Omake: Alt. Timeline

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AN: I was going to post this after the next chapter but I thought I might as well post it now since it's done.

Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura find themselves sent to the day of the Uchiha Massacre an hour before it happens and they were conveniently in the Uchiha Training Ground. No words were needed as Sasuke transformed into his giant black hawk form and let Naruto and Sakura climb on his back. With a screech he flapped his mighty wings and shot into the sky. He circled over the clan grounds before spotting his prey, Madara.

"SSSRRREEEEEECCHHH(DIE MADARA)!" Sasuke screeched angrily distracting Madara and waking up all his clan members. Sasuke lunged down towards him shifting into his Chimera form in midair. Naruto and Sakura quickly jumped off to the sides as Sasuke slammed his paw down on Madara. Or at least tried to as Madara used Kamui to get out of danger.

Unfortunately for Madara, Sasuke was way too fast for him so when he tried to attack he almost couldn't dodge a claw that would've gutted him straight through the middle. From there it turned to a game of cat and mouse, a very dangerous one as Sasuke single mindedly targeted Madara the entire time, brushing off the attempts of Tsukkomi by instantly breaking the illusion and any attempts at Ameratsu had the black flames consumed.

Unnoticed to them the entire Uchiha clan was watching from a safe distance with all the other Konoha ninja. Fugaku finally decided to ask everyone's burning question."What's going on?"

"Sasuke's fighting Madara because he said he was going to kill all of you." Naruto said in the most innocent tone ever seeing as he was currently 8.

"...that's Sasuke?" Fugaku questioned stunned, finally noticing that Sasuke wasn't among the clan members.

"Yep!" Naruto exclaimed with a smile. "He's awesome like that!"

"Why didn't he ever tell me?" Fugaku asked.

"Well you know how the villagers look at me, right?" Naruto said turning solemn and starting to fidget nervously. Fugaku understood what he was trying to say, he was never one to have a negative opinion of Naruto as he knows the difference between a scroll and a Kunai, but he could see where Naruto was going.

"Ahh." Fugaku said simply. "How did this happen though?" He questioned.

"He was born with it, just like I was born with a shadow demon inside my head." Sakura interjected. "Of course I didn't know it at first as I thought it was just an alternate personality but there was an incident of me releasing it in anger, do you remember what happened to training ground 59?"

Fugaku indeed remembered that unexplained explosion at that training ground a year ago, they couldn't find the perpetrator and they would've never had guessed it was a child not even in the ninja academy yet.

Suddenly their attention was once again directed at the fight as Sasuke fired a blast of black lightning at Madara causing an explosion as it impacted the ground. Madara screamed as it penetrated his Kamui and he fired Ameratsu at Sasuke in anger. Unfortunately for him Sasuke was now thinking straight, as he had released most of his anger chasing Madara like a cat chasing a mouse, and decided to use the flames to do his favorite move.

The black flames formed into a ball and Sasuke swallowed it. Madara's eye widened recognizing the move from controlling the Kyuubi. Unfortunately he knew he could not escape it now.

"AMERATSU BIJUDAMA!" Sasuke shouted firing the ball of flames and chakra straight at Madara, disintegrating him. The backlash of the move would've also hit the audience if Sakura had quickly formed a shadow barrier in her spectral form. Once the barrier dissolved Fugaku quickly ran over to an exhausted Sasuke.

"Papa. You're alright." Sasuke said in a small voice with tears in his eyes before fainting. Fugaku scooped him up in his arms and, for once openly expressing emotion, cried.

"Fugaku your boy is very powerful, we must use him to become powerful." Greedy, intrepid, elder number one said. Fugaku whipped around with pure rage at the elder's impudence, his sharingan glaring straight into the elder's eyes.

"You impudent fool! You think I would use my son for something so foolish, we have quite enough strength, and frankly I'm tired you ranting bullshit of trying to take over Konoha. Konoha is our home and sure we may be discriminated against because of our sharingan but frankly I don't care about that because this our home. Just like it is Naruto's home, and you don't see him going insane and slaughtering the villagers for beating him every inch of his life, despite all the things they do to him, he still stays strong, stronger than all of us that will of his. And even if we did take it over what would become of us, you are just like those villagers going with the majority and not bothering to look underneath the underneath. Now since we are having this conversation I hereby denounce you all of your positions for daring to go against your clan head, ANBU! Please send them to T&I and bring me and these three to Hokage-sama at once." Fugaku lectured before the ANBU lurking in the shadows apprehended the elders.

"Mikoto please deal with the rest of the clan while I have a meeting with the Hokage." Fugaku requested before bringing Naruto and Sakura closer to him as they stared at him shocked.

"You two are coming with me and Sasuke cause you seem to know more about my son than me, by the way are the wings and cat appendages there are or am I just seeing things." Fugaku said staring strangely at Sasuke.

"He usually hides them with a henge so he must be very exhausted, but yes they've always been there." Sakura replied still slightly shocked at Fugaku's defense for them.

"I guess it's the same for you two, anyway, Itachi please lead the way." Fugaku said knowing that it was his eldest under the crow mask. Itachi blinked in surprise but smiled slightly and led the way.

AN: I know this is just an omake for now but do you guys want it to be like a parallel universe to this story or do you just want it to be an omake?

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