:A Surreptitious Relationship: Chapter Four

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“Do you know anything about the twins?” I inquired, turning my head slightly so I could see him. “Like, do you know them or anything?”

His grey eyes narrowed in confusion. “No, why?”

“No reason…”

I returned my attention back to the television where The Uninvited was playing. Chris shifted, causing me to shift as well since I was leaning back on him. Friday nights were movie nights for us. This week it was my choice. However, I couldn’t focus on the movie. My thoughts were too preoccupied by the twins— more specifically Aaron. What did he want to ask me? Did it have something to do with the reason why he looked like he recognized me the first time we saw each other?

“There’s something fishy about that Alex girl,” Chris commented quietly, scrutinizing the television screen. “No one ever speaks directly to her… What do you think?”

“I think Aaron might know us,” I blurted out suddenly. “Lexi too. They looked like the recognized me. What if they know something? What if they figured out we are dating? Or if somehow they know Shawn and—”

            Chris put a hand to my mouth, effectively silencing me. “Holly, calm down.”

            I stared at him, relaxing a little bit when I realized he looked completely calm. He pulled his hand away, offering me a small smile. “Shawn’s in jail. We don’t have to worry about him.”

            “But what if—”

            “There are no what ifs, Holly.”

            I frowned. “We have to consider everything though…”

            Chris shook his head. “You can consider everything without Shawn. I’ve never seen Alexis or Aaron in my life. There’s no way they know us. Have you?”

            “No,” I responded, “but they gave me the same look you did when you first saw me.”

            Chris smirked. “They looked at you like you were the person they loved?”

            I shook my head. “No! But—”

            “Listen, Holly. There’s no way they could know.”

            “But what if they did?” I demanded, giving him an impatient look.

            He sighed lightly. “If they knew we were dating, we would probably have to break up.”

            “Break up?” I echoed, feeling my mouth grow dry.

            “If they told someone, I would lose my job, and you could be expelled. I don’t particularly care if I lose my job, but I don’t want to see you expelled five months before you finish your senior year,” Chris told me, his eyes smoldering into mine. “But since they don’t know, we don’t have to worry about it, okay?”


            Chris groaned, wrapping his arms around me, and pulling me tightly against his chest. After that, he fixed the blanket around me so that it was around both of us. “You worry too much,” he commented, kissing the top of my head.

            I squirmed, but didn’t move away. “I just don’t want anything to happen...”

            “Neither do I,” he told me, “but if you’re paranoid about it, it won’t help anything.”

            He was right. Even if Lexi and Aaron knew something, it didn’t mean they knew everything. Lexi didn’t know we were dating— I knew that for sure. She just believed I had a crush on Chris. Which was okay. Aaron on the other hand… A frown flitted across my face again. It would be wise to be careful around him, at least.

            “Why are girls in horror movies so stupid?” Chris commented in an annoyed tone. “You don’t follow someone into the woods… Holly.”

            I smiled sheepishly at him. “If I hadn’t we wouldn’t be here today like this.”

            “True,” he responded with a frown. “I guess I should be happy you’re stupid.”


            Chris smirked at me. “Kidding. You’re too cute when you get all defensive.”

            Pursing my lips at him, I turned my gaze back to the television. Just as something popped up, making me jump in surprise. Chris let out a shout of pain as my head smacked into his jaw with enough force to make me groan in pain as well.

            “You always do that, Holly,” Chris protested. “Move your head so we both don’t end up with a concussion.”

            Suddenly the apartment door burst open, cause me to start again. Chris glared at me as once again our heads knocked together. I grinned sheepishly back at him, moving my head so I could see who entered. Jeremy was by the door, frozen in place, staring at me with wide eyes.

            “I burst in because I thought one of you had gotten hurt,” he started, his eyes never leaving mine. “But I can see you guys are doing something completely different. Maybe I should leave…”

            Chris rolled his eyes, giving Jeremy a flat look. “We’re not doing anything, Jeremy.”

