There was a lot of cheering from the girls when they found out, then a lot of boo-ing from the same girls when Chad said she couldn't join the team. Jay also got hit by Mal when he agreed because he didn't want to get in trouble.

"Since when have you cared about breaking the rules?!"

Carlos also attempts to ask Jane out and she completely misses the point.

Doug gives Carlos an unimpressed look, well what everyone assumes is one considering he was a dog "It wasn't the right time, all right?"

"That was rough," Rain comments

"Yeah," Carlos agrees "Let's not talk about it,"

"Sorry," Jane apologises, looking over to the VK plus Ben sofa "I'm a bit...oblivious,"

"Yeah, we can tell," Lonnie laughs. 


A/n: Hi so, a few things lol

1) Sorry for taking months to update

2) I did publish that AU book I was talking about and it's called 'Changing Circumstances', it'd mean a lot of you checked it out as this and that are my only Descendants books left to write. It's an AU where Rain wasn't kidnapped and it follows her through the movies as an AK instead of VK. 

3) I'm struggling a bit for reactions, so again I'm asking if you have any ideas, or certain things you want everyone to react to. Or even, have any ideas on how you think people would react to certain things.

4) About the updates, I have a way to get updates out quicker, but it would mean shortening a few things. I know the majority of you said you wanted them reacting to the whole movie, but it's just so time consuming and tiring for me. I experimented a bit with shortening the scenes with the fencing club at the end. Did you guys like that? Or would you prefer actual scenes but longer between updates like they are now? 

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