Chapter 7

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-feels warning-

I sit at the Hades table, alone as usual. I don't eat much; I just watch the head table waiting for Chiron to announce Will's absence.

I can hear whispers of the other demigods' theories on where Will is, but none of them have even guessed close to what we know.

Chiron taps his hoof on the ground, quieting the entire pavilion. "I would first like to welcome Skye Rayne, Daughter of Apollo to Camp Half-Blood!" Polite clapping (and really loud clapping from the Ares table) is heard through the pavilion.

"And secondly, as you may have noticed: Will Solace is missing. He wasn't here this morning and Nico was unable to contact him through dreams." Gasps are heard when they find out even I was unable to contact Will.

"What do we do then!?" Shouts a camper.

Annabeth stands up. "We need another clue before we send people looking. If we send them more we'll waste time and resources."

Everyone looks at me to see how I'm handling this. I'm not doing too well. I'm fine if I know he's safe here at Camp while I go visit my sister, but I don't know where he is now. I want him back. I need him back.

Tears well up in my eyes as I walk back to my cabin. I need my Sunshine back.

I can't believe this has already gotten 60+ veiws and about 20 votes! Thank you everyone who is reading this! <3 YOU'RE AWESOME!

(I  started and finished watching Yuri on Ice today. #Vikturi)

Anyways Cakes,

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