            “Really now?” Jeremy responded, coming closer to us. “So if I just ripped this blanket off you, you’d have clothes on?” Without warning, Jeremy yanked the blanket off of Chris and myself. “Oh god!” he shouted, turning his head away. “Geez you two! Cover up!”

            Flushing, I moved away from Chris and glared at Jeremy. “Grow up.”

            He grinned back at me. “I’m just playing with you, Holly. I’ve never even seen you making out with Chris, let alone anything else.”

            “Jeremy,” Chris said warningly.

            Jeremy raised the boxes in his hand. “I brought pizza.”

            “What kind?” I asked curiously, pushing myself off the couch. “I’m hungry.”

            Jeremy gave Chris a disapproving look. “You don’t even feed your own girlfriend?”

            “She didn’t tell me she was hungry!”

            “You should just know.”

            “How am I supposed to just know, Jeremy?”

            He shrugged. “I don’t know. Shouldn’t it just be some kind of connection you two have?”

            Rolling my eyes, I took one of the pizza boxes away from Jeremy. “We were watching a movie. I didn’t want to interrupt it.”

            “You can interrupt if you’re hungry, Holly,” Chris told me reproachfully. “I don’t want you to starve.”

            “It’s fine,” I assured him, smiling slightly. “Let’s eat in the kitchen.”

            The three of us trooped into the kitchen and took a seat at Chris’s small, wooden kitchen table. Jeremy dropped the pizza box he was carrying onto the table and took a seat. “Okay, I got cheese for Holly and hamburger and bacon for you Chris, your favorite.”

            Sitting down across from Jeremy, I furrowed my eyebrows, staring at the bacon and hamburger pizza he had just opened. “What? Chris, you told me you only liked plain cheese.” I turned to him, frowning.

            Chris quickly adverted his gaze. “That’s because you only like cheese.”

            “But if you wanted something else I would have been fine—”

            “Aww,” Jeremy interjected, cutting me off. “You guys are so cute! I hope I can get a girlfriend like Holly soon.”

            Chris looked at Jeremy with a quizzical look. “What do you mean?”

            “Well I am in a high school full of girls. And let’s face it. I’m hot. Someone’s bound to fall for me.”

            Chris snorted. “Full of yourself much?”

            “Like you’re not, Chris,” I pointed out.

            He smiled smugly. “But at least there’s truth to it.”

            “I know at least one person is interested in me already,” Jeremy stated proudly, taking a slice of pizza out of the box. “Ow! Hot!” He dropped it onto the table, sticking his tongue out.

            “I’ll go get plates,” Chris stated, moving over to one of the cabinets. “Jeremy, you’re doing the dishes.”

            “Why can’t Holly?” he complained. “She’s the housewife here.”

            “She’s a guest,” Chris snapped.

            “So am I!”

            “No, you’re an annoyance.”


            “Jeremy, who do you think is interested in you?” I asked curiously, not affected by his comment. Was he talking about Casey?

            Jeremy gained a smug expression. “Lexi. She’s cute too, so I’m all for it. She even said I was hot.”

            My heart dropped a little bit. Jeremy wanted to go after Lexi? But what about Casey…? I shook my head. I didn’t even know whether Casey liked Jeremy anyway. It was just my stupid idea that Jeremy and Casey would make a cute couple… But they’d be so cute together. Not Lexi and Jeremy.

            “She called me hot too,” Chris told Jeremy, handing him a plate. “I wouldn’t be so excited.” He gave me a plate as well and finally took a seat next to me, pulling the pizza box towards him.

            Jeremy frowned. “She did?”

            “She also called Lance handsome, and Robby hot,” I pitched in.

            “Who’s Robby?”

            “Some dude in the year below me.”

            “Is he hot?”

            I hesitated for a moment, briefly glancing at Chris. He shook his head at me, grinning. “Are you interested in younger men as well, Jeremy?” he asked, looking amused.

            Jeremy scoffed. “No. But Robby is just a boy. I’m a man. Chicks dig men.”

            “Mature men,” Chris corrected him. “And I’m sorry to say you’re not one of those, Jer.”

            “But you know who might be interested in you?” I said quickly before Chris and Jeremy could start bickering.

            Jeremy looked interested. “Who?”


            “Holly,” Chris said with a sigh.

            “What?” I responded defensively.

            He pursed his lips at me. “Do you really think trying to get Jeremy and Casey together is a good idea?”


            “Think about it. Jeremy times two…”

            A grimace crossed my face when I realized what he meant. Would I be able to deal with double the teasing if they got together? It might be a little annoying, but I was sure I’d get used to it. “I think they’d be cute together.”

            “Casey is really cute too,” Jeremy mused, taking a bite of his pizza. “But I don’t think she’s interested in me. But if she was, I’d be all for it.

            “Don’t talk with your mouth full,” Chris chided.

            Jeremy smirked. “That’s what she said.”

            Chris gave him a flat stare. “Ha. I still don’t think you and Casey getting together is a good idea. Think about it.”

            I picked up a piece of cheese pizza and took a bite, chewing slowly. Would it really be a good idea to get Jeremy and Casey together? Did I want to put them through the same thing Chris and I had to go through? Not being able to go anywhere public in fear of being found out? They would have to stay holed up in Jeremy’s house, or apartment, or wherever Jeremy lived just like Chris and I did. It was easy for me to do it, but would Casey care? And what about her mom? I frowned slightly. My relationship with Chris was more complicated than I’d imagined. We were extremely lucky people.

            “I don’t see anything wrong with it,” Jeremy finally commented, furrowing his eyebrows.

            Chris sighed. “Never mind then, Jeremy.”

            Jeremy looked confused, but let it drop. I decided not to speak up. It really didn’t bother me that Chris and I couldn’t do what normal couples did. But I didn’t want to let him know I knew we were missing out on a lot. Knowing him, he’d probably feel guilty about it, and I didn’t want that.

            “Jeremy, do you know Alexis or Aaron from anywhere?” Chris suddenly asked, frowning slightly.

            Jeremy furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. “Not that I know of, why?”

            “Holly thinks they might know her.”

            I stared at Chris in surprise. “I thought you said not to worry about it? Does this mean you think something’s going on too? What if—”

            Chris shook his head. “No, you just got me curious. If they knew Holly than that’s why they might have been shocked to see you. I was thinking Jeremy might know whether they do or not since he’s Holly’s cousin.”

            “Oh,” I responded, calming down again. A blush set on my face. “S-sorry…”

            He chuckled. “Don’t worry about it, Holly.”

            Jeremy frowned slightly. “You know, now that I’m thinking about it, I actually think I may have seen them before…”

            “You have?” Chris and I chorused.

            Jeremy nodded. “I’ve never met them per se, but I definitely remember seeing them somewhere. But I’m not sure where exactly.”

            Chris and I exchanged glances. I turned back to Jeremy, leaning over the table towards him. “Think carefully, Jeremy. Did you seem them with Holly, or with me?”

            “Holly, definitely.”

            I fell back in my seat now, relief washing over me. So they must know the other Holly. That made me feel a lot more comfortable. A small laugh left my lips. “Jeez, I was worried for nothing.”

            Jeremy raised an eyebrow. “What were you worried about?”


            “Holly thought they were onto us,” Chris informed him.

            Jeremy laughed. “I wouldn’t worry about that, Holly. As long as you guys are discreet. I haven’t heard one inkling towards you and Chris’s relationship.”

            “You’ve only been there one day,” I pointed out.

            Jeremy shrugged. “Still. I’ll keep an ear out.”

            “We won’t have to worry about it,” Chris said firmly. “No one will find out.”

            “I’m going to get to the bottom of this on Monday,” I announced. “I’ll just talk to Aaron about it.”

            “Why not Alexis?” Chris inquired, frowning.

            “Aaron seems more suspicious. Lexi just seems… girly.”

            Jeremy chuckled. “Well, she is a girl.”

            “I guess it would make sense that they knew Holly,” Chris commented thoughtfully. “They transferred here from the performing arts school.”

            “How do you know that?” I asked him.

            He shrugged. “I looked through their file. They’re an interesting case. Apparently Alexis had a relationship with a teacher from her other school and both of them got in trouble. He was fired, and Alexis was forced to transfer to our school.”

            I nearly choked on my pizza. “Wait, are you serious?”

            He nodded, smirking at me. “How does it feel to know you’re not alone when it comes to relationships with teachers?”

            I didn’t reply. If Lexi had a relationship with a teacher before, why did she tell me it was impossible? Was she saying that because she had been caught? And if she had a relationship with a teacher before, did that mean she thought it was okay to have another? With either Jeremy or Chris?

            “Holly, what’s wrong?” Chris asked, giving me a worried look.

            I shook my head quickly. “Nothing…”

            “Afraid she might try to steal you from me?” he guessed teasingly.

            I blushed, glaring at him. “No!”

            He laughed. “Don’t worry, Holly. She’s not my type at all. Besides, I love you too much.”

            “I love you too,” I responded out of habit, feeling a little more relaxed. Not that I ever doubted Chris. But Lexi was a cute girl…

            “Chris couldn’t have her anyway,” Jeremy commented with a complacent look. “She’s interested in me.”

            Giving Jeremy a flat look, I picked up my pizza again and started eating it. Jeremy started talking to Chris about something all teachers had to attend next weekend. I zoned out, not really caring about some gathering of the teachers. It was weird Jeremy was attending though. I still found it hard to believe he was an actual teacher. Gym class was going to be harder than usual this year… Maybe I could tell Chris Jeremy was harassing me… I smirked. That wasn’t actually a bad idea.

            “Holly, when you’re finished eating I’ll take you home,” Chris started, snapping out of my thoughts. “It’s almost ten.”

            Jeremy raised an eyebrow. “She’s not spending the night?”

            “I don’t always spend the night, Jeremy. Only when my mom goes out of town because she doesn’t want me alone,” I informed him.

            “Really?” Jeremy responded dubiously. “But it’s a Friday night. Why can’t she stay later, Chris? I want to stay too.”

            “You can stay,” Chris, told him, looking putout. “But Holly has a curfew.”

            Jeremy snorted. “Wait, are you kidding me?”

            “I didn’t use to,” I told him defensively. “My mom went psycho after I was stabbed. Now I’m not allowed to stay out later than ten o’clock… Especially here.”

            Chris smiled wryly. “She’s kind of upset at me. Not that I can blame her. I did almost get her daughter killed.”

            “It was my fault—”

            “No, Holly. Stop saying that.”

            I huffed at him. “Same goes for you.”

            “An eighteen year old with a curfew,” Jeremy snickered. “How lame.”

            Pursing my lips at him, I dropped my gaze to my pizza. He was right— it was lame. But it wasn’t like I could just ignore my mom’s orders. She was only doing it because she was worried about me. Even though the gang was now long gone. Maybe I could convince her to at least give me until midnight…

            When the time of parting came, Jeremy swept me up in a gigantic bear hug, promising he’d see me Monday. Chris eventually had to force him away from me so we could leave and be on time for my curfew. It was a silent ride, aside from the rain that was pounding down on the roof the car. Chris’s radio had broken a few weeks before.

             “Is anyone here?” Chris inquired when we pulled up to my house twenty minutes later. “It seems a little dark.”

            I made a face, staring up at my black house. My mom set a curfew for me, but if she wasn’t around to make sure I kept it, what was the point? Sighing, I unsnapped my belt buckle. “She must have had to work late…”

            “Can I come in then?”

            I turned to Chris in surprise. “What?”

            He tilted his head to the side. “Is that a yes or no?”

            “T-that’s a yes!” I stuttered feeling flustered for some reason. “It’s just you’ve never asked me if you could come in before…”

            He chuckled. “There’s a first for everything, Holly.”

            I stared from Chris, to my house, and back to Chris again. The last time we had been in my house alone together was when I first met him. Nervousness spread through me, but so did excitement.

            “You ready to go in?” Chris asked, cutting the engine.



Sorry to end it there, but this took about four hours to write, and I usually only write four hours per chapter! :D

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Today's song is...  All Over You by The Spill Canvas. It's an amazing song!

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